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Everything posted by Romick

  1. The codex entry is bugged. Both DS and LS Jaesa versions get her LS codex entry. Does she have yellow eyes? If so, then you have DS Jaesa.
  2. They did that because a few Republic dudes landed on Korriban one day, and then suddenly the Sith went ape**** and wanted to wipe out the Republic for no reason. Then the bullies got their butts kicked, so the Republic had to make sure they wouldn't come back again. PS: I play Empire because SW armor looks awesome.
  3. I would reroll my 50 Jugg into a Guardian in a heartbeat if they brought in the "hood down" option OR just made a whole lot of hood down armors. Yeah, it bothers me that much.
  4. Man I agree with this so much. I really wish we could have a grey Jaesa.
  5. Get to level 50. You can do insane damage properly specced.
  6. I think it's for RP purposes. DS Jaesa absolutely detests LS Sith and goes out on some sadistic LS Sith killing spree which was really grim. I think BW will probably end up adding in some of these romances which aren't currently in the game in a future expansion, it probably isn't a top priority now though. I'll hold off the Vette romance until that day comes I guess.
  7. I honestly would like to see this. Leveling up my marauder as LS right now, on my DS Jugg I just couldn't stand Jaesa, she's just way too much "LOL IM SITH!! I KILL EVERYTHING!!!" and so I treated her like crap. LS Jaesa is a far better character IMO, however I doubt they will ever change this so I guess I'm stuck with Vette.
  8. Spec rage and run around doing aoe crits for 6k. The end.
  9. Nerf the **** out of this build and make the vengeance/vigilance tree not completely useless.
  10. I used to like DS Jaesa. Then I lost like 500 affection with her when I decided to help out a ship full of innocent civilians. Turns out she 'aint my kind of gal >_>
  11. While they may have different stats, the end game PvP and PvE sets look almost identical for Guardians and Sentinels/Marauders and Juggernauts. They're just recoloured versions of each other.
  12. I play a veng Jugg at level 34, I usually break ~180k damage in a WZ, although I probably put in ten times the effort of the level 12 Merc doing 250k damage.
  13. Funnily enough, it's marauder armour. You get it from completing end-game operations.
  14. At level 50, dps specced Juggs have survivability which is on par or even weaker than other classes. For the OP: It gets a lot better as you level. I just got impale on my Jugg and I'm starting to kick some ***. Still not the most powerful in warzones, but I don't feel completely useless like you mentioned.
  15. Yes, James Ohlen said in an interview that they will be buffing DPS Juggs in the upcoming patch, following up from what Georg Zoeller said on the beta forums.
  16. First off it's not a "trailer", second of all, if you actually spent at least 3 minutes watching the video instead of being ridiculously impatient you would have seen that right at 2:42 he crits for 3.2k. He crits for 3k+ multiple times and this guy was in crap gear (no offense to him, I was watching his stream when he recorded most of this) and was not playing at the full potential of a Rage Jugg. A rage jugg can do up to 4K with decent gear with this spec. Yes, using the basic rage builders such as sundering strike and strike (or whatever), that is normal, even a marauder would do the same damage with the same attacks. Did you even get past level 10 with a warrior? Read what I said at the start... Even if you did (which I really, really doubt) then you obviously were not playing the Jugg very well at all... Cool story bro, this is an ENTIRELY different game, I take it that you didn't read Georg Zoeller's post on the forums where he said that the class design philosophy is to make every spec for every AC viable for its role. So if a Jugg specs for DPS, he is meant to be a viable dps. Just because a Jugg can tank does not mean it is a TANK class. Do you go around saying "HUR HUR ASSASINS CAN TANK, THEY SHUD DO BAD DMG IN PVP AND ONLY TAUNT AND CC"? Of course not. Same thing for a powertech too? No. Then why on earth should Juggs be limited to just TANK? Don't give me this "BECUZ THEN MARAUDERS WOULD SUK!!!" excuse. Marauders have far more group utility than dps Juggs which makes up for their lack of a different role. Are logic and reasoning too hard for you or something? As for the OP, right now marauders outclass DPS Juggs in terms of damage output and survivability in PvP, but you should probably know that MMORPGs always change and that there is NO point on choosing which class is "stronger", especially at launch, . Right now a well played DPS Jugg can hold its own in PvP but they need some adjustments to be on par with other classes (dps specced). They are buffing the damage output of Juggs and the corresponding damage trees in the upcoming patch. That said, If you like the feel and playstyle of Juggs then play Jugg, if you like the playstyle and feel of marauders play one. Just don't listen to "ursusarctus",he has NO idea what he's talking about, and doesn't seem to realise the dynamic nature of MMOs , especially recently launched ones and neither does he seem to understand class designs in SWTOR. Sorry for any grammatical slip ups, I'm practically half asleep as I type all this.
  17. It's the end game marauder PvE set. No that wasn't a typo, it's MARAUDER gear. The Jug gear set looks exactly the same, except the helmet looks different.
  18. Jugg and marauder end game gear sets looks the same.
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