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Everything posted by ngyongyi

  1. Hi sure, You can go to http://tri-lambda.enjin.com/ to register as a new member =) Alternatively, whisper Optimia / Scheria / Akatia / Hydria for an invite =) Nope we don't have a republic arm unfortunately.
  2. Yeah, almost all skills cause the lightsaber effects to go away. Deadly Saber (under annihilation for mara) also causes it to go away, as do charge.
  3. Hi, Saw from your thread that you're looking for a raiding guild. Do take a look here: http://tri-lambda.enjin.com/ We are a progression raiding guild that focuses on endgame content ops/fps. Your preferred raiding times coincide with ours. Hope to cya in game! =)
  4. Currently looking to recruit a few more ranks to fill our 2nd and 3rd raid group. Both will be on Wed and Thurs, around 7pm GMT +8 and 830pm GMT +8 Any roles are good as we have alts that can switch roles =)
  5. Hi yes, If you're GMT -4, that would be 12 hours earlier than ours, and so if its 8pm here, it's 8 am at your side =)
  6. Hi, Sundays - 8pm gmt+8 Mondays - 9pm gmt+8 The above times are for team alpha though. Tentatively it'll be Wed/Thurs for beta.
  7. Looking for 2 dedicated raiders to complete our team. Non raiders and those looking for a warm nice and cozy home are always welcome!
  8. Visit our website today at http://tri-lambda.enjin.com/home Looking forward to more APAC players!
  9. Hi, Do check out our recruitment page here http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=647245 We are always welcome to new members =)
  10. Bumps. Looking for a few more players and we can start our ops team already =) Even if you are not looking to do ops, or are not at lvl 55 yet, no worries! We welcome all who would like to join our new family. We aim to make this a safe and friendly environment for everyone to stay in!
  11. There's a few of us on Harbinger looking for a good raiding guild that caters to the GMT +8 or thereabouts time zone. Hope that you guys will be coming over!
  12. Yeah, in Harbinger though I'm getting 200ms ping, it's still very very playable. Think that there's a stereotype of how ppl view 50 and 200ms ping. Though it will be silky smooth at 50, it doesn't mean 200 is choppy or unplayable. Still a v gd playable experience.
  13. Are there any guilds here that are GMT +7 to GMT +10?
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