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Everything posted by DragnHntr

  1. This change was super useful for abilities with requirements such as rail shot or retaliation. When they were on the GCD they showed as grey even when they could be activated. This made it very difficult to see if they could be used after the GCD expired as they only flashed momentarily when all abilities were off GCD. So for these abilities it is a welcome change. HOWEVER, other abilities that are on a regular CD now show as lit up when the CD is mostly but not fully finished, this is bad as it makes it hard to tell what can and cannot be casted. The solution is simple. Make abilities on the GCD show as lit up, abilities on their own cooldown show as greyed out still. Simple and fixes everything. Their goal was to make it so that abilities that CAN be casted after the GCD is up show as lit. Abilities that are still on their own CD do not fall into this category and should show as fully greyed out, it is far too difficult to see the tiny slice of grey at the bottom of the ability that shows it still has seconds of CD remaining.
  2. If you think tanking companions have the same mitigation as dps companions you are mistaken. Perhaps you are simply attempting to overstate the situation in order to draw attention to it, or you just have not actually tested it. Regardless, it is pretty simple to see the difference between tanking and dps companions in comparable gear, tanking companions take damage significantly slower in similar situations. You would think this would be particularly noticable to a healer specced character, but apparently not. Mitigation is only part of the equation anyway, tanking pets are designed to hold aggro off the player so you can cast without being pushed back, and they are also quite good at this, better then dps companions of course. I completely fail to see how tanking companions are supposedly not doing exactly what it says on the label.
  3. Then what is the problem? If you heal up that quickly, either a tank or a dps pet will work, dps would just increase your total dps, no? I havent leveled as a tank yet, however in my experience, resting restores life/energy very fast and healer companions heal rather slow. With rest not having a CD I don't see the issue with resting after fights rather then waiting for the pet to heal you. The downtime is compensated by finishing the fight faster with a dps companion. Send your pet on the strongest enemy then take out the commons yourself. (edit: if you let them aggro on the pet before attacking, you will only have to deal with 1 at a time until you heal) Kill them so fast that pushback is not an issue. By the time you get to the enemy that is actually a threat, your pet will have enough aggro. This is just my experience though, my healer had knockbacks and shields and stuns, and a lot of instant attacks to finish off standard enemies, so ymmv of course
  4. Posting late to the party, didn't read the whole thread. Here's my take on it. DPS toons can choose a tank or a healer companion depending on whether or not they want to tank the mob they are fighting. Healer or tank toons should bring a dps pet unless you want every fight to take forever. Tank pets work great when you are dps and killing things fast, not so much when you are a healer. You have to heal the pet halfway through the fight because nobody is killing the mobs fast enough. Use a dps pet and start the fight by dpsing, by the time you have to heal them, the mobs should be mostly dead. I guess my point is, don't level as healer and act surprised that you have to heal your pet, regardless of who you bring.
  5. Is it because fraps has a built in framerate limiter? Because there are other ways to do that.
  6. Not true, it just seems that way since blasters do so little damage compared to missiles. You can take out the capital ships shield generators with just blasters however, so they do take damage.
  7. Not everyone wants to level biochem, just like not everyone in vanilla wow wanted to level potions or enchanting.
  8. So wow had Potions (and related) and enchants as professions, and enchants couldnt be put on the AH. TOR has potions (biochem). How is that worse then wow at launch?
  9. It is a themepark with the emphasis on leveling, not endgame. Roll an alt and actually play through the content this time.
  10. Not A. The class quest is linear, there are no level requirements.
  11. if you only do your class quest and skip side quests you will very quickly run into quests that are too difficult to do because they are too high level
  12. It should already be ready to go, automated even. The only question is when do we think it will change, or if they forgot about it. It is not a question of whether or not it should change, or if they should put the time into it because it should already be done.
  13. A bigger variety of items would be nice. The lack of med/heavy armor is a bigger problem then just the CE vendor I am afraid. Seems like they decided ALL cosmetic moddable sets should be light armor so that everyone can wear them. The problem being that while everyone CAN wear them, it gimps anyone that doesnt usually wear light, especially tanks for whom social armor becomes not viable. They should def fix that, the trooper armor would make great heavy tanking gear hehe
  14. It could, but dynamic implies frequent change. Something that changes once a year could hardly be considered dynamic IMO. Other games I have played that have rotating stock vendors shift them on a weekly or bi-weekly basis, and some of these games are creating new items each week. I expect the CE store has them created already and will merely rotate through a short list of items. I am holding out hope that it will change monthly, however I am starting to think they simply forgot that it is supposed to be dynamic.
  15. Nobody cares about this except the person who doesnt know what "dynamic" means despite being provided with a definition? Where are all the CE holders who care about their store? Doesn't anyone else care/know that the store is supposed to rotate stock?
  16. The flaw in that logic is that they have been advertising the vendor as dynamic (changing) since it was first announced. If they go back on that now, it will piss off the people who bought CE for the store. Similar to how they will not open the store up to everyone, because it goes back on what was advertised. False advertising and all that. Also I believe they mentioned in one of the convention Q&A sessions that the store had a rotating stock of items, the same one where they said the preorder crystal was black and gold (which was accurate) IIRC.
  17. I think you missed the definition of dynamic, even though I posted it right there. Dynamic means it changes. How is selling 5 items that are always there dynamic?
  18. So, when will we see some new items on the CE store?
  19. Don't like companions? Don't use them. Every class can stand on their own in combat. If you do all the side quests on each planet you should be easily leveled enough to take on any solo mission without your companion. You may have to use all your abilities (CC, interrupts, defensive CDs) on some of the harder fights, but it is doable. Assuming you are not terrible of course. If you are terrible AND you want to play without your companion, well too bad i guess For heroic missions and FPs of course you will need to find teammates.
  20. umm, when did they change this? Last time I rolled an alt you could immediately leave the planet and go to the fleet to learn crew skills. This is useful because salvage and bioanalasis can be leveled off mobs on the starter planet. Also you get straight to level 4 from the codexes off crew skills. Did you try to go directly to the fleet? not the spacedock. This was imp side btw, not sure if mebbe its different for you stinky republic scum
  21. You are given a moddable lightsaber for choosing shadow. If you keep the mods upgraded it is the last lightsaber you will ever need. If you do get a different orange saber its basically just a visual change. Edit: to make sure you saw, hilts can be put into single or double bladed lightsabers, upgrade the hilt on your double to make its damage higher. As for qyzen fess, their main stat is whatever BW decides that characters main stat is. Str doesnt affect melee weapons, str benefits SW/JK. Think of him as a trooper/BH that just happens to use a sword, Aim is his main stat so aim makes all his abilities better regardless of what exactly he is doing (i.e. swinging a sword)
  22. If nobody wants cannons with cunning on them, it should not drop. Similarly, schematics should not drop for the faction that cannot use them. Yeah theoretically they can be sold on the neutral AH but far more often are they being put up on the fleet gtn or vendored. If I may be excused for making a wow reference: There used to be cloth gear with agility on it back in vanilla wow. At some point they realized this was retarded as nobody wanted it, so they removed/changed it. If they can't make it so that only one side gets random drops that are only useful for that side, then either make them useful for both sides, or make then obtainable some way other then random drops. I understand that this is the way the game works, I am just saying it is stupid that it works this way currently.
  23. dup post sry, delete plz
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