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Everything posted by KrackShotz

  1. You are moving the goal post. If you pvp by 60 you should have a full set of tier 1 anyway. when i'm grinding 15 weapons to get my full set it only matters pre-60 by 60 i'm in tier 1. I don't even know what your complaint is about because you keep moving your goal post to complain about something different. I don't even know how a person who has brute would have any advantage over a person who is in higher rated gear so again, you can only be complaining about midbie pvp for your argument to even make sense.
  2. bioware made 160 mil on f2p last year get real. the sub boxes that only pvps isn't going to make anywhere near that.
  3. Oh so you're even worse. you got all your classes to 60 so **** everyone else.
  4. let me guess you solo queue and this is more qq about sorcs and sins being too strongk?
  5. How about this, don't queue pvp until you're 60? this game has been out for 3 years if you are just starting to pvp you are inherently at a disadvantage and that won't change, ever. remember you are the same sort of people who cried and got bolster in the first place.
  6. people just don't think through their own queries. riddle me this: what other logical conclusion can you draw from the fact that sorcs and sins being very popular have nothing to do with their overabundance in ranked? lets study a simple case example. you believe ap pt is op right? even if you buffed every class up to the preconceived strength of sorcs and sin like ap it wouldn't change the popularity of the class that much if at all. ap pt is case in point of this fact despite it being "op" you'll hardly ever see them in equal number to sorcs. but that's besides all that, you're problem is you're complaining about queuing solo in a mmo. once you figure out this isn't a solo game you'll come to realize the balance is closer than you think.
  7. yea it's not going to matter in solo queue. if you are the first to target in a dps race you are the first to target in a dps race getting a few extra dcd won't change that, i think sorcs know this well. quite frankly i've said it a few times already the format sucks. if you are going to do solo queue do 2v2 if you want it to stay death match. the obviously solution that wouldn't cause much trouble at all on the coding side of things is just bring back 8v8 for rank in solo queue and get rid of non-rank wz altogether. so you either solo queue rank where you earn wz and rank comms and team ranked where you can earn twice the ranked comms.
  8. sorcs and sins have always been popular people will always play them you are always going to 3-5 of them at any given time.
  9. this is a l2p issue it's called hard switch or tunnel the tank, still valid metas. the point is the dps so bad and don't know what they are doing. i've never seen dps so low in team ranked, ever. this is some bronze league ****, you don't need to be a pro to see how bad the dps are. secondly, it doesn't matter how long the match is 980 is piss for dmg. think about that, think about all the abilities you do and how much dmg they do you have to really be not using any abilities for seconds at a time to be that low.
  10. The facts are 980 is so *********** low that even a below average dps should be able to do more dmg than 980 per second simply tunneling the tank. 980 for a tank is average, the actual dps are so bad they should just uninstall the game. do you honestly believe that your average dps that's any good should lower dmg than 980? tells us a lot about how bad you are at dps. right so we have people ************ about ap pt doing 6k dps in one global. 980 is low as **** just let it sink in how *********** bad that is.
  11. i gave room for average players. just let it sink in just how bad their dps are.
  12. 980 dps so op yo. fyi a decent dps should be around 1.5k.
  13. if you're being spawned killed in pvp you're...lol... every mode there are 2 exits that let you flank, you're bad if you just get spawned killed. they need a report for feeding like mobas option for idiots like that. i've been playing on my mar which is 34 and i'm having no problems with midbie pvp.
  14. i mentioned pve because that's where bioware makes all of their money and that's how they designed their meta. There's only way to solo pve content: either out gear it or do those 3 dumb missions they make you do with a driod so you can do more pve. This is not a solo queue game, not in pve or pvp. the sooner you understand that the better off you'll be in pvp.
  15. honestly i haven't been seeing many pt on pot5 for a class that is suppose to op you think they'll be 4 or 5 of them every match like sorcs but interesting bug nonetheless.
  16. both mars and mercs are performing well in team rank, put a mar with a pt or sniper, tunnel tank watch him as the heals have a hard time keeping him up. That is the new meta. learn how to team rank. Even in 8s I don't queue w/o tank and heals. This is the reality: the game's mechanics, your utilities are to work in conjunction to one another in a trinity system, that won't change. giving mars any more uptime combined with their sustain that's already better than hatred sin they'll be overpowered in a team comp that uses the trinity and you'll most certainly break pve.
  17. When are people going to realize that this game is designed around a trinity system that requires the tank and healer.
  18. Define overtuned? Hatred dot spread is mostly fluff dmg but in a 1v1 deception still has a lower ttk. So if you are doing solo regs and you are trying to steal a node deception is still the way to go. If you are defending a node hatred is the way to go. People like hatred for the high numbers in solo regs. It was useless in ranked pre3.0 because of it's terrible survivablity. As for it's new survivablity kit is that overtuned? Maybe a little, resilience can mitigate large chunks of burst, only problematic for specs with high burst and no sustain i define resilience mechanics in itself as counter play to that and fair play. no good assassin is using the immunity on deflection, instant whirlwind is the way to go if you are using deflection just to simply avoid cc you're using it wrong and will die faster but like I said, assassin don't get heal to full like juggs and have lower armor than pts and melt just as easily as sorc and egress doesn't grant you immunity to stuns it only breaks snares. Maybe you lower the time on resilience but I think hatred assassins are fair play atm. As far as their life leech ability i mean really? juggs have heal to full, ops can basically run circles around you until they are full, sorc bubble stun heal to full, etc. seem in line to the way other mechanics work. I've been in 12 min viodstars and seen 500k heals from a jugg the most i've gotten was 280k on my sin. I don't think "nerfing" class are the way to go. I think either you redesign the way the class plays and bring up others to the level of the most played specs in the game. I have well over 1000 games in ranked, 4 classes in tier 2 and only spec class I think needs to be redesigned are right now mercs. They do a ridiculous amount of dmg if left to free cast, the only class in the game that has high burst and high sustain and probably one of the lowest if not the lowest ttk but they need is something in their kit that allows them to fully recover under heavy focus other than that I like classes are in line with each other. Maybe you tuned down resilience a bit, get rid of aoe spam on sorc but other than that I can't think of anything to "nerf". I've seen it all to.
  19. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=786776
  20. dude beside sorc i have all the main classes 60 and in full tier 2 gear. pt, merc, assassin and op. i've been around the block i just don't play one class. i've seen all the setups. people let assassins run around tearing **** up instead of focusing them down. they let sorc sit there and free cast. once an assassin burns thru their dcd they're dead, they don't get heal to full. from what i've seen of sorc, they do alot of fluff dmg but most people who play the class are just bad. now if you are playing regs and you see 4 or 5 assassin running around i mean what class isn't problematic when you got 4 or 5 of them running around? but all the time in regs i see assassin who barely break 350k dmg i think the avg is 500k when i know i can do on avg 1.5 mil. if you aren't hitting 1.5k dps they are bad at the class. you're just mad because assassin are quite frankly easy to play and dmg is easy to do.
  21. when i see this what it tells me is that people are looking for free kills. they want to stun lock death ez mode and sorc bubble heal to full sorc or assassin that disappear and refocus is mechanics they can't handle because well quite frankly they're stupid. the only thing assassins got in their kit that wasn't there pre3.0 was resilience on shroud, you can make it last longer making it immune to cc, mitigating large chunks of burst. stun lock deaths are harder and you don't want that. how dare assassin finally gain survivablity in the dot spec. just about every class, except mercs have good mechanics that increase their survivablity.
  22. yes, I have an assassin it's the only class i solo queue rank with and tend to win 98% of matches there. I also tanked with it in team ranked. like i said, something like phase walk leaves you out of the fight doing zero dmg. it's not a reset, it's not a heal to full, not even an disengage. you go hide somewhere hopefully to force a switch in target.
  23. Lol I don't play sorc, don't even have one leveled up past 27 and I think sorcs fine besides that cheap aoe spam. As for assassins or ops, they need to be able to successfully get back into stealth safely and there's still plenty of counter play to that. Other than the possibility of their ridiculously long immunity to cc (which is what people are really ************ about because you all love stun wars and free kills off cc) assassins are fine. As a melee class you have to remember assassin have no heal full or defense mechanic to starve off dmg under heavy focus like a jugg or pt gets. When under focus, just like a sorc they fall fast. While they do have decent dcds it often leaves them out of the fight doing no dmg so that's the trade off to the immunity and i think that's fair play. As for sorc bubble heal to full lulz business. I don't see it any differently than jugg ed. They get a second life? So what? As low as the ttk is now does it really matter that you have to cycle your rotation 1 more time? How are sorcs suppose to counter play under focus? That is what you should be asking. Not demanding free kill. Really the only class that should be complaining about balance are mercs and all they need are similar mechanics that grant them immunity like everyone else has.
  24. Nerf pvp it's too strongk!
  25. There ain't **** to earn in regs, you'll be *********** with pve if you reduced dmg of the class and *********** with somebody's rating (which end season rewards are tied to) in ranked at the same time. I say those are far more important factors then qq from solo reg stars. Get your head out of the sand.
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