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Posts posted by Jeeses

  1. Why is it that people need to flame rather than debate the point? But I will play devils advocate here. If as you say new gear is new and old gear is old does the new gear equal the old gear stat wise? Or did you not see that point before you decided to toss this out? If the new gear equaled new gear values would this post have been started? Obviously not.


    Because i spent 4-5 days "debating" the issue with someone a week ago. It felt like i was bashing my head against a brick wall because the person who was putting forward your exact same argument basically wanted an advantage because he has old top tier. The people with your opinion were so stuck in their ways i got over trying to discuss the topic. Plus this has appeared numerous times since 2.0, its such an overdone topic.




    Is where all my points of discussion regarding this topic are made. I can't imagine you will read it though.

  2. Awfully long post for an "easy" fix. At this point they should just eliminate expertise and change Partisan/ Conqueror to Arkanian/ Underworld on the pvp vendors. Keep the costs in wz comms the same, as well as the trade in mechanic and be done with it. Then they can have their balanced game where everyone can do all of the content all of the time w/o any real work involved.




    It is an easy fix, I've gone in depth as much as possible to attempt to put forth a constructive argument and possible solution, that could be replied to and evolved into a possibly really good fix to the problem. Not a "DERP I NO HOW 2 FX DA BLTSA ISHU DO DIS DEN DAT = FXD"



    PvP players will always want PvP gear, and PvE players will always want PvE gear, whilst I can see the logic behind your idea, I dont think its an ideal solution, however simple it would indeed be.

  3. Now I'm sure most of you forum posters have seen me backing bolster since its release. I will continue to do so because I see the light.


    A big issue is the PVE>PVP because pve gear has higher stats and bolster gives them free expertise.


    Imo, there is an easy solution to this. (possibly not easy to implement but anyway)


    Bolster should boost you to a % of Partisan gear stats, lets say 70.00% ? Done on a per item basis obviously. Say you have 50% partisan gear, you'll only lose 15% stats compared to full partisan. Obviously %'s could be played with, but just using them as examples for now.


    Bolster is only ever applied on gear without expertise . This would also mean that anyone with PvE gear that has higher stats is affected by bolster, but not purely by boosting their expertise.

    What I am suggesting, is that when someone has PVE gear that is of a higher stat lvl than partisan, that they are debuffed, Bringing their stats back down to 70% that I suggested bolster would buff undergeared people to. Then those who are in greens etc, would be buffed. Which would result in them being reasonably competitive, so that they dont get roflstomped and leave pvp.


    For the sake of the topic, lets look at http://www.torhead.com/item/1OcsN4G/...survivors-robe


    It offers the following stats:

    +116 Endurance

    +43 Willpower

    +82 Expertise Rating

    +47 Absorption Rating

    +56 Glance Rating


    Now lets use my 70% figure on it,


    81.2 Endurance

    30.1 Will power

    57.4 Expertise

    32.9 Absorption rating

    39.2 Glace rating


    Presuming that they based the bolster stats off the partisan tanking chest (admittedly not the most likely choice) These would be the stats of the chest slot (only with gear in the slot, perhaps make the stats only 50% of partisan without gear to make people actually wear clothes) That did not already have expertise in the slot.


    This would mean that those in bad lvling gear would be boosted upto to a competitive level, and those in good PVE gear would have their stats bought down and adjusted to a lvl that means that they are competitive, however not overpowered.


    Unfortunately for those of you who hate bolster, it looks like its stuck around for the long run. Personally I think this is a good thing because overall its a good idea, it just needs to be played with a bit until its better.

    Yes it should have been fixed on PTS, yes it shouldn't have been pushed to live as it is, but unfortunately it was, so instead of QQing and demanding it be removed, we need to search for ideas to fix the system.


    Obviously my suggestion would make those PVE focused who casually pvp pretty butthurt because "my stats are bad why would I go into PVP" etc etc but really bolster isn't designed for those who are dedicated PVE players, its designed around those who are new, PVE players are in a weird grey area because they're technically new as far as PVP goes, but not new in general because of their PVE experience.


    Later down the track, when conq gear is no longer the top, they could remove expertise from partisan (it would then be bolstered) and increase bolster to say 70% of conq gear. This way those who haven't pvp'd for a long time and return are once again semi current, and those who have a half decent set because of casual play will still remain competitive with the use of bolster. Using this sort of a system they could always increase the stats with each set greatly as they always have done, giving the appearance of a wonderful carrot on the end of the stick. But in reality you're always going to be a maximum % stronger than the newest of new players

  4. If you can't burn through someone in a matter of seconds your doing something wrong.


    Boosting dps would mean that everybody would be REQUIRED to have healers and tanks, I don't know if you pay any attention, but not every single team always has a couple heals and at least 1 tank.

  5. omg an expansion was released and all my pretty pixels are no longer relevant to my progression whatever will i do.

    OH I KNOW! I'll log onto forums and QQ about it because I'm a butthurt crybaby. That'll fix the problem for sure!


    New gear is new, old gear is old. Never ever in the history of MMO has gear from vanilla translated directly 2.0

    Admittedly some of top vanilla wow gear was decent in early BC but blizz learnt from that and fixed it.


    Be grateful that you have decent gear to earn those commendations in rather than butthurt that you can't instantly skip the grind that those who don't EWH will have to do without any real gear.

  6. Neither. I use a steering wheel and stick shift for movement. I use three pedals under the desk for abilities, with CTRL and Shift modifiers.


    My rotation is:

    Gas Pedal

    Shift + Gas Pedal


    CTRL + Brake


    Shift+ Brake


    Then I drop it down to 4th gear and double clutch -> shift + gas pedal.




    JK I use keyboard like everyone else who is gonna answer this thread



    I thoroughly enjoyed trying to figure out how that would possible work. thank you for the lols

  7. Later down the track, when conq gear is no longer the top, they could remove expertise from partisan (it would then be bolstered) and increase bolster to say 70% of conq gear. This way those who haven't pvp'd for a long time and return are once again semi current, and those who have a half decent set because of casual play will still remain competitive with the use of bolster.


    Using this sort of a system they could always increase the stats with each set greatly as they always have done, giving the appearance of a wonderful carrot on the end of the stick. But in reality you're always going to be a maximum % stronger than the newest of new players

  8. Later down the track, when conq gear is no longer the top, they could remove expertise from partisan (it would then be bolstered) and increase bolster to say 70% of conq gear. This way those who haven't pvp'd for a long time and return are once again semi current, and those who have a half decent set because of casual play will still remain competitive with the use of bolster.
  9. Now I'm sure most of you forum posters have seen me backing bolster since its release. I will continue to do so because I see the light.


    A big issue is the PVE>PVP because pve gear has higher stats and bolster gives them free expertise.


    Imo, there is an easy solution to this. (possibly not easy to implement but anyway)


    Bolster should boost you to a % of Partisan gear stats, lets say 70.00% ? Done on a per item basis obviously. Say you have 50% partisan gear, you'll only lose 15% stats compared to full partisan. Obviously %'s could be played with, but just using them as examples for now.


    Bolster is only ever applied on gear without expertise . This would also mean that anyone with PvE gear that has higher stats is affected by bolster, but not purely by boosting their expertise.

    What I am suggesting, is that when someone has PVE gear that is of a higher stat lvl than partisan, that they are debuffed, Bringing their stats back down to 70% that I suggested bolster would buff undergeared people to. Then those who are in greens etc, would be buffed. Which would result in them being reasonably competitive, so that they dont get roflstomped and leave pvp.


    For the sake of the topic, lets look at http://www.torhead.com/item/1OcsN4G/partisan-survivors-robe


    It offers the following stats:

    +116 Endurance

    +43 Willpower

    +82 Expertise Rating

    +47 Absorption Rating

    +56 Glance Rating


    Now lets use my 70% figure on it,


    81.2 Endurance

    30.1 Will power

    57.4 Expertise

    32.9 Absorption rating

    39.2 Glace rating


    Presuming that they based the bolster stats off the partisan tanking chest (admittedly not the most likely choice) These would be the stats of the chest slot (only with gear in the slot, perhaps make the stats only 50% of partisan without gear to make people actually wear clothes) That did not already have expertise in the slot.


    This would mean that those in bad lvling gear would be boosted upto to a competitive level, and those in good PVE gear would have their stats bought down and adjusted to a lvl that means that they are competitive, however not overpowered.


    Unfortunately for those of you who hate bolster, it looks like its stuck around for the long run. Personally I think this is a good thing because overall its a good idea, it just needs to be played with a bit until its better.

    Yes it should have been fixed on PTS, yes it shouldn't have been pushed to live as it is, but unfortunately it was, so instead of QQing and demanding it be removed, we need to search for ideas to fix the system.


    Obviously my suggestion would make those PVE focused who casually pvp pretty butthurt because "my stats are bad why would I go into PVP" etc etc but really bolster isn't designed for those who are dedicated PVE players, its designed around those who are new, PVE players are in a weird grey area because they're technically new as far as PVP goes, but not new in general because of their PVE experience.


    INB4 Bolster is bad remove it.

  10. keybinder,


    its faster. (i have a naga) aswell as my keyboard, so more buttons are readily available.


    I can combo a number of different abilities quickly together, however it doesnt have to be say button 1-2-3 on a quickbar, it could be 1 on qb1 7 on qb3 6 on qb 4 etc. I like having them all around the edges of my screen so I can have a better visual of whats happening.


    say you had maul and shock as quick bar 1 button 4 and 5 on the left hand side of your window, but electrocute was on the right hand side down the bottom.


    pressing maul and shock straight after each other would be simple for a clicker, but if I needed to say maul and electrocute, it would distract my view from the screen and where my enemy is by having to watch my mouse from one side of the screen to the other.


    Basically keybinders get access to more abilities quicker.

  11. He can rite a post like he wants cuz if you dont wanna read it than tats ur biz and not have to make it someone els or not and if u dont like it then dont cuz i dont care and i can dop it like i wnat ok and irf that isnt ok than ur not worth it.


    ^ I.... I don't even...... Do you even English?




  12. ROFL!! Dude have you ever heard about test center? That's where they do the tests. But SWTOR PvP is already dumbed down to the ground, to the worst PvE players level no more bolster needed, those people are hopeless.


    I like SWTOR PvP, clearly you don't so go elsewhere?

  13. It doesn't excuse me from at least some basic use of grammar on the internet eh? Well then somebody call the police i better be thrown in prison for not having the common courtesy to make it easier for some ****** to read something on the internet. If you can prove to me that you can respond to a post in a constructive way and provide something to the community besides looking for someone to wave your little grammar dick at. Then i will take it under consideration to *********** care about the structure of my posts.


    Oh and you spelled Jesus wrong.



    If you'd simply put in the miniscule amount of effort required to press enter a couple of times I would have actually had a debate regarding your issue, but clearly that was too hard.


    Not named after Jesus anyway. Was inside joke with guild from BC days that just stuck.

  14. They have messed up big time with PVP from the start - imo its not getting better its getting worse!



    They've confirmed that they're trying to reduce the gear dependency of PvP, making it less about who is 100% decked out (should theoretically be better due to time spent earning) and more about who is actually better, they're keeping gear progression alive but reducing the gap between no gear and each set beyond what we have now.


    Yes the issue with not being ready was BW/EA. However how do you suggest they properly test a game when there are barely any playing the game as is let alone on a PTR when anything done isn't at all beneficial?


    Have they not trialled the bolster by releasing it in 2.0, and then adjusted it based on the errors attached (naked bolster.) they've already fixed one problem with it so where is your reasoning to suggest that they would not be already working to release additional adjustments to further improve it.


    I stated that the posts above me were narrow minded because they are, simple as that. I wasn't using it as a way to boost my argument, its just a fact that they are narrow minded. Demanding something be totally removed before there is even a chance to test it on a real scale let alone make any further improvements screams narrow mindedness, I challenge anyone to argue that. Change is scary guys.

  15. Good for you? I blew through English at school. Big woop.


    That doesn't excuse you from at least some basic use of grammar on the internet.

    You write papers? Cool story bro, please tell me more about how that excuses you from using some simple grammar.


    I hear pressing enter twice occasionally is hard, with the odd bit of punctuation thrown in for fun.




    Just to clarify, the space entered wasn't done by me, for some reason it's doing what it wants.

  16. Yes because i graduated high school and busted my *** to get a 95% in English so i could live the rest of my life appeasing internet trolls. No, i busted my *** to get a 95 so i could get into the RMC and start my degree. Type up a seven page essay about the economics of war and send it up your ***. Then come here and tell me to care what a few trolls think of a post on the SWTOR forums.




    Good for you? I blew through English at school. Big woop.


    That doesn't excuse you from at least some basic use of grammar on the internet.

    You write papers? Cool story bro, please tell me more about how that excuses you from using some simple grammar.


    I hear pressing enter twice occasionally is hard, with the odd bit of punctuation thrown in for fun.



  17. Stupid bolster threads are pushing the important threads like this deep into the page count!!! Don't let this happen people! Bolster is fine I prefer to be naked in swtor since I can't walk around in public in real life naked without getting arrested. Give us cross server rateds!!!




    Had a wonderful laugh when i read this! thank you

  18. hes not a troll. he speaks the truth. it takes a couple of days to get full partisan gear. their is no need for bolster at 55. it has destroyed the game. people who are pvping without partisan gear are obviously not interested in pvping very much or they would have the gear. getting rolled for a couple of days after hitting 55 is not a big deal. they should remove bolster from endgame because right now it is a mess and any changes they do is just going to keep making it worse.




    No, he is very much a troll. He gave a few word long response and didn't back his argument.

    Example: I'm on my scoundrel and i post in /1 "scoundrel is the only true dps class."

    Offer no reasoning behind my example and just watch /1 explode, its very amusing.


    Plain and simple its trolling, but that's not why I'm commenting.


    Bolster IS a step forward, you narrow minded people can't seem to get your head around it. Once they iron out the issues it will result in a smaller gear gap between those who come in, and those who are well geared.


    Lets say that by the end of May, all those who are PvP focused are in full partisan gear, minimum. Whilst most are in at least half are up to the next gear bracket again, and those who are dedicated are in 100%, and min/maxed etc.


    Pre 2.0 they just handed out a set of gear to everybody so they would be at least somewhat competitive.

    Now they will simple boost bolster to say, Partisan, or maybe the stats equivalent of 80% Partisan.


    This way they don't have to hand out gear, so those who fought hard for it feel it wasn't wasted, and later down the track PvP will still be competitive because those who are new will be able to put up a fight.


    The biggest issue with Bolster is PvE>PvP there is a solution to that, its just not come to light quite yet. Once its fixed then bolster will be in a good place. It's only because bolster is new and there's new gear and people are only just getting their hands on PvP stuff that's causing the issues.


    If they had released this bolster just before 2.0, and everybody was in full WH, minimum. They could have bolstered stats to the equivalent of battlemaster, rather than just hand the gear to us in a box when we ding. The result would have been the same.



    It's just a cluster**** because there is far too much happening at once.

  19. Obviously the changes to marauder/sent are making the bad players leave the class. Good! Now I can get MVP votes again when I lead damage by 200-300 k, instead of "lolsmasher" and ticked off teammates lol.


    Yes because i said that i was leaving the class and was doing poorly because of the changes. The point of this was the most recent fixes to bolster dropped my stats a ****ton and my dps suffered. I have no idea what you were reading. And to the troll posts about paragraphs. If you really care that much about it you might want to leave the internet forever.



    Perhaps you should leave the internet and go back to high school?

  20. bolster is here to stay by the looks of it. It is a good system, which needs to be played around with.


    Pvp should be about how good a player is at their role, not how pretty their pixels are.

    Bolster is making this happen, however it is definitely a work in progress.


    PvE > PvP needs to be address urgently.


    They clearly weren't ready at release of 2.0, however 16/4 patch made a improvement to the system so looks like its on its way up. Give it some time before you cry that its broken and demand it be removed.


    How do you think anything would ever get better if devs didn't try something and then play with it over time....? Ever heard of trial and error?



    And before you go on about how thats what the PTR is for etc etc and how your a paid sub blah blah blah:


    Swtor has a relatively small player base, nothing compared to say WoW (omg i mentioned it.) We can't expect Devs to look at every single possibility in a PTR because the number of people on them would be so minimal in comparison to a PTR on a game of a much larger scale. So unfortunately because we are a smaller game things will always be pushed into live faster and dealt with if/when errors occur.

  21. bolster is here to stay by the looks of it. It is a good system, which needs to be played around with.


    Pvp should be about how good a player is at their role, not how pretty their pixels are.

    Bolster is making this happen, however it is definitely a work in progress.


    PvE > PvP needs to be address urgently.


    They clearly weren't ready at release of 2.0, however 16/4 patch made a improvement to the system so looks like its on its way up. Give it some time before you cry that its broken and demand it be removed.


    How do you think anything would ever get better if devs didn't try something and then play with it over time....? Ever heard of trial and error?

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