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Everything posted by BobbyQuarrier

  1. I think either a companion or pet with the voice of GO-TO would be immensely popular both with Republic sided characters and Imperials. I know he was my favorite for the second game. Either in packs or direct buying, I would throw a lot of money, like half a paycheck towards getting this. Any potential for it soon?
  2. I realize this could be a good bit of work to develop, and I'd not really be upset by it not being added to the game, I think it'd be pretty swell. It seems like it should be worth the amount of time it would probably take. I certainly would pay a lot to have this.
  3. Oh, I understood the point being made with the Rancor example, I just don't particularly see why I should take seriously your claim regarding them never making light whips . I really doubt you have any more or less knowledge than me of if they'll eventually be added to the game. I think it would be a cool thing if they added them. I'm sorry you find them abominable, though I think you might want to not have such strong convictions about a Star Wars weapon type. Even if they are added in, I'm sure you wouldn't have to use one.
  4. That's a great idea. I think it's pretty likely too. The Bounty Contract speeder looked a bit more weaponized than the norm, so I think it'll just be a matter of time before we see some armed to the teeth mounts.
  5. I can't see the problem with it, as said it is cannon. It's hardly an abomination. It's just a flexible energy weapon. While it would be a lot of work to add in, it's something they could charge people for, and SWTOR is as far as I know still not a charity. Also rancor riding is a thing. It's in some of the novels, probably some of the books, they even have an old miniature of someone riding a rancor.
  6. Wouldn't it be amazing if they had better looking Revan armor or Starforge robes available on the market just for Xmas day?
  7. A training type health regen item would be nice, but I'd almost prefer it be more of a surprise type item for looks, a chance for the designers to add in something to fit whatever next Op or planet they are working on.
  8. No need to apologize. I think it's an interesting suggestion. It wouldn't break the game or anything. If you could buy a one shot kill blaster like Nords' in Kotor that would be wrong, but just something to increase threat seems fine. Maybe not everyone would want to use it, but it's in the vein of the level ten crystals and the exp bonus for subscribing. I'd like to see them, but I'd be horrified if the affect wasn't clearly labeled, having a threat increase on a melee juggernaut would just be beyond silly.
  9. Oh, never-mind that suggestion then. I'm fine getting those from quests. I'd still love to see some of the older forms of lightsabers and some stranger variants though, particularly with the holiday season not far away. This is the time of year when I'd be most likely to buy something either from the market outright or from packs.
  10. I would love to see these: Curved-hilt light whip light foil darksaber protosaber crossguard lightsaber.
  11. A full set in the Cartel Market would be cool. Some kind of helmet in particular could be nice.
  12. Well we can get a Rak'goul of course so another is not a likely addition anytime soon. Sandperson I don't see happening with the two existing outfits I know of floating around, one social, one Cartel. I think a Geonosian or Colicoid could be cool of course, but I'm not expecting either of them too soon.
  13. I'm shocked that "A skin for HK-51 that gives him the rusty red color of HK-47, and a T7 skin that makes him look like T3" theses two aren't here yet. They are really good ideas, but in that everyone would think of them way. Maybe for Christmas?
  14. I think two companions out at a time wouldn't be too game breaking, Besides Kotor was that way. I can see it might make the social aspects of the game a bit less prevalent, but people who like playing in groups are going to do so even if they don't have to.
  15. I sort of like the idea, I'm put off by some of the animation issues that would happen, but I think some of it could work. At least a single bladed option for each class that doesn't change stats too negatively.
  16. I love love love this idea. OP makes all the right points. I would like it to be a near human companion, but honestly I'd be fine if the character's species was alterable with customizations. A Mirialan would be a simple paint job,same for a Chiss. Not sure how easy a Kel Dor.
  17. Maybe they'll throw out the Republic soldier outfit from Kotor soon, that would be a cool outfit for a Trooper to wear.
  18. I would like to see a mask of similar design, perhaps not identical, but as the Cartel Market is almost purely a vanity thing, I don't see the harm it does to those who go on Ops to include similar things for purchase.It's not like the Cartel gear is pre-modded. I really really would spend 10000CC to get a mask like that, I think that is a bit too expensive for most people, but people like the mask and I expect Bioware is happy when I happily spend CCs.
  19. I think it's a safe suggestion, having some green equivalent self leveling armorer shouldn't do any harm to the game. I can see a lot of potential abuse for it, but really if it is a very limiting wardrobe, say just basic faction armor or street clothes, most players will prefer to by modifiable armor anyway. Or of course it could be produced in mass with lots of different styles, and be made equivalent to purple, but have a promote option for cartel coins/credits, that raise it up to the level wanted. I suppose it would be a bit of a bite for crafters, but it would make having a fully geared team manageable.
  20. I would buy all of those in a heartbeat, particularly if they made a Gray Jedi with a little bit of force healing or Battle Meditation. I'd love to see a Selkath companion too, just for the novelty.
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