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Everything posted by partylikeaturtle

  1. Ah, I wouldn't know, it's been a long time since I even opened the actual codex. The 100% I mentioned was in reference to the legacy achievements, just because you had mentioned that achievement above. I haven't done a large amount of achievement hunting yet, but it does seem that several exploration-type achievements exclude one or more codex entries, much like this one does (possibly in an unsuccessful attempt to make the achievements obtainable without them actually fixing the codex?)
  2. Saying that Dromund Kaas Loremaster is unobtainable is false. I have that planet on 100% completion. ....Apparently you don't need those 3 lore objects that you list to get that achievement...didn't notice that.
  3. - EV 8-man HM Pylons and Infernal Council aren't granted upon completion - Tyrant of Balmorra (Swoopstriker doesn't seem to exist) EDIT: I notice that I do actually have the Agent Chapter 1 achievement. Perhaps this is fixed now, or was it just bugged for some people before? Also, I've heard that the Mutated Colicoid codex entry exists inside an Inquisitor phase, is it true that the achievement can also be completed through this phase, or is the achievement fully bugged?
  4. As the title implies, I have received a Critical Healing achievement (healed 3000 with a single ability) on two different warzone maps in the last couple days...as a Marksmanship sniper, with absolutely no abilities or skill tree talents that heal myself. I know my sniper's good, but who knew he could be a healer too!
  5. Another piece of advice: Ignore most of what anyone says about how easy/hard something is. A lot of people only ran through a particular class's story after already having a few other characters at max level. Though you don't need to worry about the details yet, having other characters at max level gives you the opportunity to have your companion characters be much stronger than they would be if you were playing through for the first time. In other words, a lot of people have experienced a lot of quests with them literally being much easier than they will be for you on your first character or three, and so those players will scream about how all class quests are absurdly easy and anyone who has difficulties is a noob. Be ready to ignore such people. Unfortunately, general chat is full of trolls and other rude people (in some locations much more than others...*cough* The Fleet *cough*), so don't take any of the things they say personally. The unpleasant portion of the community happens to be the more vocal, but there are a good number of helpful people out there, I promise.
  6. Somebody get a sorc to Consumption themselves down to 5% health out of combat and use it on them gogogo
  7. I don't understand where you came up with this logic at all. The OP clearly said that you can only receive gear from each boss ONCE per week, you even just quoted the sentence stating this idea. Certainly you could queue over and over again and do EC 25 times in one week, but you could still receive max. 4 pieces of gear from doing that - 1 from each boss the first time you did that boss (and you're obviously not even guaranteed a piece of gear from any of those 4 chances). That is exactly the same as it is now.
  8. EV and KP are older than EC, but I still had the chance to do those. EC was NEVER in endgame group finder as long as I've been playing (even when it was actual endgame) but the two ops that are older than it were. My issue isn't with being a latecomer, it's an issue with group finder.
  9. You do realize not everybody has been playing since the beginning, right? I've only been playing for four months, and have never done EC at all. It wasn't in group finder before the expansion, and now that the expansion's out, I'm level 55 and it once again isn't in group finder. It is soon going to be the case that I have done EV, KP, TfB and SaV, but not EC because it was never in endgame group finder for me. I would love to have access to EV/KP/EC in group finder at lvl 55 because I've done very few ops runs.
  10. and you don't even need him for crew skills: Get HK-51, and ta-da you have 6 companions even without the dumb droid!
  11. I am level 50; I didn't think that should matter that much. Carry on, nothing to see here.
  12. Are you serious? You might be facing a bug. My sorc healer has 12-13% alacrity, and my gear is mostly 61's, several pieces of which don't even have alacrity on them.
  13. Belsavis (not Section X, but the actual original part of the planet) is a daily area. Pre-2.0 it was a destination from the daily area shuttles, but now it is not.
  14. Lol what? I just did a Kaon Under Siege as a healer where one of the players had a grand total of 10k hp. Never had any problems, nobody died at all. Oh yeah, and my healer himself was in Tionese gear. Seriously, the lvl 50 HM flashpoints are not that hard. Nobody should be getting kicked solely because of their gear rating unless it's absurdly low. Like the healer I got in a HM False Emperor who had 7k hp (and on top of that he was barely even trying to heal us). Now THAT is a situation where someone should be kicked. But just because the player has Corellia-rating or Tionese gear? Anyone who kicks players like that is just stupid.
  15. Apology will be accepted when my account is credited with extra subscription time for the days when I expected to be able to play but then couldn't because of maintenance times being changed without warning, or for maintenance not being announced in any obvious way at all. I mean, seriously, they used to announce maintenance in a big news post under "Community News", so it would be staring you in the face when you go to swtor.com/community. But now it's just put in a sticky in one subforum that I rarely click on? I didn't pay money for x number of days so that I can sit here on one of those days and stare at a list of offline servers that were never supposed to be offline right now.
  16. It's not an issue of not taking the time to put a piece of gear onto their character....there is no relic in the game that a level 13 character can wear. It's not their choice.
  17. Thank you idiots for, at 2:45am, changing the time from 5am to 3am. Seriously, I greatly appreciate you suddenly, without warning, taking away two of the only hours I was going to be playing today. Now I definitely understand why I pay a subscription, so that I can regularly have the time that I'm paying for taken away for random maintenance without letting me know in advance. Why do you bother putting up times for your maintenance period when you're just going to change them immediately beforehand so often? Are you trying to anger your customers as much as possible? It's funny to think I was considering buying the expansion yesterday, with the intention of starting to play it this morning. Apparently it's a good thing I didn't, because I wouldn't have been able to play it anyway.
  18. This would be wonderful. Being forced to accept Skadge as a companion pissed me off much more than anything in this game, including the various bugs, balance issues, and other things people usually complain about.
  19. Two questions: 1. Will it be possible to obtain anything in between Corellia-level gear and Black Hole-level gear after 2.0 hits? Right now you finish your class story and reach level 50 with Corellia-level (116?) gear, and then get a free set of Tionese with which to start doing HM Flashpoints and build up Columi gear. In 2.0, level 50 HM flashpoints will now drop Black Hole gear. If the hardmodes are dropping BH gear, it seems a fair assumption that you won't be given free BH gear when you reach 50 (in place of the current free Tionese), because otherwise there would be little point in even doing the lvl 50 hardmodes at all. So what gear will fresh 50's have to use for hardmodes? Will they be forced to use Corellia gear because Tionese no longer exists? I feel like that would make too many people with better gear not want to PUG the FP daily anymore because they don't want to "carry" low-geared players through (yes, I know once upon a time everybody did them with Corellia gear, but people have gotten spoiled). I personally have no qualms with running them while in Corellia gear, but I don't want to be a source of annoyance or frustration for others that want to get their daily done as fast as possible. 2. If you have purchased the expansion and therefore have access to level 55, will level 50 flashpoints and operations give you experience points? In other words, if I wanted to level up some of my characters to level 55 so I can see all the new content, would it be possible to, at the same time, keep certain other characters at 50 so I can have the 'level 50 endgame' experience with friends who do not have the expansion, without my character gradually reaching 51, 52, etc. making the FP's and Ops become too easy for us? I really do want to be able to have characters at both 50 and 55 and will be unhappy if it's not possible. I have never actually done any of the current operations yet. I plan to purchase the expansion soon after it's released so I can see Makeb, but at the same time, I want to be able to have as much fun with EV, KP, and EC as I want without all my characters leveling past them, putting me at the point where I can only enjoy TfB and S+V (I don't care for the idea of running level 50 ops as a really unnecessarily powerful level 55 character)
  20. If you are playing a dps character, then getting flashpoint queue pops can take too long for it to provide any real buff to your xp gains unless you want to take forever to level that character. And most people agree that space missions in this game are highly repetitive and uninteresting.
  21. I really want to see this. The "threat generated" column could be pretty amusing sometimes, as I am positive (as a healer) that I have gone through flashpoints (both pre-50 and HM) where one dps was generating more threat than the tank waaay too often
  22. You know what I thought of the instant I read that description? Alderaan. "I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror"
  23. It's definitely a matter of surprising the enemy. Think Darth Bane: Path of Destruction. Remember when Lord Kas'im, the Twi'lek weaponmaster, confronted Bane in that temple during the time of the Ruusan campaign? Bane maintained the offensive in the duel for quite awhile. Kas'im was using a double-bladed lightsaber, and Bane had only ever seen him using a double-bladed lightsaber. At some point in the fight, Kas'im separated his double-bladed lightsaber into two lightsabers and began attacking with a completely different style. Bane was much, much stronger than Kas'im, both physically and in the Force, but he was caught off guard so much that Kas'im very nearly succeeded in killing him. The only thing that saved Bane was his enormous level of anger that helped him pull down the temple on top of the Twi'lek. This is just one more (very good) example of how dual lightsabers could add a great element of surprise.
  24. Campaign gear (61) is dropped in HM EC. Dread guard (63) comes from HM TfB and NiM EC.
  25. Which one? For Black Talon, find the elevator in the fleet labeled "Dromund Kaas Departures". I think it's at the top of the map. Or maybe it was the left... Anyway, go down that elevator and there'll be a Duros in there who gives you the mission. For Hammer Station (and the next five after it), find the elevator labeled "Mission Departures", and there are a bunch of holoterminals in there.
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