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Everything posted by mbfhl

  1. only 24? over all servers? stop lying on harbinger alone there's at least that.
  2. They're only letting Imperial players use the vendor atm. Just more of Bioware's bias against the Republic.
  3. Tait, why did you take away our nightlife event achievements? They're all missing now. :/
  4. If a player cannot see an add when they spawn, it's an issue on their end, not the games.
  5. Did you get an in progress GF pop?
  6. Umm I haven't paid much attention to tank Dread Touched items, so I'm not sure. But at least there's a chance of a Vigilant 36; you'll never get alacrity on a tank drop piece lol.
  7. The other thing about the gold spammers is that you don't actually get the in-game credits, and they steal and sell your credit card. Not an offer to compare it to.
  8. Loot and pointless comms aren't the only thing the bonus boss gives. There is a little thing called ACHIEVEMENTS...
  9. LF a large Republic side guild that will be focussing on Conquests when they come out that I can participate in.
  10. They already did all this for 2013.
  11. Chance is chance. There could be a 95% chance to get on, and you still wont get one after hundreds of packs. Don't complain about numbers.
  12. That is already the case. The default is 'not participate', you choose to participate by playing the game. You could quite easily get a life and not log in, but you choose to so you choose to participate.
  13. I fail to see how this is a suggestion. Looks like OP is just being a whiney crybaby who wants everything their way.
  14. Cheapen and lessen it? YOU HAVE EXCLUSIVE TITLES FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. All we ask for is one simple thing to show that the devs care about players that weren't able to play at the start.
  15. So you want to make players feel cheated and worthless because you have something they can't get?
  16. Did you even read the post? He's after Oriconian, not Dread Forged.
  17. Players can only kill you if you're flagged. If you're a lowbie and dumb enough to enter the tunnels flagged, you should expect to die.
  18. That's why he's complaining about 2k. He has less credits to sell to steal credit cards!
  19. I agree there should be bonuses for old subscribers, but I don't think they should be in the form of achievements. Items, titles, mounts, pets - sure, but there doesn't need to be achievements for that stuff. They're included here because they cannot be obtained by players of the game currently, in the same way that 8 SM Vorgath was achieveable prior to 2.0 but is no longer.
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