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Everything posted by krozar

  1. Most MMOs I have played do not have mods. EverQuest was my first real MMO experience and originally it wouldn't even ALT-TAB out without bugging out. EVE is another one and it's doing very well without it considering it's over 10 years old and it grows in subscribers every single month. EVE also has an amazing UI though and makes me wish for some of its functionality in the GTN. Don't just see the GTN UI as a hindrance. It's also an opportunity. Some people are lazy and will list items without searching. The default price is usually very lowball. When I see someone throw a huge stack in there at the default price, I snatch them up and resell them. I saw this happening since the first day I played, I was collecting Bacterial Strains in bioanalysis nodes and saw people selling 200 credit/unit items for 450 credits per stack of 20. Made good creds buy them, stacking them down, and selling. It happens more often because of the horrible UI
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