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Everything posted by Tadagyt

  1. Please, add this one to the list. Companion conversation - Vector - "One people". It's been broken for months now. His human eyes aren't showing anymore.
  2. I got two of the new mat in T1 boxes, so it's not that rare to get. Craft them.
  3. Buy a Steam game and see if solo games come with a godmode droid that kills everything for you and finishes the game without problems. No, they don't. Solo mode doesn't equal godmode. This is a video game, not a movie. I don't want it nerfed. If they want to add the droid as an option, fine by me, but solo content should have some difficulty level. Umbara was boring (tactics, not story). I love this flashpoint. First solo mode flashpoint I'm enjoying. Played it with 5 toons and can't wait to log in and play it again. My fave flashpoint by far.
  4. This is like Forged alliances. It's even called "Fractured alliances", so not sure why the surprise. Same format. Forged alliances was Korriban, Tython, Manaan, Rakata Prime. Fractured Alliances is Iokath, Umbara, Copero and...? After FA, we got SOR. So you never know.
  5. Companion mission: "One people". His eyes aren't changing. 5 months ago it was working, but not anymore. Can you fix it? please
  6. The only thing that changed is that there's no Jesus droid. That's why some people feel it's more difficult.
  7. No. One of my toons had 230 gear, no augments, and still had no problem at all
  8. I want to thank the time spent in making unique items for this flashpoint. The two chiss armor sets and the crazy amount of beautiful decorations! So far I think I got the bar, fountain, wall fountain, two different lamps, two different plants, some air tube thingies.. and they're beautiful! So thank you.
  9. Ok, since I'm in Fox Mulder mode.... been checking the galaxy map from the flashpoint... am I crazy or the planet Theron identified is....??
  10. Just played it with my LS trooper who is now imperial after Iokath. She got the same e-mail from Lana, which is funny... I mean "it was foolish of me to be so lenient with a former Republic spy".... uh.... Lana... you just sent that to the former leader of Havoc squad, former Republic hero... umh... yeah I wonder if there's a mistake and we're getting the wrong mail? --or maybe they forgot there are republic imps now?
  11. Well, considering the name of his new armor... Remember my words: Theron will be the hero of the story and Lana will have to apologize --again-- for being a really bad spy. To think she's the former Minister of sith intelligence... Can we get the original Minister back? Where's Keeper? where's Moff Pyron? we need professionals... PS: I don't hate Lana, my male BH is with her, but I feel we need people with experience to help her.
  12. ok, I hadn't noticed that, but I checked my videos and you're right! https://imgur.com/O8PqXdv One is from Copero, the other is from Iokath. He always had those dark lines, but there were no scars. Now he has scars and the implants are off... like they were in Ziost (remember when he crashed the shuttle). Interesting... Edit: Nevermind, I know what's going on. They used his Ziost npc but erased all the bruises: https://imgur.com/m49Cp7l
  13. I wasn't expecting more than what we got. With forged alliances it was the same. "Fractured alliances" --what we're playing now-- started with Iokath. After the next flashpoint I expect something like SOR. No more, no less. I thought the same thing!!!
  14. Indeed, it's solo mode. I was jumping and avoiding all aoe, until I noticed it wasn't hurting so I just stood there and shot the bosses non stop. Faster, but don't do what I did. It's wrong
  15. My 4 dark side sith are twilek, so I can't use any of the new eyes at all. Please, fix it, Keith
  16. Why are you buying boxes with real money? I buy hypercrates with credits, get what I want, then sell the rest of the stuff and make profit. GTN is your best friend. I have everything I need, hundreds of millions of credits, and I only pay a sub
  17. My warrior broke up with Quinn like... 3 years ago (maybe more), so she's ready
  18. Account creation date: 12.21.12 Never left.
  19. I just hope the Theron bug doesn't get fixed... I fear I'll lose Theron after Copero some of my toons never lost him as an active companion
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