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10 Good
  1. Your answer is excellent. I wonder if Bioware will allow you to choose options that calm her down in future expansions. Right now she is a horrible apprentice. Or maybe I'm just a lousy teacher. After all, players don't have the dialogue options to teach her much of anything. The only good thing about her is that she makes me laugh and is too stupid to betray me.
  2. Why do you need the stupid dark reflection to corrupt her? Why can't it be obvious that a dark tier 5 player killed the dumb reflection because he didn't need its help. That is not a good/bad choice, it is a bad/questionable choice. This ultimately ruined the story by destroying my other options. Why should I suffer the penalty for Bioware's mistake? Fix it.There should be a ssecond chance at corruption for those who got shafted by an unclear decision. First time players who don't read ahead, like me, are being shafted by unclear decisions because they don't play strictly dark or light. Why not ask us once at the beginning if we want to always be good or always bad. That wouldn't ruin the game any more than completely unrelated decisions like the reflection. Another example is that to corrupt her you merely say that you will teach her the ways of the datk side. What else was I supposed to say in front of Imps? What if you say you'll change the order from within to trick her? Once she is on my ship I could've admitted I lied but it wouldn't let me. There are several major fixes that need to be made. Ultimately, Bioware owes it to their players to have a late game fix for this for players who got screwed over by their flawed design. Romancing her would be a step in tge right direction by allowing the player to at least partially corrupt her. A late game option to corrupt or uncorrupt her would be the best fix as well as addressing the original problem. That way new players can avoid tge problem and old players don't have to restart to get their intended ending. I also feel like the lack of ability to even try ro romance LS Jaesa is ridiculous. ForEven if she said no that would be better than ignoring the possibility. Maybe she could explain that she wants to avoid passion and that although she feels for the player she doesn't want to risk the dark side. Anything would be better than the lazy and incomplete lack of an answer there is now. What I'd really like to see is a full expansion to the class quests. I've only played the Sith Warrior all of the way through and I get to the end feeling like it is just the beginning. Continuing the story would allow a possibility to fix past confusion in a seamless manner. In short, Bioware has some serious flaws to address. The whole point of a videi game is living out your fantasies and if I have to imagine an ending to compensate for the la cc k of one, why should I bother to renew my subscription? I'm not going to renew not out of spite but because I have no urge ro continue playing if there is no point. Bioware, please just say if uou have some big surprise waiting for us that'll fix all of this. I'm kind of tired of linear choices, pointless expansions, and watching Revan's character be brutally destroyed, twisted, and manipulated all over again. For all intents and purposes: /signed
  3. I just gotta say that having a woman tell you that she would be honored to have your children but refuse to confirm or deny her love for you would be insulting. There is no closure in this. I would like to see a more complete ending, even if it is just her saying no because she wants to continue the Jedi tradition of chastity. It just feels more like a teaser than the prelude to the reign of a secretly light sided Emperor's Hand and his apprentice. I would understand if she said no because Jaesa is an idealist and favors extremes. She kills everyone or no one. She gets totally wasted or she doesn't. She sleeps with every good looking man or she wears a purity ring. That's to be expected. In conclusion, I ask that Bioware create further dialogue options to allow players with a Light Sided Jaesa to fully develop a favorable or otherwise romantic relationship with her. I believe this can be done because it would not compromise the well written character but would finally establish the currently rather shaky details and give a worthy and complete resolution to the player's relationship with said character. \signed
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