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Posts posted by Jeeses

  1. Whilst I myself am a mere 20, I used to raid with a couple in their 60s back when i was playing wow.

    Bumped into them on my return to wow towards the end of cata, when i returned to the raid scene they were well ahead of me, and offered me all the help I could ever want.


    When mop rolled around we all started fresh, I was the 1st in my team to 90, from memory i was 90 on the thursday night... But i didnt even play on release day.


    The two of them and I were clocking about 18-20hour days on wow (don't judge me! :p)

    By the time the masses were raid ready myself and the two of them were in the top percentage of players.

    I was #2 dps warrior on horde frostmourne (if any wowers are reading) without stepping foot in a raid. Purely because the three of us had put in so many hours into getting as good as possibly whilst the rest of the team was getting 90 and gearing.


    By the time LFR rolled out I only needed the sword from 5th boss, and that was only a minor upgrade because of the extra strength. By the time our team was there I only needed 2-3 pieces of NM gear. This was all within the first few weeks of MOP.


    We eventually got raiding and were i think within first 15 guilds through MSV, cant remember exactly but we were one of the early birds to get elegon down (god i hated that fight) and last boss was a joke)


    I love playing with older members of the mmorpg community. Please don't shy away from me :) whilst I can understand you don't really want to hang around with the 12 year olds, there are few of us who do. I hate them :p


    I doubt many will read, and fewer would ever contact me, but feel free.


    Belzagor on harbringer

  2. I think the best combination is a serendipitous conq and partisan, however I could be wrong.

    Sorry I cant be of more help, but I know for certain that 2 of the same conq relics don't work

  3. do the effects stack??? im using the conqueror relic of serendiptious and the old war hero relic of boundless which gives me 131 to power, so should i but a new relic to replave the old one to get max expertise? Im marauder



    They can stack, however for example, 2 conqueror relic of serendiptious will not stack, you need to have a partisan and a conq relic or two different ones.


    So actually, I guess you can say they dont stack

  4. Um, the balance before 2.0 was pretty good when a team of all DPS has a reasonable shot at beating a team with healers. Your odds are probably lower than 50% but it's not 1% like it is right now. You'd have to be blind to notice healers are strong right now. This indirectly means games are longer overall without necessarily being any closer. A 10-0 Alderaan can be a complete blow out, especially if nobody on the side with the 10 ever died which is very possible, but such a game takes basically twice the time as a 300-0 blow out. It's not more competitive or more interesting. It's just longer. You take your wins even if they take longer, but I find it hard to believe people are looking forward to 0-0 Voidstar snoozefest where the winning team had 5 kills.



    I've beaten plenty of teams with healers when we have none, the whole time this thread is just a l2play...


    Focus attack, interrupt, stun in appropriate times and healers will drop.

    Don't focus healer, smack meele, chain stuns and insta cap resolve will result in you being beat.


    Healers are strong, I'll agree. But they need to be or nobody will play them. Weak healers = no healers = 8 dps deathmatch games = snoozefest more than a game with 3 healers

  5. My point is that they cannot fix bolster in it's current state. It's too complex. Better to raze it to the ground than keep working on it. Given that, they can either do what I said, or do what others have suggested and give a recruit set to everyone for free. I think the recruit set is a dumb idea personally, and that what I and others have suggested makes a lot more sense than either current bolster, or a recruit set for free.




    The problem with recruit gear is that in higher tiers it will beat beginner lvl pve gear, so pve players would ding 55, equip the pvp gear and win beginning ops etc, which is why they are trying to move away from hand outs.

  6. It's lame even when you can beat it because these games invariably go on for a very long time even if you do win.


    if its really such an issue just leave the game and reque. the only way they could reduce match time would result in making healers useless, then you'll be back here complaining about being killed too fast because nobody will heal you.



    Don't try deny it, you know its the truth

  7. ^ this.


    the weekly will give u the amount of the dailies would for that WEEK. And the daily would be a repeatable PRE 55 mission thus you can spam it and have a decent method of leveling for those who like to lvl via PVP and not hug planets all day and seeking out useless lore crap.


    Its supposed to be a different method of leveling for PRE55's


    Whilst i would love the ability to do all 7 of my dailies for the week in one hit (so play 14 games, win = 2.) I don't believe they would ever implement a spammable quest that would streamline lvling so much, they spent millions on the story and the leveling that comes with it, so I cant see them bringing in a simply way to bypass all of it.


    I am a pure pvp player, having spent years in wow pve and never really giving wow pvp a go (I liked playing the character I wanted to, not the character that was fotm and felt pvp was just fotm heaven) I'm actually lvling a merc at the moment purely pve to see the world that BW spent so much on. Obviously this may not be the case for all but I cant see them making pvp lvling so strong.

  8. I think the OP is talking about games where the other team's strategy is hoping you'd get bored and leave because they have 3 or more healers. Although they generally cannot kill you, you sure won't be killing them anytime soon. These games completely suck for either side. But that realy has nothing to do with Bolster and has everything to do with healing being too strong.



    Healing is working as intended. There are ways to counter a team with 3 or more healers. They're just often too hard for a derp team of pugs to pull off

  9. Road to hell is often paved with good intentions. Bolster is causing more problems then what it is worth. I PvE mainly and pvp for fun, I like that I really do not have to grind out two sets of gear, but I do not agree that those who are hardcore pvpers are forced do the bugs that players use to gain a competitive edge for the sake of allowing players like myself to enjoy PvP but mainly PvE.


    Either fully normalize stats, or keep pvp geared based trying to find a happy middle ground is a noble cause but in the end simply did not pan out.


    Maybe I am just odd, if something is causing more problems then it is worth say like car I simply write off and get something more reliable. Hardcore pvpers should not have to play through a broken system because bioware wishes to make pvers like myself happy.


    The problem with just dumping the system is that they'll have already spent so much on development and to simply abandon it with nothing to show would look bad. I myself am 100% pvp focused, why should i have to team with players like yourself (no offense) who either can not be bothered, or do not have the time to gain a full pvp set. I wouldn't expect you to carry me through pve content, so I dont want to carry you through pvp content.


    Bolster is the way forward, you can not deny that fact.

    They just need to make it work properly

  10. Yeah no.



    It's not an exploit if it can be done without using third party programs.


    It's a glitch. bad programming. bad design. Their fault and I can abuse it all I want. And I should not get banned for it.


    Fiddling with something that is not working as intended to give you an unfair advantage is exploitation.

    Yes its their fault that the issue arose, but that does not give you the right to work it to your advantage.

  11. To be honest, I'm not sure what the devs intended with a lot of things that are in the game. Was it intended that Scoundrels/Operatives should be able to reach the ball first in Huttball by using Scamper? Maybe not. I'd be reluctant to term this an exploit though.


    Similarly, it's looking like high-end PVE weapons might be best in slot for PVP. Was it intended that PVPers should use non-PVP weapons in warzones? Probably not, but again it'd be ridiculous to term that exploiting.


    Anyway, if you banned everyone who tried PVP naked then you'd have to ban at least 30% of regular PVPers. Does that sound like a sensible strategy for them to adopt?



    full cancer.

    Nobody has said that scamper to huttball first is an exploit, people are just calling for a nerf because its too strong(not going there, but that's the argument)


    Pvping naked was indeed an exploit, however everybody was doing it, 30% PLEASE, if i did a wz and anyone had armor on they got trolled and usually left, or got naked. i'd say atleast 80% of people were pvping naked when it was viable, it would be suicide to ban that kind of sized player base.

  12. I love how it is so simple :) Hell the dev's could quite easily implement this in a 4 hour patch tonight but no we will have to wait as that is the unfortunate machine which is BW.

    I will say one thing though. As an avid pvp'er and playing ranked as much as I can I love the idea of bolster (if it was working correctly) but I don't think it has a place in ranked WZ's. Ranked is there for a reason and It should be the best teams facing off against each after grinding their gear out, not people who are exploiting the system and coming in roflstomping everyone in sight.

    But still this isn't about that love the idea's guys keep em coming :D



    Imo, ranked should have bolster, however it would need to be 100% working as intended before it had a true place in ranked. I believe ranked should be where the big kids go to flaunt their skills, and what better way to do that than with 100% gear equality, or something close to it.


    Tbh though, it shouldn't matter because full conq should be what all ranked players are wearing, maybe not quite yet but eventually, which would make bolster irrelevant anyway.

  13. There is no real reward for grinding pvp gear other then it collecting dust for some time. I dont think bolster has a place in end game pvp. Either eliminate expertise or create a new set of starting gear with less of a stat gap between the first and secound tiers.


    A person that has grinded a full set of basic gear w/ implants, weapon etc shouldnt be out geared by somone new to pvp but has ran some OPS with there guild. PvE players wouldnt like me out performing them in PvE if i was bolstered with my pvp gear.


    May I please refer you to the post I made on this page.




    This, to my knowledge is what BW is trying to attempt with Bolster.

    Instead of calling for its removal, read what I posted and hopefully you will understand what they're trying to do, and see the light

  14. Maybe. What class are those 2 players? What gear is the one with bad gear wearing (or in other words how bad his gear is)? It would be easy to say that the winner would be the one with better gear but a little mistake (because experienced player can make mistakes) can turn the tide of the battle. What's your point?


    edit: Jeeses beat me to it :p



    Haha :) i wrote my answer so quickly then looked at it and went "DA***" and re-wrote it, then submitted again. and then "DA***" again and re-re-wrote it. But yes we're on the same page! :rolleyes:

  15. ok well then take 2 experienced players 1 with good gear & 1 & with bad gear should they still be relatively equal?



    When you throw human error etc in the mix its impossible to really say, however in theory the one with better gear should come on top. BW are trying to make it so bad gear vs good gear is about skill and only slightly influenced by the quality of gear each player has

  16. You're crying over the fact that now when you WZ, you don't instantly get your butt handed too you? Or hand out an ***-whooping and insta win?


    Whilst insta wins are great for farming honor, being on the receiving end usually means that people are going to leave, others are going to get pulled in etc.


    This has nothing to do with Bolster.

    How I prove this:


    Two teams, all 8 players on each side are in full partisan gear. its.. Novare coast.

    Both have a similar composition, unless one team is full derp (can't rule that out) it would be a slow and hard fight to the end. However as they are all equally geared, bolster is irrelevant (aside from if they augment exploit, but lets presume they don't.)


    Another example, both teams have healers, neither team can roflstomp each other, game lasts a long time.

  17. Based on the level of stupidity on the PVP forums since bolster, I must say that unfortunately common sense does not have a place here. :( but anyway.




    eric im calling you



    Eric, please atleast tell us if the idea of bolster in this thread is actually what your looking to do.

    I want to help in anyway possible as I can see the good in what your team is trying to achieve, but being left in the dark is frustrating.


    Are we correct? or are we way off (if way off what do you want it to be)

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