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  1. your legacy perks -earned or paid for- should transfer with your legacy if you buy a server transfer for a character. CHARACTER perks are character specific and will transfer with the character you transfer only. Legacies are server specific, purchasing a character transfer is the only way to copy your legacy to another server. I presume this is the case based on the description of the character transfer FAQ. i have not ever done a server x-fer, maybe someone with experience with this can confirm.
  2. Hello! I would like to suggest the addition of some sort of notification icon at the character selection screen for characters that have active GTN postings and/or mail waiting in the mailbox. I personally have 20+ characters and it becomes a pain in the butt to remember which toons may or may not have mail waiting or active posts at the GTN. Adding a simple notification icon at character selection would very much in the way of help with this. No need to display the contents of any mail or post, just the fact that there is an active GTN post or for mail with items or credits waiting in the mailbox would be quite sufficient. thanks! =-)
  3. Hey, i notice people are reporting that they are getting daily quest and achievement credit for spreading the rakghoul plague after the end of the event. PLEASE FIX! no cheating! thx =-)
  4. i know what your issue is with this and it is not anything to do with your credit card or swtor. it is the apostrophe or something in your name or other info field, remove it from the associated information field and you will be able to update your info no problem. i had the same issue and it was an apostrophe that was the 'illegal character'. hope this helps =-)
  5. When I ignore a player its a PLAYER and not the character. I would like to see the ignore system legacy wide so when a character is ignored, it ignores that player's entire legacy so i NEVER have to ever hear from them ever again no matter that character they are playing on. edit- nevermind this thread, apparently one with this suggestion has been created already
  6. Tired of griefers and gankers ruining my play time by camping quest objectives and therefore preventing people from doing what they want in peace. I rolled on a PVE server specifically to avoid this kind of behavior from other players and now it is being forced on me if i want to do some daily quests. very disappointing, if i wanted to be attacked by other players i would roll on a PVP server. Either that or fix the PVP flagging so it doen't automatically flag you for pvp EVER. I just want to play my game in peace.
  7. lmao another WoW fanboi. granted on a technical level WoW is nearly a masterpiece, but what do you expect after 10 years of patching/bug fixing? of course it will run better as a machine in and of itself. as for saying that anything at all about the game content is better than SWToR, you are clearly biased as this game is leaps and bounds ahead of WoW in virtually every aspect. (with the SINGULAR exception of zone transition loading screens which is a limitation of the game engine BTW, although they really need to speed it up) WoW USED to be a good game. now it is nothing but instanced pvp and pokemon farming. it is a hollow and pathetic shell of its former glory and i for one prefer the old buggy version of WoW rather than the shiny well-crafted pile of crap that it has become. so yes please, if you like it so much, go back to WoW. i prefer a game where i dont have 2568643 UI addons telling me what i should have the skill and mentality to monitor without assistance. blizzard cannot innovate for WoW anymore so they copy ideas and implement them to appease the exodus of players that will eventually leave anyway. you wanna talk about milking a cash cow? WoW is dead - let it R.I.P.
  8. so i hear, but them ship droids still drive me nuts lmao i wish they would put in something to make them silent, a restraining bolt or anything really
  9. HURRY UP! Please for the love all goodness in the universe give us something to silence these godforsaken idiot droids before i have aneurysm!! My blood pressure spikes 450% every time i hear their USELESS pandering stupidity! I'm about 13.7 seconds away from canceling my subscription because they irritate me so much that i never ever wanna hear them again! I'm sure this droid wants to massage my feet and paint/dust my quarters and prepare meal plans - UGH BE SILENT OR DIE ROBOT FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!!! :mad::mad:
  10. Excellent idea! as long as i can choose to shut him up i'd be happy >.>
  11. I HATE 2v-r8 and his pandering whine every time i so much as walk past him. every time it starts to talk, it spews 3 syllables before i yell ST*U at my computer. i cannot play a game for stress relief and enjoyment with this antagonizing npc continuously saying the most USELESS crap in the history of gaming. it LITERALLY makes me grind my teeth to have to endure this pandering idiocy. c2-n2 is just as bad. if i had a choice i would dismember them both and toss them out an airlock. to HELL with the extra npc for crew skills, i would gladly do without in exchange for the peace and quiet aboard my ship. FOR THE LOVE OF ALL GOODNESS IN THE UNIVERSE, please give us something to permanently silence these virtually useless npc's OR GET RID OF THEM ALTOGETHER! thanks for enduring my rant.
  12. you don't think that after at least 20000 years of hyperspace travel that the speeder technology would have advanced to the point of inertial dampening? this really needs fixing.
  13. i had this issue and ran fixlauncher.exe and got past the error message no problem. happy gaming! =-) i repeated myself cuz i have no clue about forums and couldn't find my first post lmao sorry have fun!
  14. hey i had this error too so i ran fixlauncher.exe and got past it no problem. it worked for me it may work for you! happy gaming! =-)
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