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Everything posted by MiloUto

  1. Well everyone keeps saying you are a "Your way or the Highway" kind of guy. So was making a joke not thinking that I was just reading thru what has been a few days of posting.
  2. Wait aren't you supposed to tell them something about a highway and driving on the wrong side?
  3. First love this thread, thanks wish it was mandatory reading to complete your training for lvl 55. Second was thinking as I play both healers and tanks a lot, I know that when as a healer I get aggro I run to the tank. He might not see that I have something on me but if I run in to his field of view I'm way more likely to get the mobs off me. Then as a Tank I HATE HATE HATE it when the healer gets something on him/her then hauls *** away from me. If I can't catch you I can't get it off you. So maybe you could mention that. OP thanks for the great post.
  4. Assuming that all of the options are able to be chosen creating the channel I completely and absolutely support this. I know it has been done in other games. Even SWG had this and that was forever ago. /BUMP and fully support this. Like others stated I run guilds on both sides and wish we could speak in a chat that is cross faction. Most of the time my officers will hop over to come get me for raids and things. So it would be amazing to just see it pop up in my chat, and then I can just hop over and save them the time and effort.
  5. I completely agree. It really puts a damper on me even wanting to do the conquest stuff, as we get nothing for the effort.
  6. I wonder if it could be that the person earning the points gets a personal stronghold bonus, and this bonus is not applied to their guild donation?
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