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Everything posted by GRIM_REAPER_Xdc

  1. Server connection issues earlier on Ebon Hawk as well, I'm in australia so the occasional DC is to be expected but these DC's were different, not so much a timeout as it was: everything stops, 15 seconds ping, server connection lost
  2. UPDATE: Interestingly enough I'm in an attempted DF HM with another person getting DC'd. We've both noticed in Teamspeak that we're DC'ing at the exact same time On a side note once I DC'd and reconnected I got the "You can't reset combat proficencies in an operation" bug on my utilities
  3. Is anyone else noting the last day or 2 that swtor has been dropping your connection? My internet is fine, been talking to guild members in Teamspeak throughout, even they are saying they have had connection issues however my experience has been constant drops and disconnects back to server screen
  4. They've already said they are restoring it in the next chapter at end of july, consider this win it is being changed back at all, i certainly do
  5. Yeah not bringing in a premade healer into tacticals
  6. THIS. This is one of the big reasons for this request, especially with this DvL event it is quicker to level a DPS and then respec at level 65, same goes for tanks. The net result is groups of 4 DPS or 3 DPS and 1 Tank being thrown into content never designed to be run without a healer or even a high level healer (READ: level 25 healers aren't really healers). As for the cries to nerf the tacticals. I agree it's absurdly easy if you have a proper group or even a group of 4 max level DPS however they should either configure the queue to take into account group composition or make adjustments where necessary. Also can we all agree that letting level 50's queue for HM flash points is a bad idea? The number of times I've had 50's who can't pull their weight either because of their level or because they are a new player, havn't done any storymode flashpoints, can't play their class or can't follow instructions is INSANE. HM flashpoints need to be locked to level 60 or up tl;dr a change in group finder merits a change in revive cooldown no matter the group competency
  7. The issue has arisen from the massive amounts of partial group wipes I've experienced in SM tactical groupfinder and some no so short run backs *cough*False Emperor*cough*
  8. I fail to see how that has anything to do with a revive cooldown of 15min
  9. Pretty simple idea, provide a method of removing the 15min cooldown timer all non-healer classes have, be it through a complete change or level 65 passive. I believe this to be a great QoL and convenience change that would benefit everyone. Quite often I find myself telling group members that they have to rez and run all the way back because I still have a 13 minute cooldown on a rez and there nothing I could do
  10. First off I understand there isn't much love for operations content at the moment and this wouldn't be accessible to 99% of the player base (that's also sort of the point) but I believe it would be a very welcomed addition to loot tables. The idea is simple, on some NiM fights a "Nightmare Vanity Token" drops, this token could then be turned into a vendor to obtain Nightmare appearance gear that has been since removed from the game, Kell Dragon, Dreadmaster etc. These tokens could be generic or slot based eg, Head, Torso.... or divided up between appearance types for example "Kell Dragon Torso Vanity Token". The pieces could either be unmoddable items (fits in well with Outfit designer) or modable Orange gear. Furthermore these items could be Legacy bound (Like the odesson Remnant gear) or simply character bound. It would require very little in the way of coding/development time as they use existing assets, would provide motivation for veteran players to re-attempt NiM content and would provide a method of obtaining these quite cool and unique items for the players who may not have had the ability to acquire them at the time. Hope you take a look at this idea
  11. I wouldn't be mad if they slugged them for 10k cartel coins for it. it IS a unique reward after all, I'd find it hilarious if someone would pay that much for a companion with no conversations. That aside though a companion app would be amazing. Or even the ability to manage companions/mail etc from the character selection screen with crew skills or something
  12. This event is pretty damn mediocre. The armour so far is the best thing of come out of it. These "best of" packs are dropping complete garbage. Being one of the bigger attractions of the event makes them even more disappointing Almost everyone I've talked to says the same thing, the packs are dropping items you'd think came from a chance cube. Most of the items that are dropping are items you'd consider to be "Junk items" from packs, items I can purchase from the GTN for 100k or less, We're getting double or more of the same speeders, crystals and armour sets. All these items are bound making it even less useful, at least make some of this stuff bind to legacy? overall I'd give this event a 3/10 at least it's getting me GSF pops to grind out requisition on people who can't even avoiding crashing
  13. It's just incredibly unfortunate they did not test the waters sooner with those 2 specifically. After all that's a LOT of level grinding to get those 8 characters up. With almost 150 hours of leveling alone I'm surprised they did not look at metrics and see the amount of legendary players they already have
  14. This solution aims to ease tensions over the event while avoiding any drastic changes to the event. I'm trying to be reasonable, we can't expect them to trash can an entire planned event.
  15. Hi BioWare or whoever else is reading this, I believe I may have come across a solution to the whole "This new event is terrible" complaints and resolve many of the issues people have with it. First off I just want to say that, yes initially I was on board the "hate wagon" as it were but I've realised that unless I attempt to convey a simple solution I shouldn't be complaining at all. After a thorough review of all the objectives to be completed and talking to many of my colleagues I have determined most of the hate for this event stems from specifically 2 of the objectives which are as follows: Legendary>>>Alliance hero>>>Reach level 50 with each class on event characters Legendary>>>Crafting Virtuoso>>>Reach level 550 for every crafting skill on event characters Other objectives such as the Flashpoints and operations may be tedious but it is these two rather unreasonable objectives that much of the hate has arisen. Sure there are also complaints of recycling content but I can see that you're trying to get us to re-experience all the older content prior to the release of 5.0 so in this instance that is forgiven, at least by me. My reasoning behind these two being unreasonable is this. Levelling to 50 on a new character can take upwards of 18 hours if you are dedicated to grinding and skipping conversations along with all the story and Light Side / Dark Side options that are present. 18 hours isn't too bad, but consider this for all 8 classes. The result is 144 hours for a single objective. Secondly levelling a single crafting skill is an arduous process, not only do you require enough materials to achieve this but you must sink in hours upon hours of actual crafting time. This process is extended even further taking into consideration they will be levelled on new characters without any rank 50 companions. It is therefore my suggestion that the announcement of the removal of these 2 objectives, or replacement with a less extreme objective would smooth things over quite a bit. On a side note from what I've seen while talking to many guildies and others ingame chat is that the rather bloated format of the event info caused frustration which was then vented as complaints about the event. (There was many repeated fields and explanations of how to perform simple actions). I was able to convert it to a simple table and relay the information much easier so perhaps in future announcement that could be a viable method of conveying the information Many of my colleagues believe you won't be replying or acknowledging this at all but I thought I might try anyway Regards, A long time loyal subscriber, Michael
  16. Dear Bioware, I Too am in the same boat as OP, I feel like this is a HUGE slap in the face by not making these retroactive. If the "achievements" were simple repeats of one, maybe two things sure I'd be annoyed but I wouldn't complain, hell it's a new event. But this is way too far, I've sunk endless hours into my legacy. As it stands now I'm 91% Companions, 98% events (that 1000 rakghoul infections still eludes me), 70% flashpoints, 75% operations, 92% legacy and 92% locations along with 19 characters at cap or 1 SM op away from it (One of every advanced class plus a few extras) This event might be a great idea for brand new players who haven't seen most of the games content but as a long time player you NEED to implement something to lessen the impact on existing players, be it retroactive or removing the 8 character leveling requirements for those with the achievement already, simply doing this much would take great strides to bridge the gap to the loyal playerbase. Regards, A long time Sub and swtor lover
  17. Well that really sucks, Now I gotta just try and time myself with 2 load screens and 10 Dialogue menus asking to move to the next round :/ They really need to cut out these half assed implementations of contests oh well cheers anyways
  18. Hi, I was just wondering if anybody knew where to find the May Eternal Championship SpeedRun Contest leader board or times to beat? Or is it just a case of "try your best a couple times and go home"? Just asking because if there is no leaderboard how do we know who's leading the contest?
  19. As of Today this bug is still an issue and as a result 16m SM ToS is unbeatable. Had a group of NiM raiders, 3 of them Revanchists run in there and wipe several times on final phase because he would not break his channel. This needs to be fixed
  20. I'm sure I speak for many when I say, thank you for ensuring the content is working and operational before launch, It's a refreshing change of the usual rushing out of content. However, at this point Eternal Championship will have been delayed for 8 weeks by the time you give us more information, needless to say we all hope is is completely bug free on launch. Another matter is as Lando would put it "This deal is getting worse all the time! " The selling point of your subscriptions at this point is access to story content, with the removal of EC from this update we all feel as though there should be something given back, for example cartel coins or other loyalty reward for all of the subscribers. Any reply would be greatly appreciated
  21. So What are we supposed to do If restarting the launcher does nothing, Restarting PC does nothing, Any attempt to let it download, eg play/pausing, restarting client, waiting 15min results in a download speed of 0.01 KB/s (that's what the speed is listed as). Am I just supposed to spend the next 3 days trying to download this patch or can we expect a solution soon? Because I think we're all getting sick of these patching issues that have plagued us since launch. Another issue is this. What is the Bioware Team going to do as a measure of good faith for all of the subscribers affected by this? personally I'd like to see at least something get done. PS. The giveaways during the Downtime Funtime resulted in many people being simply unable to load swtor.com at all let alone redeem any grants. Thanks for reading, A long time sub EDIT: I've been downloading for almost 4 hours now
  22. A little bit of extra feedback for you. I would very much like to see a continual subscriber bonus rather than 1 off rewards you can sub for a month to get. For example, 3 months consecutive Sub Reward, 5 months, and so on. In addition to one off rewards around special events. With this model you not only encourage member to maintain a subscription but it allows members to look forward to getting at 5 months sub a cool item otherwise unavailable to them. Thought I might pass this feedback along
  23. Check out this https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p_W5kr4koJlbAH6eQlLsObuSTF4S567N706loqofMHU/edit?usp=sharing Been keeping track of top 200 for a while now
  24. Just wondering if there will be any special bonuses for players who have already gotten these achievements? (Like you are doing with the Makeb Weekly bonus). A reply would be greatly appreciated!
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