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Everything posted by Deuterity

  1. 1) Any debuffs can be affected at any time, from simple roots to raid buff exhaustions. 2) Sometimes I get a feeling this bug is range-dependent (as in your range to the target), but it seems not always be the case. 3) Yes, increased raid frame and debuffs scale, increased health width and height; also group frame as operations frame.
  2. Same problem, and it continues for two hours or so already.
  3. I support the idea of serious Tharan C. romance wholeheartedly. Not only he is more complex character personality-wise, in contrary to Iresso, but he also has all the foundation for development and growing. Like his disbelief and disapproval of Force (which has already been mentioned above) and way of life absolutely contradicting to that of a Jedi. Simple 'understanding and accepting' in private life, which is Iresso's story in my view, is not quite enough for such a diplomat like Consular. She needs to turn some scientist unbeliever on her side. Or just show him that there is more to life than some -biology. And after all, I, for example, created my Shadow's personality in a most contradictory but respectable way for Mr. Cedrax to be interested in (and so that I could write fanfiction about them ). Sorry for the messy post though.
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