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Everything posted by Ajuntalee

  1. Nope I just enjoy spreading my cynical philosophy, and reminding people they are meaningless beings on the surface of a meaningless rock, this game is all about fun and interraction nothing really matters in the end. And I have nothing better to do with my time atm.
  2. I like the OP's post, Meanwhile it is already the case, most poeple don't understand how much you can serve your team by dying or reciprocaly not killing the opponent. In alderande, or novare it is often better not to kill people because they are less dangerous tunnelling in healing or bashing in a slush fight around a node they will never get because of your respawn than respawning fresh with a clear mind and paying attention again to the BG's meta game. Good players already suicide, 1 vs 3 to get a fresh start and respawn to join the fight where it matters, leaving the dullards happy of their kill snared to death dotted, cc breaker and antispikes burnt, 45 seconds away from anything meaningfull toward winning the BG. The truth is 50% of the player base would streak lose duels against their very own character, and 75% of the player base understand squat to WZs metagaming. Which leaves only 12.5% of the player base actually capable of pushing their team towards victory, the rest of the guys don't push hard enough, and/or they push in a random direction, sometimes pushing very hard against their own team. But these guys have the same say here on forums and they keep coming asking for changes, they are convinced 100% not that they are champions themselves but that at least they are better than average, while in fact they are subpar at best. It is a minor change though, I have nothing against CC personnally, I prefer a game with more cc and less heal personnally but i don't really care, the game is fun as is, it probably was fun before too, and it is probably going to be fun after 2.2 too.
  3. PvP is fine, and excellent. Can it be better, probably, Can you make it better for yourself, yeah I guess so, Can you make it better for everyone, I am convinced you can't, leave it to the PROs, Stuck mechanic can be abused like what once every what 90seconds, stop BSing us. CC breakers don't change squat to the game, if you take any Wz happening today, cc breakers reset on death or not, all matches will end the same, a team loses because they perform inferior to the other team. Meanwhile I wouldn't mind /stuck being unusable in Wz, it is a useless feature in Wz anyways it is very rarely that people get stuck in a Wz, and when once in a blue moon they do they respawn stuck in the spawn zone, and get booted from the Wz for afking in the spawn. The game works fine now, it is going to work fine too after the change, but it is going to work fine differently. Bad players like to break stuns, let them break one more stun everytime they die, waiting for respawn is still the better CC. it is not the game that is unbalanced, it is people who are not equal, and when people compete it shows end of story. You lost because there was no healer on your team, what is the big deal ,where exactly is that the game fault, are you too lazy to spot a good healer in a Wz and tag along with him the rest of the afternoon you know in a "Group", what is the big deal ? You lost because enemy team had more sorcerers, roll one, in 4 hours you ll be able to do Wz with him, odds are you are going to enjoy the class. When 80% of the Wz population is going to be Sorceres and assassins( like now) , Bioware will see that something goes wrong, and hey will nerf them, you'll be able to pick you previous class and you would have had fun with your sorcerer in the mean time, where is the big deal ? Is the cc breaking ability necessary for this game ? Maybee, I don't think so, what I think iis that people can't adapt, it all revolves around this people suck > people get owned, & they think they are good > it the playing mechanism that is flawed > they poll and cry on the forums for the mechanic to change > the game gets updated > people still stuck > people still get owned & 6 month later they still think they are good > it is still the game mechanic that is flawed > etc.... Don't you get it, you will never find a game tailored exactly for you, you have to find one you enjoy well enough, but chances are you ll never be anywhere close to good at anything and that includes whatever game you can think of, It is not the all the games that are completely flawed, it is you who is flawed, stop asking for games to change, They will never become easy for just you, the mechanic will favor better players as much as they favor you, and better players will make the best of it while you won't, The only solution to your problem is you becoming a better player. You guys are big fat lazy SCRUBS You gimp yourself by refusing to team with others, You gimp yourself by refusing to bind your spells on the bloody keyboard, You gimp yourself by refusing to use a proper template, You gimp yourself by refusing to learn from people who are better, You gimp yourself by refusing to play against people who are better, You gimp yourself by refusing to understand how you should equip yourself, You gimp yourself by refusing to use voicecomms, You gimp yourself by refusing to pay attention during matches, At the end you gimped yourself so hard you are bound to lose, and then you blame the rest of the world, the premades, the devs, the cc, the cc breakers, the resolve, the absence of resolve, the enemy's overpowered heals, the absence of friendly heals, the enemy's OP burst, the absence of burst on your side, the sorcerers on your team, the enemy's overstuff, the lack of stuff imbalance in your favor. the problem is YOUR LAZYNESS
  4. in favor of X-server ranked PVP against X-server for un-ranked
  5. OP first off, props to your clear , detailed and well though out and written post. BUT if CCs are this powerfull, and factoring even the frequent, mana and GCd free interrupts, how come healers still fall so slowly. In team VS team it is very frequent a healer is impossible to kill before he goes into full resolve and it is common 2 to 3 players have to burn all their CC before they can finish one, In huttball when the ball carrier goes full resolve it is basically a guaranteed goal. Maps are small, full resolve is an very strong edge the player receives, it cannot last toolong, it cannot happen to soon/often. Besides hat stunlock are you speaking about, no class can stunlock 1 vs 1in that game as of 2.0, and if you play 1 vs 2 you die anyway, stunclocking a solo target 2 vs 1 before he can apply his antispikes, kolto 35% health and apply 15% damage mitigation is the only way to actually burst people and cap before reinforcment makes turns a surprise attack into a fiasco ( read heal fest ). It is working as intended, operative and assassins are duel class (when spec towards it ) Their role in Warzone is : to finish retreating wounded, to peel off stragglers around the enemy's team core to weaken it, to shut down reinforcement line to capture, poorly defended nodes. They need to burn down people fast on the spot before them or anyone else can react. They basically suck at everything else, and spend a lot of time running around the battelfield or stealthing to catch such opportunities. That feels pretty much balanced to me, you respawn you rush back to the fight, you end up running into the stealthers trap, a piano fall on your head, 10 seconds later you are dead, and now you need to rethink the way you ll join the fight or pick another route. Your team left you guarding a node, you are a healer/nuker you get owned 1v1 very fast, well your team will leave a tanky assassin next time to guard the node or at the very least a duellist class or a tank that cannot be soloed of paired on and hammered in less than 10 secs. Operatives don't have 2 stuns, they have one, they have a mez, and a short kd if they are specced toward ganking people, there is no way to stunlock anyone with that, the first kd you can take, the stun you can pop out and instantly mez them/ throw your antispike and then throw you second stun once they break out of the first :-) Should there be the third is only a mez, or they need to pop their vanish to reaply the KD, and then you are full resolve, and you too have stuns, mez snares. are you going to win the duel after such an opening, probably not, but you shouldn't be dead unless you have minimum endurance. Which would mean you are geared toward doing your specialty at its finest, in a group vs group environment, so in the end it is you who chose to be a glass cannon, it is you who chose to be crap in 1 vs 1, chances are you perform outstandingly in a group. Games are dull with no CCs and as soon as you introduce one, people start whining that they don't have enough compared to this or that class, and then people complain otherq also have too many, that bthey last too long, then dev introduce diminishing return and people still complain it is not enough while others complain diminishing returns beat the whole purpose of the CCs in the first place. CC are important, so is dps, so is lasting power, so is healing,I feel it pretty well balanced ATM and to be honest there is no game with such a great and beautifully simple and readable mechanic such as 'the resolve gauge' and the "cc breaking ability", WoW had an inferior mechanic, WaR had an inferior mechanic, EvE, DAOC and Lineage II have/had no mechanic at all. Other games I played are not even worth mentioning given the poor PvP experience they could deliver.
  6. Ajuntalee

    Meaningless PVP

    well that used to be true, but as a new comer in eve he is never going to lose something worth 20$ in pvp cause he'll need a year of afk skill training before he can pilot something that costs nearly half that amount. And countless hours spamming Amarr's local chat with a tire old scam to afford buying it and caring so little about losing it in pvp.
  7. tell me about that people never understand how little they matter to others, they all feel like they are the center of interest of the rest of the world. I don't even remember who won the 100m at the last olympics, so no offense to any of you dues/ gals but I come here to discuss PvP, I don't care who writes it, I don't care who you are and who you are not, basically no-one but yourself kind of does.
  8. Ajuntalee

    Meaningless PVP

    Since a team of total noobs in top gear will still get facestomped by a team of pro PVPers in partisan (which they will have in about 20 hours of playing), i don't really see that as a problem. Even less as this way even the baddies can (eventually) get the top gear and can't put the blame on the gear only. But titles, and the lack of show off hurts as ranked dependent gear which is reserved to better than average players is not really diffrent from grindable gear, especially in appearance, especially since you can color it. How about a few 'displayable trinkets' and a few details would add some shine to these armor sets. Heck how about "elite sets" with "handicap", Stats similat to PVP top gear Enhanced look (color, shine, decorum) equipable only by player with a ranked pvp index above X ( X depending on piece) ( the way it works now) BUT Giving money, ranking, valor, heritage, WZ marks gains substantial bonuses BUT applying 5% reduction to all stats ( including expertise) in NON ranked WZ applying 10% reduction to all stats ( including expertise) in open PVP no change in ranked WZ BUT Giving a special set bonus / procs / stats improvement applicable in PVE only. People would have things displayable to show off that money and time can't buy. And playing with this in unranked they could show that even with handicap they still retain the upperhand. Yeah very little cross guild teams are made and to play ranked all day you need other premades to play all day, which means they are backup players etcs so on 8 man premades taht is a roster of 16 dedicated pvpers half of wich will only play ranked half the time and get half the gear advancement, the rest of the time they will still go 4 men into PUG bracket waiting for a spot in the ranked team,. Since there is very little incentive to play ranked very few people will mingle cross guild to form a team, most people wait for their guild to mount one, which for most guilds below 150 members will never happen. Arenas in my opinion are a lesser version of warzone, where the depth of meta gaming is dented to say the least, I don't vote against, theya re certainly fun like duels can be, BUT you can be a good duellist and a terrible arena player, and a terrible Wz player. you can be a good duellist a good arena player and abarely decent WZ player you have to be a good duellit and a good arena player to be a good WZ player, Hence the best pride/ stuff / decorum / bragging rights should go to ranked warzoners, before they go to ranked Arena players. Also people going into ranked arena all day would desertify further the already split PvP player pool. Arena / ranked Arena / Wz / ranked WZ / 30-54 Wz / 11-29 Wz , events , open PvP... The solution of cross server I don't like, I like to play with people I know against people I know, people of your guild, people you meet in the fleet. Cross server ranked Wz, cross server ranked arena why not, but cross server unranked, that would spoil the whole fun of finding who is good and who isn't on your server. Also the templates to perform well in duel and well in WZ can be pretty diffrent, Arena being in between. and people doing one in ranked would probably stop doing the other altogether further splitting and delaying the matches, Either ranked Wz or arenas becoming eventually completely deserted. Because as in 2.0 if you are a decent player you can take on another decent player regardless of a slight difference in gear, and to boot in WZ 1 v 1 or 2v2 is few and far between TTK and size of BGs make reinforcment very likely and balances switches to groups vs group very fast. my opinion is that someone who is already very good ( since he gets top ranks against other ranked teams) does not need something to make him overpowered, what he/she really needs is a way to easily show the rest of his/her server how good he/she is, like unique recognisable gear / decorum / wearable trinkets / titles and their avatar's name or statue somewhere on the fleet. Well that isn't true if you lose all your matches you gear up about half as fast as if you win all, so that is 20 more hours of playing for partisan and 200 more for conqueror, Unless you accept to play canon fodder with 7 mates of yours in ranked, which will shorten that time a lot ( and i think that is where you meant the problem is it shouldn't work any better streak losing ranked or streak losing unranked) The bolster is maybee evening things a bit to much on 55, but think about that the current 10% bonus to people in full pvp gear / ultimate pve gear compared to partisan/basiclooks puny, but is matters a lot when you power it by 8 (1,1^8 = 2.14) that means that all things equal aside from gear difference, between a premade in full gear and a premade in starter gear, there is already no match since it equates a game of 8 vs 17. But then again I grant you, it doesnt account for that much in a duel where ( skill being equal ) luck and template/class play a much bigger role than itemization. Personally i don't care, I have Street fighter IV for duels, I play PvP in MMO to PvP in team, in something more complex than just deathmatch. I think the actual system is good, they just need some incentive to push people into ranked, But that should be looks / brags /titles only since the itemization gap imho is close to perfect, and given that as stated before a top player doesn't need to become cheated he/she needs recognition for his/her skills and challengers a incentive to push him/her off his pedestal, new contenders an incentive to die for a spot in his/her team. Yes "stand out" that is the word, Easily readable, and eye catching brag rights is what they deserve.
  9. /like, quoted it all it was well written and was worth being repeated, should be on front page really.
  10. I was thinking about that, I had a PT 2pieces set set bonus in mind. Then I thought it is still going to be interesting for people who don't die often like people playing well, or even people playing well in the compabny of other people who play well. Indeed this new mechanism of CC breaking reset is obvioulsy mostly going to benefit people who die often, so they get a nudge to get back in the race and pull a come back, come backs are fun and give intensity. It is a minor tweak in my opinion, and the effect it is going to have on the abilities you speak about is going to be even less incidental. i don't think either the new mechanism ,or the induced side effect of dev team overlooking the diminishing return of cc breaking Cd reducing spe/set bonus, is detrimental to the game. -The first because it works in favor of weaker players/team, -The second because competitive players as you stated will just reevaluate their itemization/template accordingly, uncompetitive players have more pressing matters they need to adress before pulling their hairs with such choices.
  11. I play unsubbed most of the time, it is a free to play game after all, did you care about that ?....hum well no, cause you don't care about me, I am merely another nobody, just like you. Why do you think we care about what you did, what you may do, you are a 1/7 000 000 000e of humanity keep that in mind before posting the content of your breakfast, or telling us you won't continue paying full fare for that excellent game, we don't give a flying ****, Stick to what ( you think ) could be improved and why ( PvP wise ) and bounce ideas with others instead of trying to blackmail the devs.
  12. Resolve system is excellent, best cc diminishing return mechanic in a MMO and i have played a bunch. If you die under 4 successive stun, it took too long 2, should be enough unles you are a tank spe tank stuffed as a tank with cc up and someone healing you. If you die in under 8 seconds it is because people around you don't heal and don't guard you, or because you are a lone glass cannon vs 2 dps. Working as intended. cc are long enough that some people can get killed before they can play, that is because their stun breaker is not up, otherwise you can break one and activate your antispike ability which is going to lead you into the third stun which is going to be shorter, or merely a mez, which means you will be awake soon, and you ll be able to sprint out, AE mez/ vanish insert relevant ability of your choice. If you tried your luck attacking a node that looked undefended with your CDs down, well you "TRIED YOUR LUCK" it involves bad luck sometimes and being induced into a "Fubar" fight. better luck next time you can't always win the pot when you go all in. CCs are in my very humble opinion very well balanced in this game, and they all share the same pool for diminishing returns, that resolve system is an excellent mechanism, stop behaving like spoiled child and bashing that games PvP it is extremely decent.
  13. Ajuntalee


    Oooh noes, the world is behind you brother , your sacrifice won't remain unnotice, And i am sure Bioware will fear the dent in their next month budget and react accordingly by tonight. Ahem, who are you already , and how many dudes are you speaking about 75.... 150... ? oh you mean 3 ah okay, Well enjoy your time on another game of which you will eventually get bored too, money goes into the same pockets anyways.
  14. Force afk into premade of AFKers. This way PUGs can finally steamroll something and feel all warm and cozy inside. Premades won't feel the diffrence between afkers standing their ground facing death impassibly and squashing scurrying busy little PUGS (pun intended). 1 Stone two birds. :-)
  15. OP: Hence So no.... the suggestions of the topics OP is that since 2.0 DPS spe PTs are not on par with DPS spe Snipers and Marauders, which personnaly I agree with, on the other hand (apparentrly contrarily to some other PTs) I find it totally normal given the utility, the reasonable dps, the self survivability and projected survivability we still bring on the table. Now to tackle your concern I do thing juggernauths are better taunters, but i don't play one so out of modesty I really can't tell if outside of that they are more usefull than PTs in a BG, are they OverPowered, maybee, maybee not , if they are it is ground for nerfing them not buffing everything else. I do think assassins are better duellists, They can bodyguard longer than we do but they can't quite switch bodyguarded friendly as fast as us, and they can't bodyguard as strongly as we do, think about all the area hard snares, area hard damage debuff, area stun that we have on top of the taunts, as long as we stand all the focused guy has to do is move a bit, and our team can rain AE damage on the enemy pack stuck in the mud. They can do "split" or "opportunistic attacks" without suiciding but they are not nearly as effective at slowing down people as we are, when you catch a healer (or better 2 healers) runnning to reinforce somewhere with your PT they don't go anywhere until they resolve to take you down which is going to take them well over 90s. good luck doing that with an assassin. They are excellent solo defenders for nodes, honetly nothing comes close to them, good for them, I 'd rather enjoy the fights than doing watchdog. Are assassins Overpowered, well that would explain why everybody and their grandmother plays sorcerer/assassin/shadow or sage these days, but then again it is ground for nerfing those and not buffing everything else. I think you guys base your claims on the numbers you see at the end of the battlegrounds, but these are just stats they are just one viewing angle and they don't encompass the whole picutre, sometimes having the enemy's number low and winning is better than having your own numbers high and losing, it certainly pays better anyways. If you want to win your 1 vs 1 roll a duellist class, PT is not a duelling class it might have been in the past, we enjoyed it but I don't think that was really the purpose of the class, every body likes to win duels, but sometimes you have to accept that is not what your class was designed/intended for. PT shine at decreasing enemy's mobility, this in turn improves our team damage potential, and reduces enemy damage potential, and it stack very well with our other tools specifically dedicated to debuffing enemy's raw damage output.
  16. PT are fine, they are denfensive dps, their main abilities are taunts, AoE taunts . You can't ask to have taunts and at the same time the dps of pure damaging class like the Marauder or the Sniper. You have to accept that you rolled a tanky, even if you focus is on damage, you still have the capacity to defend others, for free mana wise and GCD wise, and you should use it, of course it is not going to help in a duel or 1 vs X, but it is of great use as soon as you hit 2 vs 2. Speaking os branches. Since 2.0 Shiled spe is extremely resilient has tons of cc, excellent mobility, and infinite AE hard snares. Pyro has been given movement imparing invunerability abilitie, and hence has now excellent kiting abilities, and the new kolto reserve which makes it a ****ton more survivable than it was before. They are still capable of finishing people at long range. I like how people focus on the puny flat dps output nerf and completely forget about the massive mobility and tanking buffs. It is still a very easy spe to play, so you have no excuse for not binding your TAUNTS, which are the reason why you are still extremely usefull in most situation in a BG. regardless of how you deep specialize, "Thermal D", "Oil slick" or retractable. Proto spe is almost untouched, lost a bit damage, earned a little survivability evens out for the greater good. I think the game is better now that all three spe are desirable in PVP. Remember you are in the BGs for 2 reasons, denying ennemy's mobility denying the ennemy its "burst damage" Neither one nor the other gives lots medals or lots of score to brag about at the end. But unless you sacrifice yourself on split gimmicks ( another usefull role which doesn't get endgame credit either) you 'll be in the heart of battle for the whole match, and play a key role in helping your team body the other with the momentum of its core. Which depending on your spe pairs with one of the following Shield -> further mobility and burst denial. You are a dedicated body guard. Proto -> flat unmitigated dps pressure. You are an attrition body guard. Pyro -> opportunistic burst surges. You are a finisher body guard. Stop whining start to taunt and to position yourslef properly, you are not a duelling class, you are a group vs group class, Your job is to have your team's 4-6 CORE slowly push the other teams 6-8 CORE in the ropes. your job is to do your share in the process of stalemating the ennemy on the big clash with less people on your side than theirs, in this job taunt is what you are expected to do, the rest is just gravy. Alternately you can suicide yourself doing "split" 1 vs 3 slowing down and wearing down ennemy reinforcement in a slush fight with you or draging them away from the real fights, keeping them busy doing something useless. Stealthers and monotarget DPS are the one suppposed to do 1 vs 1 and steal lightly defended nodes or defend lightly attacked objectives. Now that you have read that I hope you will find pride in a bg in other things than measuring your E-pecker on the DPS scorechart at the end. Stop crying about the rebalancing of our class and adapt. powertech/vanguards regardless of the spe is one of the easiest class to play, and our role has never changed, we are better at it than before, we lost a bit of punch in the process, and are less good at dealing than pure dealing classes I guess that is what we can call working as intended.
  17. Un peu simpliste, en réalité un heal est presque impossible a tuer tant qu'il a un tank pour le protéger, et il est beaucoup plus facile de tuer le tank en premier, les healeurs doivent etre interrupt / cc / ae / dot pendant que le tank tombe pour accélérer le processus, sans son tank le heal sera ensuite rapidement terminé. le scénario inverse est généralement 3 ou 4 fois plus pénible à mettre en oeuvre. Tuer un tank sous heal peut paraître contre productif, c'est le cas dans la pluspart des mmo, mais le raccourci de burst le heal ne fonctionne pas sous swtor, un tank empêchant tout burst sur tout autre personne que lui. C'est jsutement a cause du taunt et du grab qu'il faut tuer un tank en priorité, un tank ne peut pas taunt quelqun qui le frappe lui, et il à tres peu d'interet a grab un cac qui lui tape dessus, il se fera en revanche un plaisir de grab puis de snare un maraudeur qui tapais sur son heal. C'est mieux que rien mais en tant que tank votre job c'est de proteger ceux qui se font taper dessus, s'il s'avère que pour une raison qui leur appartient, l'equipe adverse préfère essayer de burst votre dps et laisse votre heal tranquille il convient de proteger le dit dps afin de permettre au healeur de le tenir en vie, vous aurez tout loisir de transférer votre protection sur le heal au moment opportun, le changement de garde étant gratuit en énergie, immédiat en toutes conditions et ne nécessitant pas le GCD. aussi vrai qu'ils font des défenseurs solo assez corrects, 1 - il n'arrivent pas a la cheville des classes furtives pour défendre un objectifs ces dernières ayant l'avantage de pouvoir attirer les ennemis opportunistes seuls gaspillant leur temps à venir caper un point qu'ils ne pourront pas caper, et pouvant retarder une prise de 20 secondes contre un groupe de 2 ou 3 ennemis sans même avoir à engager le combat, une fois le combat engagé la durée de vie d'un tank sous focus dps n'est supérieure à celle de n'importe quelle autre classe que de 10 secondes dans le meilleur des cas. 2 - Un tank est une très mauvaise classe de 1 vs X et comme les soigneurs tout leur potentiel ne s'épanouit que lorsqu'ils ont au moins un collègue, les deux sorts les plus puissants du tank étant 'garde' et 'provocation' qui n'ont strictement aucune utilité dès lors qu'il est seul. Les tanks sont plutôt destinés à jouer la où est la mêlée comme les heals et il est dommage de se priver de leur utilité dans la mêlée, en outre le potentiel de dégât des tanks est ridicule en monocible, alors qu'une fois encore dans la mêlée ils peuvent maximiser l'impacts de leurs excellents sorts de dégats de zone et de leurs cc/snares de zone. l'idéal pour garder un node est un furtif avec un spécialité 1 vs 1, ce sont également les classes les mieux équipées pour faire du "split" 1 vs 2 , 1 vs 3 sans avoir à se suicider, réduisant les ressources de l'ennemi sur le reste du BG, ou pour "ninja" un point dans le dos d'un adversaire peu réveillée ou après l'avoir zigouillé. Induire l'ennemi dans un combat perdu d'avance ou un status-quo est très utile dans un bg ou chaque équipe possède des ressources en personnel limitées. personne n'excellent autant à cela qu'un furtif qui sait quand faire croire qu'il est là où il n'est pas/plus et qu'il n'est pas/plus là ou il est. Forcant trois adversaire à le chercher en vain, ressurgissant pour un pull lorsqu'ils se décident finalement à retourner aider le reste de l'équipe. Incitant un adversaire a venir caper solo pour finalement l'enliser dans un 1 vs 1 interminable sans aucun espoir de capture avant l'arrivée des renfort ou d'une mise à mort. obsolète Ces précisions apportées je salue le temps dédié par tout les contributeurs de ce guide et j'espère qu'il continuera d'évoluer et d'être tenu à jour.
  18. Ajuntalee

    Lol pre mades

    Yeah i guess they should rebalance the game, whenver you enter a BG you and only you get a 80% damage reduction and a all your damage is multiplied by 4,4785 , when you kill an enemy all enemies around recieve a 20 seconds dot that ticks 4k every second and cannot be cleansed. This way you can win a bg 4 vs 8. Seriously, you entered a BG , unfortunately it was not balanced, you lost where is the big surprise.... where exactly can anyone reasonably do something for you ? What is the big deal there is no shame losing a BG 4 vs 8 wait for it to close or leave and queue again.
  19. Any scientific reason why Reps are so bad at PvP? YOU Sorry couldn't resist. Honestly on my server we have very good reps players too and they win just as much as they lose.
  20. Nah that would gimp healers in one vs one and that is not necessary, that would also make healers number one squishies and make it a no brainer to focus on them,* As the expression suggests "no brainers" don't include use of brain and are de facto hurting game's interest. There already is cheesy pve on that game for people who hate to use their brains, their interrups, their debuffs and the keys beyond "1,2,3,4, and 5" on their keyboard. The current game depth is better as it is, where you have to decide wether you should punch the tank, punch the nuker, punch the aoer or punch the healer. and that meta game is as much a part of skill as knowing when to kill, when to cap, when to suicide split, when to pull ennemy lemmings ashtray, and what rotation to use when and against who. It can be improved but not with that change IMHO. What they could do, is that the healing received bonus talents are only working for you own heals and not everyone's heal, or a mix of both, some beneffiting only selfcast heals some benefitting all received. A tweak to ganking/tanking/healing balance is probably not going to hurt the game, but lets be fair 50% of the player base don't ever use their interrupts/cc at the right time , and 50% of those tunnel vision button mashers will come here complain healing heals too much, and on the sages/snipers forums that nukers hit too hard. The most powerfull spells in this game are out of gcd and they cost little to no energy (guard, taunt, mass taunt, interrupts, antispikes) there is 0 excuse for not using them as often as possible other than not being a good player yet.
  21. well i do better than you obviously. wrong not since 2.0 read patchnotes/devblogs Nope the whole point behind expertise being to include other games "PVP/BG" balance mechanic where they tweak damage, buffer and heal throughtput to something more suited for pvp engagements. you meant "damage x ( 100+60 ) / (100 -37) " the result being effectively 100,8% of "damage" you are not as bad at maths as your flawed formula suggests. Nevertheless accoding to your logic the healing buff should be 60% aswell, it is 40%, so the current tweaks intend at balancing ganking and tanking while giving handicap to healing. Maybee you can see where it goes, these layers can be changed at very little coding expense to tweak the global pvp balance in Bgs or in wild pvp, Expertise as you have stated also have the second interest of separating pvp dedicated and pve dedicated gear, and it is compensated with the 55 bolster system so that you are not completely gimped in pve gear since there is no "partisan" gear anymore. but you are mistaken thinking it serves only that purpose it is a double edged tool. The fact that damage increases and damage reduction evens out atm is a coincidence, it might not be true in 3 months, it might be true again in 6 month. As said above, it is not true anymore, since patch 2.0 expertise is budget free on items, and the bolster system gives a very good share of expertise for free to items which have none, ensuring everybody remains in a reasonable bracket of the pvp tweaks people at 2018 merely having a 10% efficiency edge over people who have none on their stuff. In conclusion : you are off topic, you have your facts wrongs your understanding of the pvp bolster / expertise purpose is uncomplete. Now that this is fixed, please hold your horses do consider the following changes propositions and see how they could improve/ depreciate the pvp experience and let us know if they are or not needed. 1 - Transform expertise bonus "~30% damage reduction" into a "~30% endurance boost", where no healing/self healing is involved it equates to no change but with the actual mechanics the following setup A hammering B at 2000 DPS and C healing B at 1800 HPS, B having 30 000 HP buffer you have a 150 seconds fight. with the new state you would have A hammering B at 2850 DPS and C healing B at 1800 HPS, B having 42857 HP buffer you have a 41 seconds fight. Also putting back people to full health would become more important and woudl take longer, giving more importance to big fat channeled heals because buffer would be important. 2 - Reduce the healing buff of expertise by 10% Again where no healing/self healing is invloved obviously no change, A hammering B at 2000 DPS and C healing B at 1800 HPS, B having 30 000 HP buffer you have a 150 seconds fight. with option 2 would turn into A hammering B at 2000 DPS and C healing B at 1671 HPS, B having 30 000 HP buffer you have a 91 seconds fight. 3 - Tweak the interrupt mechanic so that it penalises the caster for all casts, or penalyse the caster's spell for a longer time. 4 - Introduce more debuffs to heals done and heals received. That would certainly boost the desirability of certain specs that are frowned uppon atm. Or expand the depth further than the actual duality of sustained dot pressure / big fat execution moves. Take the powertechs for example, the tank spec has a crucial role in BGs and outside, both other spec are just doing damage, one elemental in melee, the other classic at mid range, but they serve the exact same purpose, taunt and deal period, having one of those two specs emphasize on big fat debuffs and a bit less damage, while the other stays a taunting damage dealer.
  22. Once again there is no need to argue about this class or that class, etc... Operatives and sorcerers are outrunnig most of their opponents easily and are basically for different reasons, very good at using LOS to their advantage. Both are basically only moderatly annoyed by perma interrupts agains for diffrent reasons but the result is the same they only lose 20-25% of their healing power if they can't channel. mercs don't run that fast but they have extremely high mitigation due to strong passive and active abilities they lose more healing power under perma interrupt but they are always long to take down. I have several propositions to tweak healing output in BGs only. 1 - Transform expertise bonus "~30% damage reduction" into a "~30% endurance boost", where no healing/self healing is involved it equates to no change but with the actual mechanics the following setup A hammering B at 2000 DPS and C healing B at 1800 HPS, B having 30 000 HP buffer you have a 150 seconds fight. with the new state you would have A hammering B at 2850 DPS and C healing B at 1800 HPS, B having 42857 HP buffer you have a 41 seconds fight. Also putting back people to full health would become more important and woudl take longer, giving more importance to big fat channeled heals because buffer would be important. 2 - Reduce the healing buff of expertise by 10% Again where no healing/self healing is invloved obviously no change, A hammering B at 2000 DPS and C healing B at 1800 HPS, B having 30 000 HP buffer you have a 150 seconds fight. with option 2 would turn into A hammering B at 2000 DPS and C healing B at 1671 HPS, B having 30 000 HP buffer you have a 91 seconds fight. 3 - Tweak the interrupt mechanic so that it penalises the caster for all casts, or penalyse the caster's spell for a longer time. 4 - Introduce more debuffs to heals done and heals received. That would certainly boost the desirability of certain specs that are frowned uppon atm. Or expand the depth further than the actual duality of sustained dot pressure / big fat execution moves. Take the powertechs for example, the tank spec has a crucial role in BGs and outside, both other spec are just doing damage, one elemental in melee, the other classic at mid range, but they serve the exact same purpose, taunt and deal period, having one of those two specs emphasize on big fat debuffs and a bit less damage, while the other stays a taunting damage dealer. It will always be time to see if there is a real average imbalance between healing classes, but in all modesty I don't think I have enough data to state there is nothing "concrete", and I think none of you here have enough data to backup any claim have read here or there about this or that class. On the other hand we kind of all agree on the fact that killing people takes very long when everybody in the team does his job, whether you are someone who likfes to adapt and you use "very long " or someone who likes to whine and you use "too long", having heal slightly less efficient would give a bit more importance to other mechanics like mobility, stealth/surprise attacks, buffering health, respawn waves etc... and it can certainly not hurt.
  23. Ajuntalee

    Op healz

    Well maybee they understand the game better than you do. When you fight a [ tank + healer + healer ] group you need to clip the tank first, because he is the only one you can actually dps, the two healers only need to be interrupted or cced while you perform that. Unless the tank is a useless dullard he is going to perma defuff your damage by 30% debuff everyone's by 5% and absorb 50% whatever left you guys have to caress his healers, good luck spiking anyone under those conditions while trying to run after the sprinting/vanishing/rolling/bubbling healers while you are perma snared and and you know the drill : no spike no finish especially with 2 healers.
  24. Changing the expertise bolster of "damage ereduction" for an equivalent amount of "endurance" would go a long way ensuring healing remains slightly more difficult than dpsing.
  25. I really dont get the whole level 55 bolster, gimmick they tried, bolster is for leel 54-. The only thing they should bolster in 55 Bgs is expertise, and it is pretty simple bolster to program. if Player[Total_expertise ] =< 2018 then Player[Total_expertise ] = 1800 + ( (2018 - 1800) * ( Player[Total_expertise ] / 2018) ^ 3 ) elif Player[Total_expertise ] > 2018 then Player[Total_expertise ] = 2018 else leave the bloody player expertise and other stas alone this way people with no expertise get a minimum of 1800 in BG and people who have a little are nudged a bit, and then even more and more until they reach the 2018 cap. if people have more than 2018 they get kept back in line at 2018. Problem solved pvp is fair, itemization is safe. this bolster would give the following results Out of BG expertise : in BG expertise 0 : 1800 300 : 1801 600 : 1805 900 : 1819 1200 : 1846 1500 : 1889 1800 : 1954 2100 : 2018 2400 : 2018 etc...
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