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Everything posted by darkjohnnysith

  1. i ben play for ten yres aamd i kep reporting this bug in game but get know ressopn to when i pl;y a sisth assasin oclas or thge slavbe clases every time i go it to loard zash office for the frist i have hit ecs cause it only show a back wall and not here so you hgvae to hit esc everytimeans reset it sorry fro my speling hope you can udersatnd this post cuse its every time i ply the inqu classe and go in to here office it frist go to a blenk wall and u heere her talk biut you are talk to a wall you have hitecs evertime to rerset it andthen its ok if need more info u can email me and we can set a phone call to explen it
  2. you need to let new players to the test sever how to use it they always asking how to levl up and asking why the have no way to fight it get to be a pain have to tell them to levl up and if you do fell emper lana keps dying she needs and when are you going to be able to pick your dis skills all in its a good clase my fav is the tank calss ive run most all the the stroy and enjoyed it when is teh next clasee coming
  3. was a good build but:confused:at times but all in al in was good i jump to falllen emper and only a litel trober in the dream part but i look frowd to the next buils im going go back and and try diff builds later was faun be a god on frist world lol and hope next bulbs are as good
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