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Posts posted by TheRomanRuler

  1. And I'm still not playing because of it. :rak_tongue: (At least not my characters who are leveling through the story.)


    That is just weird weird reason not to play... You are fine with smashing regular soldiers 50 times with lightsaber that is supposed to cut trough walls, but you stop playing when people carry vibroblades?

    If you ask me, it makes no sense. I understand that immersion can be important, but then how can you play when lightsabers take 3 minutes of cutting to kill people?

  2. https://s12.postimg.org/sk24r4anh/Spec_ops_jacket_bugged.png

    As you can see, jacket is CLEARLY Imperial uniform. But only smugglers and Jedi knights, 2 of least Imperial classes, can use it :D

    Or maybe it just looks different for Imperials? Either case, class restriction does not seem to make much sense...

    Or maybe it is cartel market bug and it actually is usable by IMPERIAL AGENT which is perhaps only class to whom that Jacket looks right.


    Also, why is similar looking jacket, but with Sith Warrior/Imperial Agent class restriction, called "hooligan jacket" :D


    Naming and giving those uniforms proper class restrictions is NOT harder than adding in new cartel market packs or items.

    Its not like i want perfect names, i just don`t want idiotic c*ap like this.

  3. Agreed carbine burst is awful. I don`t understand why it can`t be just like sweeping gunfire (gunslinger) which is great ability. My smuggler is only at level 16 but at the moment i use it constantly. I NEVER use carbine burst.

    Sweeping gunfire basically fills the same role as carbine burst, but it actually is amazing ability instead of being awful.


    Carbine burst certainly gets my vote for worst ability in entire game.

  4. I was thinking it would be neat if each class could get secondary weapon of some sort. For classes with swords it would be a pistol and for classes with pistol it could be carbine and for classes with blaster/sniper rifle or assault cannon it could be pistol.

    For republic trooper for example trooper would switch his clumsy assault cannon into a pistol in melee or short range combat. In case of assault cannon, it would be best for it to be held on left hand while trooper draws pistol with his right hand to shoot the targets. For smuggler for example you would switch to carbine to take long range aimed shots and so and so forth.

    These could either be entirely new abilities or just re-animations for current abilities. Idea is to give players more customisation and variety. I love when in cut scenes my Imperial Agent just drew a pistol and shot charging enemy dead who surprised him while he was using a console.

    It could either be only graphical change mostly for flavor only or it could be used as entirely new mechanic.


    Hardly important, just would be nice to have something like this.

  5. The excuse I often hear is that "it makes no sense for Malavai Quinn and Corso Riggs to be playing sabaac together". People are so afraid that we'll do something that looks weird.


    But so what? So what if someone creates a mildly lore-stretching scene?


    Moreover, most of us RPers use companions as props: Malavai Quinn *isn't* Malavai Quinn, and my Sith warrior isn't The Sith Warrior from Bioware's Story.


    Considering we have Sith and Jedi cooperating on more than one occassion, i don`t think it even is at all lore breaking for Malavi Quinn and Corso Riggs to play sabacc:D

  6. Built for the masses, log in first day get your free max level character and go into PvP with your two buttons and be competitive with top PvPers....That is the goal.


    If it means what it means in Planetside 2 where level 1 player can kill level 65 players if they just have enough skill, then that would be great. Nothing wrong if people want to pay to spend 1 hour in PVP having fun without having to level up from 1 to 65. Those same people could always start new character that they level up from level 1.

  7. What we certainly need:

    -Cross server PVP/operations/flashpoints etc. If there are 8 servers and there is 1 player in each server, they could form new match as long as servers are not in different parts of the world.

    -Perfomance upgrades like DirectX12 and Vulkan. Those take long time to add, so it is better to just start the work on engine upgrade. At the moment we don´t need engine upgrade, but it takes long time to improve engine, so that progress should already be started.

    -Improvements on combat system. For those who like current combat system it is far too easy (but that may change in 5.0) and huge bunch of people don´t like MMOs becouse of combat system. Cutting someone with lightsaber for 5 minutes is dull and ruins immersion. One way or another, it needs improvements at the moment. It would be great if combat would actually be a selling point for this game like it is for Mass Effect. with current combat system you don`t need all abilities anyway, and you have to rely on old system of rotations instead of actually thinking what you are doing and using tactics to win the battle.

    Players should always be excited to fight enemies, not go around them even in hard mode flashpoints where sole purpose is to fight enemies... Of course you can always get bored at combat no matter how good system is.

    -HD patch for ultra graphics. At the moment some armor have far lower quality than others, even to point of looking ugly at points when it could be fixed with HD patch. Not priority, but ultra textures need to be checked and everything needs to be brought up to same quality as newest KOTFE gear.



    What we may need:

    -Business model improvements maybe? I am fine with current system, but SWTOR certainly has quite different business model from most other games. There certainly are games that have business models that i enjoy more, but if current model works then i guess it is fine.




    I don`t think we need to add new operations just to keep people playing them. If you ask me, you should just work on making game as darn good as possible, and then consider adding in new content. We don`t need new operations to bring back old players, we need to wonder why new players are not playing operations. And only once that is fixed should we get more operations to bring back old people and have even more players playing operations.

  8. I would LOVE to see a revamped, 2016 version of the Jedi Knight series. Possibly an mmo about it. The Battlefront pvp battles are among the best fun I've ever had.


    But, not for SWTOR. ;)


    Way i see it, SWTOR has to get combat system that is more attracting to larger majority of players if it wants to stay alive after 10 years. At the moment system itself is fine - but all the time new MMOs come out that have enhanced combat. Elder Scrolls Online has promising combat system, will have to see how well it does in 5 years.


    EDIT: But to be clear, i understand completely that people don`t want to always be second away from death. I certainly understand that completely, i don`t want that either. But something like Mass Effect 3 on easy difficulty would be great.

  9. Correct. I don't want to hate TOR for its combat, though, so I would strongly suggest leaving it alone.


    (Seriously. I play TOR because of all those things you say there, and NOT because of the combat system. If it went to an FPS-like combat system, that would be a reason to *stop* playing SWTOR and play something else instead.)


    Also: a game's combat system is what it is. You include it in your reasons to choose a game or to reject a game. I wanted *so* much to like GW2 the way I previously liked GW1 and Runes of Magic (good game let down by a crashy client and dubious customer service), but the need to be on your toes at all times when fighting, coupled with occasional vertiginous cliffs in the difficulty curve, made it too hard for me to play through, which spoiled my enjoyment. The same would apply to SWTOR if they were to change the combat system as you suggest.


    And the FPS-playing crowd would not come to an MMORPG just because it had an FPS-ish combat system. It would have to have FPS-ish PvP as well, because that's what the FPS-playing crowd plays.


    Any time you try to fuse two game styles into one, you get problems. As examples, consider the Spellforce games - offline RPGs that switched fairly seamlessly between distant-view 3rd-person RPG and Age of Empires. Although the transitions were fairly seamless, it was still a bit weird. Another example is closer to home: the SWTOR railshooter space missions and GSF, neither of which sit well with a "conventional" MMORPG.


    Shrug. Whatever. I stand by my opinion that they should leave it alone.

    There are plenty of people who want FPS games with story and not just combat. And it has been done lot of times successfully. Republic Commando, Crysis 3... This does not have to be Battlefield and have PVP for people to like FPS combat. Jedi Knigth was played for single player, not for PVP. Mass Effect also has combat that could be applied to this game - and it is NOT played for multiplayer.


    Give me actual reason to not implent combat where new people with more skill can actually defeat level 65 player without skills like you can in Planetside 2 or huge bunch of games.

    "I like it" or "i would stop playing" are not reasons.


    And to be clear, this game does not have to be FPS. It could be 3rd person like in Mass Effect for example. Or, like in title, Jedi Knight.


    Here is good article about MMO combat that i also added to my sig



    YOU can like this combat for all i care. But what about 90% of people in general? I personally don`t understand why you want to shoot someone a head 500 times to kill them. Or cut trough them with lightsaber for 5 minutes to kill them. In Mass Effect combat was excellent.

    Jedi are only difficult to balance with non-jedi if you make Jedi demi-gods. Oh wait, in most games player is demi-god even though he is not a jedi. In Mass Effect for example you can kill anything Jedi can. Commander Shepard from Mass Effect may not be able to force choke anyone, but he could just shoot them from distance before Jedi has time to force choke anyone.


    And can anyone actually find article or video from relatively well known and popular professional/company who works in gaming indurstry who likes the combat of TOR? I can find a lot against it. People are even saying they like that KOTFE made combat easy becouse combat is bad, so faster it is over the better.

  10. Sorry OP but I'm just dying here laughing. Someday you'll look back on this thread and be laughing with me.


    Now if you actually get on the Other faction's base it WILL warn you that you're trespassing and will get flagged for PVP, but most often by then the ranged droids will have vaporized you because their detection radius is larger than the radius to get warned about being at the wrong base, so it's not the best warning.


    So... What are you laughing at? In any case, laughing makes you live longer - nothing wrong with laughing at me :)

  11. That's not a problem and you could've asked people in game as well. Honestly, you're the first person I've seen ask this question here. I hope you don't expect the developers to waste resources on this just because you didn't get this. It's really not a big deal.




    Who said anything about grind? I didn't. I have no idea where you get the idea that I was promoting grind. Unless you are incredibly lazy and entitled and want everything given to you by just showing up. I am quite sure however that that's not the case, so please don't blow this out of proportion.


    I would have asked in-game, but nobody online responded, there are barely anyone online. And time is 19.02 at the moment. Not sure if they are just "sleeping late" or what.



    Before 4.0 you had to grind to level up. I don`t remember how much, but when you need to do tasks that reguire you to go kill 10 people, then kill 20 people, and then 30 more just to level up it is grind. Good or bad, it is grind. It has nothing to do with being lazy. It just is boring as hell. If i would have second squadmate and they would be talking all the time like in Mass Effect 3, it could even be fun - but that may not work at all unless i am at story area. MMOs are quite un-immersive compared to Mass Effect 3.

    Being lazy and having boring side missions are 2 entirely different things.

  12. Wait, why would someone NOT want server merge if servers are dead?


    And i really hope this game would just be sold away from EA. I won´t say anything is better than EA, but EA knows the art of being worst company in America (they got voted worst twice in a row, and only reason they were not voted worst again was becouse someone else was far worse and EA did not do almost anything at all that year)

  13. Part of MMOs is that you discover the game as you go along. The game doesn't take you by the hand and explains everything.


    I find it amazing that you made it to Makeb without learning this aspect. I guess the current xp gain is to blame for that one. People just zip by a lot of things.

    Nothing wrong with discovering as i progress through MMO. But problem is when i have to come to forums to find explanation for something i though was a bug.


    Not sure. I HATE grind. Yes at the moment you get too much XP, but i don´t want to grind for it. I just want to experience the story and good parts of the game. If i want grind, i go to work or school or clean the house or something. I hate how at the moment you level up without effort, and even story is without effort. Emperor felt like a street thug. But i don`t want to spend more time on grinding than i spend on interesting parts of the game.

  14. Simple thing i could think of is short flashpoint that has 2 endings, and each ending triggers different short flashpoint. And both of those would have 2 endings, that would trigger 1 different flashpoint each and 1 same flashpoint each or something like that.

    That is not hugely innovative, but it is improvement.


    Another thing could be random NPC invasions. For example Coruscant could at any point be invaded by Imperials. That would mean that for example in Senate district there would land bunch of Imperials. They would take over senate district and shoot anyone in there, preventing people doing their missions in there. There would be server wide alert telling people about it, and after 20 minutes (to allow people time to travel on Coruscant) everyone on Coruscant could kill Imperials and those kills would be counted server wide. When enough Imps are killed, they retreat and make last stand, reinforced with world boss. After world boss dies, invasion ends.

    Invasions could not happen more than once a week on the same place or same planet or something.


    I doubt Bioware will ever do those. Especially second one does not sound something Bioware/EA (who ever is deciding what happens with SWTOR) would do. Maybe you can think of something that they are more likely to actually add that is repeatable but less repetitive than what we have had in past. Ideally something that could be played as long as this game is alive (of course not every day, maybe not every week even unless it is legendary content) and would reguire little to no further work.


    Perhaps all around galaxy there could be secret area that would be personal story area, filled with random amount and type of Zakuul enemies and allies of Zakuul (only overall strenght would be roughly the same, it for example could not include 3 world bosses) that have cornered groups of Alliance loyalists. Once you get there trough enemies, those soldiers would join Alliance and mini-dungeon would end.

    This is super simple thing to add, and would give players reason to explore planets. Sometimes it can be fun to just admire beautiful planets in Star Wars, and find awesome secret stairways, awesome mountain hideouts, awesome underground bunkers with geniouselly hidden entrances, and everything hidden somewhere - and you are tasked to find those secret areas!


    Another interesting thing could be "invade/liberate planet" repeatable guest that could be soloed or done with bigger group, and it would send you and your group onto Imperial/Republic/Zakuul planet, and you would have to kill everyone on the planet, on everywhere, every place. This would have to be story area too (or what ever those instances are called where random people can`t just walk in).


    And i certainly want to see some kind of outpost. It could somehow be linked to your stronghold to give it purpose other than decorations, but it would have to be different from stronghold so people could still decorate their strongholds exactly as they want and have everything filled with soldiers if they want. But in outpost you would only have limited amount of soldiers. You would have to choose different types of soldiers and defenses. You could design your defenses that could then be invaded by hostile troops. If hostiles reach your, i don`t know, space port maybe, then you have lost. Attackers would come from all directions and you would have to move around outpost to defend it. Every soldier lost has to be recruited back.

    And how would you recruit those soldiers? I was thinking that you need to move around galaxy and find those soldiers who have dialogue. You could recruit those soldiers and X amount of their friends. For defenses you would have to find them around galaxy and mark them with mission item, some kind of scanner.


    Any ideas? I certainly won`t be saying my ideas are amazing and innovative. But i am sure everyone wants to see as much variety in end game content as possible.

  15. How...??? I am just doing regular purple story missions....

    This has to be a bug introduced in latest patch right?:mad: If not... what could i be doing wrong?


    I only have 34 000 HP.... This should be fixed in short hotfix, not in next patch...


    EDIT: It does appear to be place where i should not be. It is stupid it is not explained in game (small notification when you enter would be great). not sure if it is explained in-game at all. But i did find a way around it, even though it took much longer route.

  16. Well not really but it was indeed in trouble from day 1. Considering your forum id# guess you can't remember as you were not here. (Might be wrong though)


    That being said, story wise, here's a good recap of the main issues:


    I am aware game had lot of trouble from day 1. But My point is that OP sounded like one of those people who are saying "game is dead" 1 week after launch.


    Having re-read OP, i must say i must have been tired when i came to that wrong conclusion. Apologies for wasting time.

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