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Everything posted by Ramalina

  1. I make a lot of light side choices on my Inquisitor, but I wouldn't really describe her as light side. What drives her is a really profoundly deep hate of the Sith and the Empire. That seems to dictate mostly light side choices, as they tend to be the ones that weaken the Empire. Of course I suppose the inquisitor experience is different for human and sith inquisitors, I'm not sure how light side my inquisitor would be if she weren't an alien. This isn't entirely representative of the questing experience in general though, because if the intro to the quest seems like the quest will help the Empire I usually decline to take it. It's likely to become a pain later in leveling so I'm not sure how long I'll keep doing that, but at low levels it's making for a really great storyline experience.
  2. So Syo killed me five times in a row. The first time was just a learning experience, you MUST interrupt Collapse Cavern. The next 4 wipes confused the heck out of me. I was specced sage, and using Qyzen as a tank so DPS was very slow and I'd estimate I ran through four Collapse Caverns in the course of a whole fight. What I finally figured out was that for some reason Force Stun and Mind Snap were not interrupting Collapse Cavern, in fact they were grayed out and wouldn't even activate when Syo was in his Shadowy form. Force Wave was the only ability that worked. Once I figured that out the fight was quite easy, though at one point Syo was perched about 4 meters up on the wall from the knockback of successive interrupts. Fortunately Qyzen could still attack and there was no evade bug, but for others who use this strategy I'd try to keep Syo in the middle of the room just to be safe. Healing was easy, but I have all the willpower datacrons up to Corellia, and gear was at about 116 rating for all slots, so I'm probably overgeared for it.
  3. Based on the story line I wasn't really fond of Guss. Then I read this thread and thought, well, Corso has been dying a lot lately on harder encounters and I can't do much to help him as a Gunslinger. So I tried Guss. Here's my toast to Guss Tuno: reasonably brave, as long as we're winning. I also do like that he's not keen on aggroing extra groups the way some companions do. Not really a multitasker though. He's good at healing and at running away, but sometimes I wish he could heal while we're running away.
  4. Really depends on how you view your character. Mine just wants to: Pick up cargo, fly it to another planet, unload the cargo, get paid for doing it, and spend as little time as possible doing datafiling for customs official. Unfortunately, this moron called Rogun hired a gullible fool of a dock foreman, who hired a swindler that stole their cargo, and my ship. They stole my ship. My ship. Skavak committed suicide when he went off in my ship, he just didn't realize it. I might have let the issue slide with Rogun if he had promptly apologized by delivering my ship, a big pile of credits, and Skavak's head in a bucket. Instead he blamed me for the actions of one of his employees. His employee, his organization, his responsibility, and he sends bounty hunters after me? That motivation took me all the way through the end of chapter 2 of the storyline. It also explains a lot of the motivation leading up to chapter 3. Why did I work for dodgy characters? Well, as long as they were getting me at least one step closer to Skavak, and later Rogun, I really didn't care what their agenda was. Chapter 3 was a bit of a letdown in some ways. The Voidwolf and his cronies were more paid work than personal vendetta, but it did make sense in terms of a transition from the class story to endgame FP, WZ, and Op content. As far as light side/dark side my smuggler was 85 - 90% light. Dark side choices involved the removal of heads from Skavak and Rogun, and the occasional pragmatic elimination of Sith or Imperials in cases where it was clear that if you spared them you'd just wind up killing them some other time. If there was more actual smuggling, and avoiding taxes and paperwork counted as dark, then he might have been considerably more dark side. I also didn't do the whole crime lord thing. Why would I want to have Rogun's treacherous, incompetent, slimeballs working for me? I have a competent (mostly) trustworthy crew already. Best of all, I don't have to pay any of them! I kind of wish they had max level class quest lines though. IMO the class storylines are SWTOR's strongest feature and I'm not sure if I'll stick with the game once I run out of classes to level. Without them it's sort of like Burning Crusade era WoW with StarWars graphics pasted on top ( ok that's slightly harsh, but not far off the mark I think ).
  5. One, teeny tiny problem with this, at least as far as needing legacy story mode FPs. There are FP's where getting a group can take a long time simply because no one is running them much anymore at the Story Mode level. I was intending to do all the FP's on story mode, but after a few days of doing other things while queues stubbornly refused to pop I said screw it, and just jumped into hard modes. So far they haven't been that hard.* At least I wouldn't worry about it much as long as all major gear slots are filled with appropriate gear at 112-120 rating or so. * Not that hard for someone with raiding experience in an almost identical MMO who knows that if you're going to go noob it up in a PUG it's usually best to do it as a ranged dps, so that if you screw up there's a decent chance that the worst that happens to the rest of the group is that they have to waste a few seconds rezzing your sorry behind. Of course the problem is that learning how to not wipe the group as a DPS won't always teach you what you need to know to tank an encounter. But hey, wipes are educational right? As long as you don't do more than 2 in a row, cause, ya' know, timers and whatnot. In any case I think one of the fundamental truths of MMOs is that if you want to always have decent tanking and healing you have to do the tanking and healing yourself.
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