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Everything posted by DeliriousOne

  1. Did you read my post ? obviously not because i stated in it that I was aware new gear was coming out , and i would have to grind new gear. you dum**********. The PvE gear used at level 50 can still be used in 55 content and i am still mostly wearing 50 gear for 55 content. READ MY POST I SAID THIS ALREADY! WHY CANT MY EWH HAVE EXPERTISE? OOOOH I KNOW THE DEVELOPERS CREATED BOLSTER AND CANT FIGURE OUT HOW TO FIX IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I EARNED THAT GEAR, AND I HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE EXPERTISE ON IT. YOU DUMB*****S THAT KEEP REPLYING "ARE YOU A NOOB TO MMOs?" f*** OFF. WHEN NEW GEAR COME OUT U CAN STILL USE IT TO GET THE NEW GEAR, IT JUST DONT BECOME USELESS OVERNIGHT LIKE MY EWH DID. IM WILLING TO BET 99% OF THE A** HATS THAT HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THE HOT FIX DID LITTLE TO NO PVP, SO IM SURE YOU WOULD NOT BE UPSET. PI*SEDTHEF***OFF
  2. Ill make this short and simple as my long post was lost. I along with many others has spent countless hours earning EWH gear. to have it turned into PvE gear. I have compared my EWH stats prior to the hotfix to after in 55 WZ, 1,975 expertise prior, to 1543 post. My 63 PvE gear in 55 WZ is 1,563 expertise. My main stats on EWH are very similar to my 63 PvE set, but for PvE my PvE set is better. In short my PvE set is better than my EWH for both PvE and PvP, thus my time spent in PvP, and WZ/RWZ coms has gone to waste. I was upset to see that after 2.0, I had to gind new gear for PvP that was barely better than EWH, that cost much less than EWH, but I felt confident that my EWH would give me an advantage over players that had never PvPed before 55. Boy I was seriously wrong as BW decided to f*** me and others even harder by removing expertise from WH/EWH. I did not use my EWH gear for just WZs, I also used it on planets for solo/group/ops PvP. I have a solution to make all happy, Put a vender on fleet that will buy back WH/EWH gear for WZ/RWZ coms. I would gladly get rid of this newly useless gear for WZ/RWZ or even a set of partisan gear. Until then I will not PvP, and I will continue thinking about not renewing my subscription, as if this happens once it can happen again, and I will not waste any more of my time on a game that punishes avid players.
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