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Everything posted by MiloUto

  1. I know they are but half a billion is still impressive, No? That said on topic, I have a LOT of coins stashed away and from the looks of it they will stay that way.
  2. Anyone else notice the guy who posted that pic has 478 ~ 479M+? Cause damn
  3. So funny to refresh a page and when it finally DOES load, there it already another page behind the one you just reloaded. OH Wait, no it isn't
  4. /signed These and the Comps sorting by affection are MAJOR QoL improvements. Thanks for these amazing fixes/changes!
  5. Just because the event isn't live doesn't mean you can't use the cannon or throw them.
  6. How long do you think it will take till the griefers are pelting people like crazy?
  7. http://cdn-patch.swtor.com I added that to the exceptions on my firewall and it started right back up. Hope this helps
  8. I have just one question. Would you also want the specific weapon requirements for certain skill to also be removed? As there are more than just a few skill that require certain weapons, like double bladed lightsabers or electrostaffs for Assassins and Shadows. Also I would totally love the ability to completely HIDE my weapon as a Sorcerer or Sage. They never use the damn thing so WHY do I have to always hold it when I have Better things to with my hands like, I don't know.....HEALING, Lightning/Force Projections, and Various Force Spells!! Just saying. Even if they do not commit to anything but just acknowledge that this is going up on the "Wall of Crazy" I would be VERY Happy!! EDIT: Maybe Operatives/Commandos should also have a hide option?
  9. Yes, in the last pack, Mandalorian something. Sorry can't check not in game right now.
  10. I broke down and bought 2 more last night, up to 27 here. I might do as someone already said and see if I can cut myself off at 30. PSSHHH who am I kidding? Sooner or later I will get back to server max
  11. Rocket Surgeon: **Looks up** *Blink* Why are you all looking at me?
  12. I noticed in my Legacy bank the BA Event things like the Friendly Drinks are in stacks over 20 now. So double check as I might have just gotten a lucky Bu....feature.
  13. Oh SNAP, now what? Going to still keep saying that they NEVER said JAN??? *Drops Mic* Also thanks Flying for the *hard* work of googling something! (But for real thanks)
  14. I just wish I could abandon the Starter Missions for Ilum and Makeb. I don't want to do these so BW any why I can just clear them out??
  15. I hate the Imperial Firestarter H2 for this. SOOO Many packs of silvers that EACH have a KB. Jump in to a pack of 5 and just wait till they decide to stop bouncing you around, or worse 3 bounce you around, so you come back and bingo the last 2 bounce you back out again. Also has anyone else noticed that the repair costs seem a bit out of whack. I will explain. Running the H2's say on Corellia, finish up all 4 and QT to a vendor to repair up When I get there I have around 1.2k ~ 2k which is nothing, and I sell the junk and green/blue trash as well, sum total is a credit gain. Not huge but positive none the less. Head to Balmorra, run the 4 or 5 I like to do, and then head to the vendor. I again have about 1.2k to 2k ish in bills, but the trash/green/blue stuff sells for like 800 ish credits. So Net Loss. I have been paying attention to this lately and it seems like the "damage" received to your gear isn't being scaled. Unlike EVERYTHING else. Seems a bit like an oversight. As when we were all there back in the day and have lowbie gear the bills were always less than you looted along the way. Again small net gain. Thanks for your time. Edit: Dev's what about the Orbital Support from our Guild Flagships? Any way we can have that hard earned buff back, since none of the player class buffs do ANYTHING?
  16. Shadowlands: MSM JT-9 Jetpack Dasta Colossus Zakuulan Computer Console Type B Outlander Guerilla Lower Body Armor Roche Ice Cat So can I say I work for BW now? Edited to add more items.
  17. I love this idea. Also it isn't just the Trooper mission, remember storming DK on your Jedi Knight? Everyone had a job, and you ended up having to go rescue some that didn't quite pull their weight. :-P
  18. It is the same way with the class buffs. They mean nothing now. Kind of a big let down how many things I worked hard to get back in the day, that are now completely worthless.
  19. you need to equip it then take it off and RE it. Same goes for barrels, armors, mods, and enh's made by others.
  20. So finally got a full set of the life day robes, equiped them, threw some snow balls had some laughs. Then I wanted to unlock the outfit in collections and both versions are greyed out. Anyone else have this issue?
  21. Anyway we can get a clicky with and RNG for these answers? That way we can pretend we were actually answered.
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