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Everything posted by Getzeitzuu

  1. I would give up my entire paycheck if Faunt raged or posted about himself on the forums. We can't be talking about the same person.
  2. Yes. Faunt/Alexandra/Fauntleroy is one of the best healers on this server, regardless of which class he's playing.
  3. Two things: 1. Sorcs can play objectively and get very little objective points in a huttball. Pulling teammates, controlling mid, bubbling people, cc'ing for balls in mid, and pushing people off ramps or into fire doesn't yield many objective points, but really helps a team. 2. I've seen Maod play objectively recently. I've seen him spend entire hypergates and novares at a pylon or defending a node. Just sayin
  4. I hate when people shout out to people they like to pvp with in a pvp shout out thread. ESPECIALLY when they cite the exact reason why they find enjoyment from pvping with the person they have shouted out.
  5. Zenod, SORCS ONLY!!!!1111 How would Maod continue reign as #1 sorc (He really is the best) by dueling assassins? psh..
  6. Is the republic side going to start making a forum post every time they beat a team with 4 premade players?
  7. I got stuck in the box on the last boss in cademimu. I don't have screen shots, but can you add me to the list?
  8. It's like he has his inner monologue automatically posted to /1 during war zones.
  9. http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/274/217/df0.jpg
  10. 32k health and 15 names we've never seen
  11. That was some CSI **** right there. Forensics.
  12. Maod has refused to duel me twice now. Once because he was high and once because he is under geared.
  13. I'll be home from work in about an hour. Pretty sure I have some wine coolers, smirnoff raspberry, and appletinis waiting for me. ~*
  14. That certainly sounds like something I would say. You're good at this.
  15. Sooooo... When I whispered you about dueling and you declined, I did not expect a forum post like this to follow. Truly a Jester.
  16. Sooooo... When I whispered you about dueling and you declined, I did not expect a forum post like this to follow. Truly a Jester.
  17. Hi, I'm a mental health therapist and I'm pretty sure I'm obligated by law to report this.
  18. i don't pocket heal. I get everybody.
  19. You probably are playing well because you took a huge ibok and cleared your bowels before this match.
  20. My first night @ 55. Probably like my 8th game... Wearing a mixture of the new pvp tier and EWH. Not the first time I've broke a mill, but definitely the hardest I've had to fight to do it. http://i.imgur.com/BswhzsD.jpg Shout out to the Scoundrel from Remnants of the Jedi, killothian, and Chachu who pounded me the 2nd round, probably stopping me from doing 1.6+ mill.
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