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Everything posted by avatarearth

  1. Please do one about Ashara, I want to learn more about Ashara!!
  2. Kaliyo try's not to think about SCORPIO Lol I am sure most of the crew feels the same way!
  3. I do plenty of warzones and the class I fear the most is the operative I have been killed so many times by an op coming out of stealth and stunning me then useing like a hundred knife attacks.....needless to say I die to ops a lot, lethality ops have killed me to and I am thinking of rolling one as I have a scrapper scoundrel on shadowlands.
  4. flashpoint loot are not shells they got mods in.
  5. i like most flashpoint gear, but to each his(or her) own.
  6. Question OP, if you were to pick your AC now, would you get all your talents? Or would you start with 0 or 1, and then be screwed since now at 50 you can't level any more? I guess you're still an agent and you're staying that way, so there's no way to know? I imagine it *should* give you all your talent points, but It might be a bug they didn't think of testing. Maybe if you don't have all your talent points, you could respec and that might fix it? Hmm... it would you would just have 41 points to assign or 46 if your 55
  7. No flashpoint gear has dye module slot, it really sucks, my 23 commando has a chest,legs and boots from atthiss they are orange and white like most trooper gear I want to make it stand out more like white with green or purple on it. I guess I will just have to save up for cartel market gear and then I can dye it.:(
  8. I was thinking about assassins and shadows and I remembered seeing some comments on youtube complaining that shadows and assassins can not renter stealth in combat, so I made up this Shadow/assassin NAME: stealth rush. LEVEL: 55. FORCE: not sure here, 25,30?. USE: activates a stealth rush that hides you from sight for five(5) seconds.(I was also thinking that when it ends naturally or by the activation of another ability you gain two charges of sith strength or shadows will, each charge increases the damage or healing delt your next melee or force ability by 25 or 30%). Please tell me if you like the original one I posted or this one better.
  9. I have a level 35 sage and a lavel 30 assassin and I know I like both of them, remember sages are not all about heals you got two other trees that are super cool, but shadows get stealth, a double bladed lightsaber, and skill trees that are just as great, it kinda depends on how you want to play, if you want to not change as much from your guardian you should roll a shadow since they are close range they focus on a lot of melee and they can tank. If you want to mix it up a bit roll sage you attack from long range with more cast time abilities(even more if you spec into the telecenatics tree) but if you are low on hp or your comp is you have a few heals you can use, whatever tree you spec into for shadows you'll always be mobile, with sages you can be more mobile(balance) or more a turret charging up then throwing out damage(telecanatics) in the end it's your choice. Hope this helps.
  10. and i will try to move something to hired muscle
  11. thanks i will move those points out of pyro shield now i think about it the damage that does will be pretty useless at high level. thanks
  12. you are forgetting that shadows and assassins the only classes that tank in light armor have lightsaber charges/techniques and the tanking one(dark charge/combat technique) increases your armor rating by 115% plus they get assassins/shadows training that increases your endurance by 5 per rank so shadows and assassins get some pretty good upgrades for tanking.
  13. last time i did this i made a mistake with the address but heres the real one....i hope i have not done this before anyway plese tell me if this seems like a good build for a pyro merc. http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#3000MZMccZfhrrzRrcfdz.3 thanks!
  14. Sorry made a mistake in the link.
  15. I am makeing a pyrotech for the first time my guy is a merc and I just wanted to ask if this seems like a good build. http://www.torhead.com/class/an2lnUU
  16. Your probably right I didn't think about how prices would increase, thank you for posting thou
  17. You know, some packs that give you different amounts of credits this would be good if you want lots of credits but your feeling lazy and you have some cartel coins to spare you buy the pack open it and it transfers that amount of credits to your inventory. What do you think?
  18. GTN terminals are on the fleet(galactic trade market section) and in most major city's(Kaas city, Corucsant, Nar Shadaa) in these city's the terminals will be in around the place where most of the vendors are, the market, remember theres a filter on your map to show you the terminals locations. hope this helps.
  19. when will the you make a new one? i really like these.
  20. i enjoy doing these, they can be quite challenging and you can get a lot of rep and xp from them, and if you don't want to look for a kingpin group people will pay pretty good money for the paper that allows you to get one.
  21. I like doing PvP, I don't like doing space missions, this will be interesting....
  22. I don't agree about completely changeling the comps roles but it would be nice to have a simple skill tree that would offer some passive abilities that improve that companions abilities,also some abilities that they can use in a fight would give them more individuality from all the other ones of that companion out there. The skill trees could have two or three branches, since most comps have more then one stance(example: khem Val has a tank stance and a dps stance,so for he's skill tree they could have a tanking tree and a dps tree) that way you could improve that type of fighting for them, most healers are pretty bad at dps so one or two of there trees could give them perks on there damage abilities and offer some new ones and the other one could focus on healing. What do you guys think?
  23. I like the idea of comps havering skill trees that you could assign skill points to it would give your companion more individuality to have some abilities and passive ones that some other ones might not have.
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