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Everything posted by AaronJediKnight

  1. I have tried all combinations of specs that are available on the PTS. I have to say, this does not feel like Sentinel whatsoever . Force Camo and Transcendence are vital abilities for the class, choosing between blade blitz & Force camo, or not even having Transcendence makes no sense. I get that simplifying the game is the plan you're going with, but this is just murder. Forcing centring to be used on Transcendence and having to choose anything that is not force-camo is going to kill the class if it were to be released as it is now. 99% of posts on this thread are upset about it, and I do not know what the Devs were thinking when making this change (tbh it was probably a sage main that was upset that maras keep sitting on them ). The second topic I want to touch on is class Balance. Combat went from the worst spec to the absolute best. Having a 135% crit chance with an 80% crit multiplier is just nuts, especially now that the Defel-Meta won't be a thing anymore if the proposed changes go through. Combat shreds now and while the argument can still be made that Concentration is viable, especially with that Zen + burst combo, it has been put in its place by Combat. Even for PvE, Watchman won't be reigning supreme anymore. Pre PTS, Combat was not viable, now after testing the PTS anything but combat is not viable for neither PvE nor PvP. The main issue here is that the root of the class is being destroyed by taking away its mobility and shifting it to a 1 spec meta. While no spec reigns forever during SWTORs patch cycle, taking away the class utility of sentinels and robbing them of their ability to strike fast and hard, you will destroy it. Before you were playing a skirmishing class that utilized hard-hitting hit and run tactics and weaved in and out of combat. Now with the PTS changes, your class cant move, cant cleanse, cant be useful for your team and only 1 spec does any major dmg. You are a sitting duck that will be slaughtered in PvP and ignored for PvE because you provide no upside to your raid team. What I hope the Devs take from this is that these changes will kill off one of the most played classes in the game overnight. Not all hope is lost, some good changes were made to class balance (ie making combat viable, better implementation of zen into the rotation of EVERY spec), however, now 1 class reigns supreme, whereas before it was two. P.S: Another issue is that the previous BIS set bonus gear will be completely useless due to the force clarity nerf . Instead, I would suggest that new set gear be introduced to the game, which not only improves Zen or makes the centring cost of Transcendence 0, it should also impact the way animation look. I would like some Kickass tier sets that would not only fix the issue with mobility but would also impact the look of your abilities.
  2. Can we please add a ranked pvp timeout? every other game has a timeout function during matches. It is an insta loss when your teammate Disconnects, whether that is intentional or unintentional. 2 minutes is more than enough for someone who got forcefully disconnected to rejoin a game. It is so braindead that got disconnected gets an instant ban, looses elo and has 0 chance of rejoining the game. Every other good game has this feature. Please add it. The second someone dc´s either the game insta pauses at the end of the round, or your team can call for a timeout vote via /vote function or /timeout command that allows the team to vote on it. If it's done before the start of the next round, the game is paused for 2 minutes. Each team gets 1 timeout. It's so simple, requires minimal effort and would greatly improve ranked.
  3. Hello, I have always wondered what the top PvPers in the game rock for equipment. World of Warcraft has a system called "Armory" where you can check out a persons gear, legacy score, achievements etc. I was wondering if we could have something like that for the top 10, maybe top 50 ranked players for each class for Solo and Grouped. The gear is basically streamlined, however the relic composition changes depending on the player. I think it would be amazing to see why for example the #2 sorc uses an Alacrity active and this specific tactical or why #1Juggernaut uses 2 healing relics or smt like that. Gear often changes so I think like a % based usage stat would be amazing that tracks how often a player uses this relic or this tactical or these set of earpieces etc. Additionally, an insight into stats and gear would provide a baseline idea for people that are looking to get into ranked and who are wondering what is the minimum I need to bring in order to not sabotage myself and my team in a ranked game. I think this system would greatly benefit the game and would increase the quality of players in ranked matches Sincerely, AaronJediKnight
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