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Everything posted by TheLexinator

  1. I was a pretty big WoT fan, so I will wait until those are available in WT until I jump on. Any RPG elements?
  2. Awesome. So you do become a bad azz. That's what I wanted to know. I will play it through to the end then.
  3. What did you like about it? Even when I fight someone as a SI, they end up beating me through no fault of my own - AND through a cutscene... That ticked me off in the JK story as well, when the guy who shall not be named mindpwns me. In the SI story this happens all the time!
  4. According to those charts, TOR still has over a million subscribers....
  5. So a few weeks ago I rolled my fifth character and even midway through Act 3, the story has been very, very boring. Compared to the Jedi Knight, the Sith Warrior, or the Imperial Agent - the story is a joke! Who wrote it? It is absolutely nothing like I imagined. I was hoping of becoming the next Palpatine, instead I am apparently nothing but an overly glorified datacron/ghost hunter... I actually find it difficult to play as that class. According to the story it seems like he is nothing but a weakling that keeps getting his butt kicked. Does it get better?
  6. Odd. I'm on Brandywine and CAN'T grind out some deeds because there are 30+ players running around me and beating me to it. Care to tell me what server you play on so that I can roll on it? I would really to be able to grind my TP without competition. I can't believe I forgot about EVE.... That game brings back both fond memories and lots of rage. http://lux-hdro.de/hdro-live-us.php As you can see, LoTRO regularly has over 300K people on. I doubt that TOR does.
  7. Umm... LoTRO claimed the "Second most subscribed to MMORPG" years ago. Has this changed? Their F2P model is also quite a bit better than TOR's. I also see a LOT more people in LoTRO than I ever do in TOR, including on the fleet. Rift also has a booming subscription rate. Last I heard TOR was in the top 5, but certainly NOT #2.
  8. I would be all for a real level cap increase. At least give us 5 more levels and please continue the class stories. Even if they break up the next Act over 2 expansion packs, I would GLADLY take it over the singular story we have been getting lately.
  9. That is how they run their business. I had plenty of issues with my CE and some are still not answered. I just gave up. They are hoping you will do the same thing. I actually had threads AND tickets deleted. So I just play the game and don't bother with their support. If you need something, it is best to call them. Most of the people you get on the phone are not as terribad as the support we get in game (or in your case - on the forums).
  10. The GW2 story was stupid. I mean TSW is B2P, just like GW2. No need to sub - ever. It also gets more content updates than TOR (but not as much as GW2). Which is really odd. Both GW2 and TSW are B2P games, yet they get more content patches than TOR. TSW is also completely voiced (like TOR). There should be no reason that TOR shouldn't be able to do the same.
  11. Yep. I like the game, other than the things you listed. Also would like to add loading on to that. The engine is very poorly optimized.
  12. +1 I also suggest you try The Secret World. It is buy to play just like GW2. Trust me, if you like Bioware stories - you will LOVE TSW. They also do quests much better than TOR. Some of the investigation missions took me HOURS to figure out.
  13. They also gave all of us months of free gametime. Then they apologized again and gave a month of free gametime for an exploit that was a lot less serious than the relic one we just went through on TOR. I really like what SE did with Realm Reborn. I am subbing to it right now, along with TOR - although I find myself playing RR quite a bit more. The public quest system alone needs to be looked at and implemented by Bioware. Heck WAR came up with it, and I know a lot of Mythic people are now working on TOR. So why they don't bring it over is just mind boggling. And now with WAR shutting down... They really need to add more content to TOR.
  14. TESO. Although I will be back to check on TOR periodically. Do all the new story quests, flashpoints, OP's, etc. Maybe even PvP if they give it meaning again. I am also actually looking forward to the space expansion. Free flight in TOR is what I wanted from the beginning, not some Star Fox light junk. The story with all the awesome voice acting is really the only reason I come back to TOR, as the other stuff is just gravy. I guess that's why I also play The Secret World. Although that game has some EPIC boss fights that are actually fun. Wish TOR copied some of their gameplay
  15. Lol and you expected what? I still don't have all the coins from my CE. They eventually gave me my items, but not my coins. They also deleted countless tickets where I sent in receipts, complaints, posts, etc. Nothing to see here. Move along. I wish Turbine or Blizzard showed these guys how to run a good Customer Service department.
  16. Hi EAware guys and gals. Thanks for patching the exploit that ruined PvP and allowed people to trivialize PvE. Also a big thanks for not banning anyone or even issuing a warning to these exploiters. I am glad it only took you a few days to fix such a major, game-breaking issue. At the same time, another big thank you for keeping the Cartel Market updated and fully functioning. It is good to see where your priorities are. Speaking of the Cartel Market, do you think we can get some of those CM items recolored and put on the CE vendor? Yep, just recolor them. That's all I am asking for. Pretty Please? I know CE suckers don't matter to you anymore, but we have been supporting you guys for quite a while and I feel we deserve at least some appreciation. So can you please update the CE vendor in the next few weeks? A recolor shouldn't take you guys too long, I know this from experience and from looking at the speed at which the CM gets new items.
  17. Wow... Great counter there buddy. Not raging, just pointing out why PvE matters in a game that centers around story and PvE. Brought the CM into it because if there is ever something wrong with it, it gets patched within hours. While this exploiting was allowed to continue for how long? Whatever, I digress and am done with this thread. I also really wish this forum had /ignore... You have some valid points, but let me counter 5 saying that I know guildees that made a ton of money from this exploit by mass farming as soon as they found out about the exploit. Then farming even more after Eric said there will be no ban for it. How did they do it? By pricing items cheaper and selling right away. As I said earlier, I am done with this thread. But thanks for actually having some valid (if somewhat misguided IMHO) arguments. I enjoyed reading your point of view.
  18. Because it's CHEATING and was condoned. Because it completely trivializes end game content. Because it detracts from my enjoyment of a competitive game. Because it lets others breeze through to get achievements I actually worked on. Because it lets people farm and flood the market with cheap(er) items, further destroying the economy. I could keep going and going, but why do you defend it? My only guess... Well, I am sure you can figure it out. Or they could disable the darn thing right away and not condone cheating? But I guess that just takes too much common sense. But hey at least we have a fully working Cartel Market with absolutely no exploits. Am I right?
  19. But the "relic deal" has been used to hell in PvE as well now. I KNOW people that exploited the crud out of it, allowing them to take care of content they otherwise could not. They did this after Eric confirmed that it was NOT a punishable "exploit". IMHO, everyone that used it in PvE should have their characters rolled back, and everyone that used in in PvP should lose 370 rating or so - after all, that is about how much I lost going up against exploiters. Not that it will ever happen, because EAware condones this kind of nonsense. I never used this exploit and tried to outsmart those that did... It did not go usually well - and I am now done with the so called "PvP' in this game... At least for a while. The space expansion may get me back into it. WELL SAID!
  20. I believe the coins are priced well. What is overpriced, are all the virtual items that are being sold for those coins. IMHO everything should get a 50% price reduction (on the "Account") items, and a 20% price reduction on everything else. As it is, I only buy things on sale, and only to spend my "free" subscriber CC.
  21. And it's free! Makeb felt like a slap in the face after I played Oricon. So good job EAware. Please release more content like this, with even more voice overs!
  22. I agree with you completely, but that's the way F2P works. I am guessing EAware would be incredibly happy to do away with the subscription model in general and put in more gambling lockboxes, but my guess is they won't do that until more subscribers walk away. After all right now they have a subscription based game WITH gambling lol. It's a win/win for them.
  23. I keep telling him the same thing. The problem is he only plays every few months, and he comes back for a few weeks to a month or two. Something about forgetting to cancel recurring sub, inconvenient, he would feel the need to play more if he subscribed, etc, etc. Last time he played was 4 months ago. Now he is back and will most likely quit in a few weeks or maybe a month tops. But he already gave EAware his $60, so I am sure they don't mind. In 4-6 more months he will come back and do it all over again. I know lots of Froobs that open hundreds worth of packs from the CM. Why? I have NO IDEA.
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