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Everything posted by Baynard

  1. No I didnt. you're looking at my current gear page. the wishlist is what I will have when fully min/maxed.
  2. I wrote a little post about gearing in Dread master gear. thought you guys might want to take a look at it. Operative healer Dread Master gearing
  3. As my guild and I are gearing ourselves out in Dread Master gear from NiM DF, I felt I really needed to take a look at stat allocation and gearing to maximize efficiency in the gearing process. In HM, we could run on 3rd and 4th alts to get extra mods and enhancements to min/max our mains. However, the difficulty of nightmare prohibits us from bringing a less than optimal composition with any hope of clearing in a timely manner. So I decided to take a look and see how well I could gear myself out from the minimum amount of NiM token drops. OP healers are actually pretty lucky when it comes to NiM tokens. We benefit from both crit and alacrity, which abound in the token drops. I came to the realization that we can come VERY close to being absolutely min/maxed from just one full set of token drops, and no extra pieces. I updated my AMR profile to reflect my current gear status, and updated the wish list to reflect what I will be once we have completed our gearing from NiM DF/DP. You can find my AMR here- Zippityzeebop's AMR Profile I thought people might want to take a look at it if they are interested in optimizing their operative healers. I am also interested in what some of the other top-tier endgame OP healers think about my build. Some notes on my AMR profile- The GEAR section is what my gear is currently at (May 3rd, 2014) The WISHLIST is what it will be after fully geared from NiM DF/DP The relics are accurate. I know some people prefer the Ser assault relic to the BA, but I carry both, and sometimes switch between the two depending on the fight. I find myself using the BA more often in NiM content, though. Operatives don't have many CDs that boost healing, and we all know that while the SA may add more healing overall during the duration of a fight, healing isn't about raw numbers, it's about getting the heals where they need to go when they need to go there. If a piece of gear is still in it's Dread forged/Dread Master shell, that means it is unchanged from the way it was when purchased from the vendor. As you can see from this, I am able to use every piece from every token drop in DF/DP NIM. Final numbers when fully Dread Master geared: CUN- 3985 +558 Bonus Healing, +9.82% Tech Crit Chance PWR- 1383 +235 Bonus Healing (Total Bonus Healing 1270) CRT- 429 +7.64% Tech Crit Chance (Total Tech Crit Chance 31.46%) ALA- 510 Channel, activation, and GCD speed bonus, 8.67% Energy Regen 6.5/s SUR- 510 Critical multiplier 73.81% These numbers look pretty good to me, damn close to optimal. I feel like the crit rating might be a little high, but with that much surge, I think it's necessary. The alacrity is right where I want it to be. Well above the magic 450 mark. In dread forged gear, your options are 5 or 6 alacrity enhancements, for 470 or 564 rating respectively. I had 564 because I liked the feel of the extra speed, but in this next gear tier, I was able to drop to 5 enhancements for a very respectable 510 ALA and a boost to SUR, which gave me more leeway to add more crit. I think Im gonna be very happy with this setup. Let me know what you guys think, and feel free to ask any questions.
  4. No, It's supposed to be here Shadowlands Guild Recruitment Forum
  5. Your understanding was incorrect. Bosses can, and do, enter enrage when in their burn phases. This includes Golden Fury. Most bosses will hit their enrage timer a set amount of time after combat is initiated with them, regardless of the status of the fight.
  6. Sigh. TFB HM requires 162's. that's it. You run TFB HM in Arkanian gear so that you can get the Underworld drops. There is no need for anyone to be geared 2 tiers above what the instance actually drops.
  7. Rock-it'sauce can make Dread Forged Combat Tech's MK-X Package It's Aim/PWR/SUR
  8. I agree. Bioware hears a lot of QQ, and not much praise. Good job guys. The new FP's are fun and the storyline is a great start to what I'm sure will be a really cool arc. I can't wait to see the operations that are in store. Good job guys, keep it up.
  9. Dang. I edited my post with the corrected link.
  10. BAWONI! I am disappoint. It's not a Chandrian kill vid without that gangsta S#1t I need something chopped to perfection. Consider this my formal complaint.
  11. I posted this in another thread, but It applies here I am one of the main healers for a multiple server first guild on the Shadowlands. I have completed all current content, HM NiM, Timed runs, etc. My operative is min-maxed in full dread-forged gear. I geared my operative healer very carefully. I wrote healing macros that can be tested and have exactly the same sequence of button presses over and over and over again so that I could test varying gear combinations in a controlled environment. After testing dozens of combinations of gear, these are the numbers that I came up with for optimal heals per second for an operative healer. Cunning 3750 Power 1345 Crit 310 Alacrity 564 Surge 376 Those are my numbers. Now I know that your gear is not to this point yet, but what do you prioritize when gearing towards these numbers as an end goal? Here are the stats you should prioritize, in order: 1. Cunning- Mainstat is key for any toon. It increases the strength of your heals and any attacks, and also adds to your crit rating. 2. Power- Power is very important as well, it increases bonus healing and damage just like mainstat does, albeit without the bonus to crit. Power also does not benefit from the increases given by buffs or abilities in your tree like mainstat does. 3. Alacrity- Alacrity is HUGE for operative healers. It increases energy regen while decreasing cast/channel times and global cooldown. 470 alacrity at the least is an absolute priority for operatives, as this will allow you to get an extra GCD every 18 seconds, which gives you a full extra cast between refreshing kolto probes. It also decreases the activation time of kolto infusion to less than the GCD, which allows it to function essentially as an instant cast. 4. Crit- I put crit fourth because i think it is less important than power, but I think you should shoot for the 300 or so crit rating before you try to stack power to 1300, because if you try to get your power to 1300 before you add any crit, you will never have any crit, and getting some crit is very important. It makes healing more consistent for an operative. A huge percentage of our heals are HOTS. We have so many little heals going out that having more crit is beneficial so that those little guys can hit big more often. 5. Surge- Just because it is last, do not think it isn't important. We need all those little crits to hit as hard as they can. It's just that Surge is so much LESS important for an operative than it's counterpart, alacrity, that I put it way down here. There you go. It's not exactly comprehensive, but I feel like that should be a good start for someone trying to gear their op for PVE. Here is my Ask Mr Robot Profile. Check it out if you need a model for gearing,and let me know if you have any questions. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/91c44e35-ee31-4899-953d-437b5c4acbe3
  12. Ok, so I'm assuming that no one else who replied to your thread bothered to look at your AMR profile. I did. Your augments are absolutely terrible. They are bad, bad, bad. I mean REALLY wrong. The most important stat for any Imperial Agent, be it an Operative or Sniper, heals or DPS, is Cunning. You need to augment for cunning. ALL AUGMENTS SHOULD BE CUNNING. No alacrity. No surge, or Power. and for the love of all that is holy, no fortitude. That is 14 Advanced Skill Augment 28's. If you can't afford them right now, buy the blue skill augment 28's until you can afford them. That is the single greatest improvement you can make to your gearing. I am one of the main healers for a multiple server first guild on the Shadowlands. I have completed all current content, HM NiM, Timed runs, etc. My operative is min-maxed in full dread-forged gear. I geared my operative healer very carefully. I wrote healing macros that can be tested and have exactly the same sequence of button presses over and over and over again so that I could test varying gear combinations in a controlled environment. After testing dozens of combinations of gear, these are the numbers that I came up with for optimal heals per second for an operative healer. Cunning 3750 Power 1345 Crit 310 Alacrity 564 Surge 376 Those are my numbers. Now I know that your gear is not to this point yet, but what do you prioritize when gearing towards these numbers as an end goal? Here are the stats you should prioritize, in order: 1. Cunning- Mainstat is key for any toon. It increases the strength of your heals and any attacks, and also adds to your crit rating. 2. Power- Power is very important as well, it increases bonus healing and damage just like mainstat does, albeit without the bonus to crit. Power also does not benefit from the increases given by buffs or abilities in your tree like mainstat does. 3. Alacrity- Alacrity is HUGE for operative healers. It increases energy regen while decreasing cast/channel times and global cooldown. 470 alacrity at the least is an absolute priority for operatives, as this will allow you to get an extra GCD every 18 seconds, which gives you a full extra cast between refreshing kolto probes. It also decreases the activation time of kolto infusion to less than the GCD, which allows it to function essentially as an instant cast. 4. Crit- I put crit fourth because i think it is less important than power, but I think you should shoot for the 300 or so crit rating before you try to stack power to 1300, because if you try to get your power to 1300 before you add any crit, you will never have any crit, and getting some crit is very important. It makes healing more consistent for an operative. A huge percentage of our heals are HOTS. We have so many little heals going out that having more crit is beneficial so that those little guys can hit big more often. 5. Surge- Just because it is last, do not think it isn't important. We need all those little crits to hit as hard as they can. It's just that Surge is so much LESS important for an operative than it's counterpart, alacrity, that I put it way down here. There you go. It's not exactly comprehensive, but I feel like that should be a good start for someone trying to gear their op for PVE. Here is my Ask Mr Robot Profile. Check it out if you need a model for gearing,and let me know if you have any questions. http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/91c44e35-ee31-4899-953d-437b5c4acbe3
  13. Just a heads up, there is likely no chance that you will be able to get the Blue sphere mount on your first Gree event. It requires, I believe, 48 gray helix components, which are not legacy bound and cannot be transferred to other characters. the gree are usually around for 1-2 weeks, and each character can get like 15 or so grey helix components max per week. You will also need to build up a considerable amount of reputation. Just a warning not to get your hopes up too much. You will be able to get it eventually, but it will take you a few gree events. But that's a good thing! It makes it all the more rare and cool.
  14. Guys, keep in mind that the 55 HM FPs came out with 2.0, when the Rise of the Hutt Cartel expansion came out. At that time, the gear that drops off of them was better and easier to get than almost anything available. That was also almost a year ago and we have gone through several expansions and gear tiers since then. The HM 55s are still a good place for fresh 55s to get a few pieces of gear so that they can start running operations. There is also the weekly that offers 10 ultimate comms for running 3 of them. And they are fun. I feel like those are enough reasons to run a 55 HM FP on occasion. they can't up the gear drops without upping the difficulty of the FPs, or people would just roflstomp their way to super awesome gear. And upping the difficulty takes a tremendous amount of time and work that I would prefer they use on coming out with new content. TL: DR Those FPs are a year old. They are still fun. Quit your whining and either run them or don't.
  15. Awesome, thanks a lot. Lumine, do you mind posting your spec and gear?
  16. Exactly what I was looking for. thanks dude.
  17. I rolled up a sniper during double xp weekend. I have always wanted one because of their amazing raid utility and dps. I will be learning all the specs eventually, but I want to start with MM because of it's high burst and versatility. My main dps toon is a pyro merc and I am accustomed to parsing at 3800 or above (yes I know they are OP). I am still working on MM of course but I am a little disconcerted that I am averaging around 3200. I have found that the best way for me to learn a rotation is by analyzing other people's parses. It has been hard for me to find enough good MM parses, though. Could some of you kickass MM snipers parse some high end parses here for me so that I can steal your rotation? I will be forever in your debt.
  18. So I looked at your parse and gear. With that gear you could be hitting higher than you are. I mean, 3300+ is still pretty solid. I see a lot of people way under that. Your gear is on point and your rotation looks solid. A few hiccups, but we all have those once in awhile. I think that your biggest problem is your APMs (actions per minute.) If you look at the actual log, and then look at the time between your activation times, (hit Ctrl+f and search "clamslammer activates" to highlight your actions.) You can see that you have like up to 2 seconds between each action. That should be at the most 1.5 seconds, the length of the GCD. It should be less than that, depending on how much alacrity you have from tree/comps. In game, go to Preferences>Controls and scroll all the way down. There is a frame there called "combat" Set the "Ability Action Queue Window" tab to 1.0 This allows you to set your next action a full second before you are actually able to fire it. The computer then automatically fires it off the exact moment that the GCD is up. Also, go to Preferences>User Interface>Cooldown Settings Make sure you have "show cooldown text:" checked. this will give you a numbered countdown for when your CD abilities like Thermal detonator or Electro net are ready to fire again. You should be able to plan ahead a little better. Work on your rotation and try to get it ingrained. Muscle memory. You need to know what you are going to do a couple of steps before you do it, and the only thing that will let that happen is repetition. The top parses have like 38-39 APMs and you had like 35. move a little faster and think ahead and you'll nail it.
  19. I do not take the alacrity bonus at all. It messes up ppa proc, almost consistently when I use unload. I find it more of a hindrance than help. And yes you are right, use power surge with the TSO. I always use it, but just forgot to put it in the rotation.
  20. No I reliably parse at around 3800 dps. I am ranked 5th on Torparse for dummy parses. Allow me to assist you. Number one goal is to proc Prototype particle accelerator (PPA) every six seconds. Firing off the Rail Shots (RS) that are procced from PPA will increase your damage and make heat management much easier. You can reliably proc PPA every 6 seconds by using two abilities that can proc it within every 6 second window. The only two abilities that can proc it are Unload (UL) and Power Shot (PS). this means you should be firing off A LOT of Power shots. 6 seconds is four global cooldowns (GCD). That means we break up our rotation into 4 GCD chunks. The only skill we use that is longer than 1 GCD is UL, and that is 2 full GCDs, so it fits nicely in the rotation. Abbreviations PS- Power Shot UL- Unload TD- Thermal Detonator IM- Incendiary Missile RS- Rail Shot RP- Rapid Shots FM- Fusion Missile EN- Electro Net TSO- Thermal Sensor Override Keep in mind that we have to cast RS every 6 seconds. In order to do that reliably we have to either cast 2 power shots or 1 PS and 1 UL every 6 seconds. That leaves us with only a few options for rotation. 6 Second combinations 1. TD>PS>PS>RS 48 heat 2. EN>PS>PS>RS 40 heat 3. TSO+FM>PS>PS>RS 32 heat 4. PS>PS>PS>RS 48 heat 5. IM>PS>PS>RS 48 heat 6. UL>PS>RS 42 heat 7. RP>PS>PS>RS 32 heat Those are basically the only combinations you ever want to use. NEVER use missle blast. Take it off your bar. Explosive dart is barely useable. NEVER use it during a single target fight. only with adds or something like that, and even then there are much better options, like DFA and flamethrower. NEVER use Fusion missle without Thermal sensor override. It deals good damage, but is incredibly inefficient regarding heat. Just use the above 6 second combinations. They vary on heat consumption and damage of course. I put them in order of highest damage to lowest. Their total heat cost, before the RS heat dump and the normal heat dissipation, is listed. Obviously prioritize the use of the highest damage combo you can use while keeping heat below 40. This is my opener. It is the highest initial DPS combination that I have found. ALL of the top merc DPS use THIS EXACT rotation to start off their fights. Its a lot to learn, but I literally just wrote this from memory. Its not to hard to get ingrained with a little practice. TD>EN>Adrenal+IM>RS>PS>PS>RS>TSO+FM>PS>PS>RS> TD>PS>PS>RS>IM>PS>PS>RS>PS>PS>PS>RS>TD> VENT HEAT>PS>PS>RS>IM>PS>PS>RS>UL>PS>RS>TD>PS>PS>RS After this initial rotation you want to move in the 6 second chunks, making sure to use the highest damage combinations you can while keeping your heat below 40. Use your abilities with cooldowns like electro net and the TSO+FM combo right when they come off cooldown, as they are very heat efficient and deal good damage. But make sure to use the combo they are associated with. That is the only way to maximize damage. The PPA proc is KING. Rail Shots, baby. Rail shots.
  21. those guys know what they are talking about. Only use rapid shots in place of your first action of the 4 gcd rotation. TD>PS>PS>RS EN>PS>PS>RS IM>PS>PS>RS UL>PS>RS Rapid Shots>PS>PS>RS PS>PS>PS>RS TSO+FM>PS>PS>RS those are basically the only combinations you should use. when you are high on heat, the rapid shots need to come at the beginning of the rotation. This will allow you to reliably proc RS every 6 seconds. Stay away from alacrity, It will mess up your PPA proc, especially when you use unload. I don't even use the 2 points in the Pyro tree. When I don't have vent heat anywhere near coming off CD, I stop using IM. I substitute Rapid shots in place of it. The regular ppa proc keeps the cylinder burn up, and the IM has a low damage to heat cost ratio. one thing I do is go to torparse.com and look at the top merc DPS (Marisi and Pizza'da'hutt) I find their parses and go to log view. Then I hit Ctrl+F and type in Marisi activates (for example) This will highlight every action they take. It lets me really analyze what the best in our class are doing. It allows me to replicate and understand their rotations better.
  22. Got a new one. Rock-it'sauce Merc from The Chandrian Pyro- 2/8/36 TTK- 4m 13.182s 3945 DPS http://www.torparse.com/a/589467/1/0/Overview http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/characte...0-03abe0a846ab Sure wish Kantner would come show me how it's done. Or at least come tell me how good he is.. I really just want to bask in his glory.
  23. Rock-it'sauce Pyro Merc from The Shadowlands, The Chandrian is my guild Pyro- 2/8/36 TTK- 4m 13.182s 3945 DPS http://www.torparse.com/a/589467/1/0/Overview http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/6845d5b5-7b76-42d6-89f0-03abe0a846ab
  24. Haven't done one in a while. Im sure Mangy will blow it out of the water shortly, but here ya go. Rock-it'sauce Pyro Merc 2/8/36 4m 19.607s 3852.54 DPS http://www.torparse.com/a/571793/time/1391125017/1391125276/0/Overview Updated AMR http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/6845d5b5-7b76-42d6-89f0-03abe0a846ab
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