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Posts posted by TheRomanRuler

  1. BUT what you are suggesting would require an entirely separate dev team. BWA barely has enough of a dev team to support the existing content.


    The problem BWA has is that they cannot produce multiple aspects of an MMO at the same time; they have to focus on one aspect, produce it and deploy it, and then move on to a different aspect. The MAJOR flaw in that development pattern is that regardless of what they deploy they can never appease everyone; what they deploy in a given cycle upsets a majority of players, but by the time they appease that majority, a new majority of players are upset with what they release in the next cycle.

    If devs would have large enough team for size not to be issue, would you support my idea?



    And remember chaps, that this would not be as much work as you think. They don`t need to change anything, they just need to add new. New story would start a single player campaign, and everything would be similar in MMO/mutliplayer until it gets new content.

  2. You cannot burn diesel in a gas engine, you just can't.


    This is the same thing, from a software standpoint the answer is no.

    Don´t you understand that KOTFE is an attempt to burn diesel in gas engine? I am just saying the same thing. Stop burning diesel in gas engine and instead make diesel engine, and let people who have gas engine keep their gas engines.


    Remember folks, i am not saying remove SP. That was just bad title. i am just saying keep SWTOR as it is and give people more MMO. And i am saying that add another, entirely new part to the game, that is called "single player", and it could have anything devs want becouse it would be separate from "mutliplayer" aka MMO aka SWTOR as you know it.


    MMO could be made more MMO and less single player, and single player could be made more single player and less MMO. at least before KOTET was released everybody was screaming to make this game more like MMO, and hated KOTFE - have everyone who think so just left?

  3. What would this add? Seems like all it does is create restrictions.


    How does SP & MP compromise each other?


    What would it add? How do they compromise? I don`t understand why you are even asking these questions...

    Just compare campaign of KOTFE to Mass Effect. In Mass Effect devs are literally free to do anything they want. In KOTFE, they can`t really change anything without changing entire game, they just have to add more story and keep things similar. They don´t even utilize MMO aspects of the game, becouse they can create better story if they ignore MMO aspects of the game. But they can`t ignore MMO entirely becouse this is MMO game. But if SP would be just as separate from MP as it is in Battlefield 1 or Mass Effect, they would be free to do anything. They could make combat interesting as it should be in single player games, like it is in mass effect, instead of just facing another skytrooper and press same buttons in same order to achieve same boring result. They could go to Alderaan and get rid of respawning enemies. Once you have killed enemies, they stay dead. If you fail to kill them, they blow up city and it is destroyed and stays that way during rest of campaign. You can`t do that in MMO, becouse it is MMO and you can´t just remove part of the world from MMO like you can in SP.

    Or if you want Zakuul to invade entire galaxy, you can´t do that becouse other people have to finish their missions in starting worlds and other worlds before they experience the invasion. But in single player you can have zakuul invade entire galaxy when it suits you best, and you could then go to each planet one at the time to fight them off.

    It would let devs do what they clearly want to do with KOTFE, and create proper single player campaign. If you want to play MMO, you don`t have to touch it, so devs can give you MMO campaign that is all about playing with other people without personal storylines, but instead something that focuses on massively multiplayer aspect of the game. Like for example joining up with people who are doing same missions as you are and play together, which is what MMOs are all about. In MMO you want to see people running all around the world, but in SP story campaign that would be horribly un-immersive - imagine Mass Effect level where there are people all around and have already killed everyone so you have to wait for them to respawn - not great for Single player, but in MMO there is nothing wrong with it, you can just group them and join up with them.

    Also, if single player is truly separate, you could actually become Emperor and decide that we don`t need Korriban anymore and you want to blow it up. In MMO that is not possible, it is not possible for everyone to blow up planet and then it is gone for rest of the game - it is starting planet after all and without starting planet new players could not obviously start.



    In case you have not payed attention, devs believe story is why people want to play this game. So why not make story as good as possible. After you have finished story, you can go play MP just like in any other game. MP is just different version of WoW, it will never attract as much players as WoW and people who want best MMO often tend to just go to WoW. But WoW does not have single player, so if SWTOR has single player people who play WoW could come here and play SWTOR.

  4. I don't understand what you are suggesting.


    Players need to select SP or MP at character select screen to chose which content I can only play? So I choose story on one character, he can't do GSF or PVP?


    Nope. First you need to select single player campaign or multiplayer. Multiplayer would be same as game is at the moment. Single player would be single player campaign that is separate from multiplayer, like Single player in Battlefield 1 is separate from multiplayer.

  5. Some people doesn't want to realize that this game has the title of "MMO" and therefore you can't play it single or actually the company doesn't really care about creating a single mode.

    Some people don´t realize what devs have been doing with KOTFE and KOTET... Or tell me, was KOTFE campaign MMO campaign, or was it single player campaign that was stuck in MMO game?

    Look at Battlefield 1. Look at how different single player is from multiplayer. Why can`t we have that? It would not make game worse for anyone. But it would make it better for everyone.

  6. What you're asking for isn't possible. The game would've had to have that in mind from the development stage. It's not something they can do now. There's also no reason to do it now either. It's not something that would make them a bunch of money or gain a lot of new subs either.

    Why? Multiplayer= what we have atm. Single player=single player campaign that is different from multiplayer like Battlefield 1`s single player campaign is different from multiplayer.

    They just need to add something new, no need to change what we have at the moment. Sure you may need to start a new character, but long term that does not matter at all.

  7. If you want to play Single player, at main menu you need to choose single player and you can start playing Knights of the Old Republic 3.

    If you want to play Multi Player, you need to choose multiplayer at main menu and you can start playing WoW-styled MMORPG, Star Wars Old republic.


    As long as both are kept together, those who want SP are disappointed and those who want MMORPG are disappointed. If we separate them, those who want single player could get proper single player experience that could be very very different from MMO, and those who want MMO would go and play multiplayer and play MMORPG, like Old Republic was before Knights of Fallen Empire.


    For next expansion, i want devs to do this. Those who want MMO, should get their MMO. Those who want Knights of the Old republic 3, could get their amazing single player story.


    I don`t understand why devs stubbornly stick with non-functional idea of combining multiplayer and single player. It is always great to experiment with that, but at the moment nobody has yet figured out how to combine single player and mutliplayer into same game, so lets just keep them separate until we find a way.


    If SP and MP would be different, compromises would not need to be made. At MP they could focus on MMO elements and in SP they could focus on amazing story and campaign.

  8. Did she read one of those great Expanded Universe books and realize it was actually good? Or did she read one of those horrible EU stories, like that one about crying mountain? Or was she reading some Disney-stuff?


    May the force be with her. I hope she recovers well and soon.

  9. Dunno, but i am sure pay 2 win games will not be successful on PC. People are extremely sensitive about that, and they constantly over react on their witch hunt to find pay 2 win elements where none exists. Every free to play game seems to be blamed for being pay 2 win.

    So pay 2 win for sure is something that will not succeed on PC except in expections - and those don`t really count.

  10. Huh? But I thought they said KotFE was their "most successful expansion to date".


    Wait, could this be the reason why they're suddenly talking about group content again?

    Maybe. Or maybe they get far more revenue from non-subscription system as they get from subscription. Cartel market has been huge financial success for them.


    Time to abandon mandatory subscription to enjoy game. Everyone should enjoy the game as free 2 play player and get profits from cartel market and from those who want to sub becouse subbing increases enjoyment. Subbing atm is just subbing to not get penalties which sucks. I would sub if i could get complimentary cartel coins, increased XP and other stuff.


    Reason they implement galactic command is (among other reasons) so XP actually becomes useful. Now you actually want to get XP as you get rewards from it. Reason they make it sub only is EA.

  11. Of course. What else did you expect? Subscription is dead business model. That is why SWTOR went free 2 play and there are no upcoming subscription games. Everything is free 2 play where sub is only if you want to get extra perks, not mandatory to enjoy like in SWTOR.

    Only thing that makes no sense is why EA insists trying to keep it alive. Of course EA is stupid, so there is that. I hope they rework this game to actually be enjoyable free 2 play, and then you have option to sub if you want more enjoyment. That is overall far better model. I certainly would sub to get complimentary cartel coins, free expansions and increased credit income and some other stuff, but i hate that i HAVE to sub the game just to enjoy it properly.


    Future is bright for gaming industry. It is dark for subscription models. Sadly, EA still exists and is still making profit, so SWTOR remains sick :( Design decisions would still be somewhat similar without EA, people would still complain about this being single player MMO, but at least free 2 play experience should improve without EA, making game better place for everyone. Impossible to say if this game can survive as single player MMO though. I would prefer they just make Old Republic single player game, i love every story bit about this game, and then they could make this more MMO-ish - if it could survive without as heavy focus on story. Short term it certainly could not.


    I hate how EA has license to Star Wars games :mad: Everyone wants Old Republic single player game with amazing story from SWTOR that could be heavily improved on single player game. And everyone wants MMO to be MMO and separate from single player game. Sure it would mean devs would actually have to heavily improve this game or it would die, but that is good thing.


    I hate EA :mad:

  12. I do not understand why so many people hate on this game. I think its the BEST MMO there is on the market. Im not going to go into everything you can do in the game because we all know by now what it has to offer. I am just so tired of people saying how it will be dead soon. I just don't see it happening.


    Becouse lot of people want this to be closer to WoW or other MMOs like that.


    I personally don`t want WoW.

  13. That site itself is legal and not scam. If you buy something from there, you usually get what you bought. However, keys that they get may have been acquired from grey market or outright illegally. Some keys may have been bought for example from nations where game prices are lower becouse income is lower. That hurts people in countries with smaller income and producers who sell them there.

    Apparently it is worse to buy from G2A than pirate game, becouse when you pirate nobody profits, but when you buy from G2A, scammers profit.


    So don`t buy anything from there. But if somebody has bought something from there, they should be safe and have not broken laws, but are protected by laws and credit card information etc should be safe too. It simply hurts poor and those who want to help poor to play games by giving them lower prices.

  14. Signed.


    But honestly i am afraid i would not like it. I can always just ignore it if i don`t like it, so i don`t loose anything if i sign.


    And i do love SWTOR story telling, lore etc etc. And cinematics? Oh, they get 10/10 from me. Expect latest cinematic. It just was not for my liking. Subjective points for latest cinematic would be 6/10, but for others definetly 10/10.

    So certainly there is potential.

  15. Nah, that disincentivizes KOTFE, plus punishes people that already played it with characters that they want to run together. The locked crates are legacy bound, so you can already semi-share the rep anyway (by using multiple toons to farm heroics for the KOTFE character, pushing them all to 20 rapidly).


    Just let anyone in your legacy tree run together as companions. It would be amazing.


    Indeed. Preferably have some story added into it, like some meeting where you choose and meet your other legacy characters and discuss with them about situation in galaxy.

  16. You should have just stopped there. That's a valid point of view. Everything after that was you intentionally ignoring the spirit of what I wrote.


    If it doesn't exist in Disney cannon, they shouldn't be adding it now. I never said anything about it being from "when I grew up". I specifically was thinking of today's kids who won't even recognize this game even if they grow up watching the animated series or current movies. What does it matter if kids recognize this game or not? At first i did not recognize anything about Mass Effect. Then i started playing it and found this awesome new universe.


    Also, you're wrong. Chiss, specifically G.A. Thrawn, exist in Rebels and Ratataki in Clone Wars.

    I still don`t get what your problem is. What does it matter if this has something new instead of only what we already have? You know, one day this entire game may be added to canon. And if that solves your problem, then it never was much of a problem to begin with.


    If they would only get stuck on canon stuff, quality of everything would suffer as they would not be free to do what they want, and they would be forced on a narrow path. Sure i think they should add canon stuff like Kashyyk, but as long as something is good it does not matter if it is canon or not.


    Oh yes, i forgot. I don´t watch Rebels, don`t like it as much as Clone Wars, and even clone wars was sometimes bit childish (but it is aimed for children anyway).

  17. The experience providing something should not be tied to the only way a player can gear up (gear + materials + schematics). Sure, materials / schematics and little boosts in certain areas. Not as the only method to gearing. Also locks out non-subscribers, that isn't a healthy thing to do for activity within the game.


    If BioWare were intent on reducing inflation, they would knock on the door of the Cartel Market team and tell them to remove the RNG within the RNG crates, as well as loosen up on the rarity of some items. As well as reduce the credit payout for Heroics within a group.


    More story is subjective. Same as companions.


    Difficulty options are a poor effort. Seriously poor. Replay KotFE chapters with difficulty modes? Why would I want to do that to myself? Add in Uprisings with difficulty modes... erm flashpoints / operations.... hello? Nothing new there. If they had gone the route of, for example, The Division and made difficulty modes apply to the open world and have an effect on what the mobs drop while actually introducing difficulty modes (not whatever their version of it will end up being without tweaking the AI), then perhaps they could promote that as a feature.


    I mean seriously, 5.0 isn't looking great and BioWare are far too slow on reacting or being proactive. Quite simply other game and other developers are just doing it better currently. Maybe if they upped their game and tried producing new content and innovating a bit?


    Still, guess the Star Wars films will carry this game for another expansion cycle.

    How about discuss negatives in 5 000 threads that discuss negatives, and not turn this, one of the few rare threads about positives, into yet another negative thread :rolleyes:

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