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Everything posted by KarmaForce

  1. I don't think such a feature should be implemented like that, for that reason. It's pretty easy to finish something on a planet to the point where you find yourself at a speeder point. That is when you use your instant, no cooldown fleet pass to travel to the fleet and turn in. Then you run to the priority transport terminal and hop on ship and fly to the planet. Once there your quick travel will be off cooldown and just QT to where you left off. The only time the ^usual method bothers me is when there is an orbital station and I can't QT after I dock my ship. What I would like to see is something similar to the camps in SWG. A person was able to deploy a field camp that was awesome. This is something that would be great for world bosses and ops groups. With the right restrictions on its use, I don't think it would cause many problems
  2. So, should I buy them now? I was really hoping they would have discounted them by now. And not knowing when they will be back or how long they will be top tier doesn't help.
  3. (edit- when I say subscriber I'm referring to those that start this game and stick around, regardless of sub status. Instead of focusing on keeping their current subscribers, they ignore them and focus on bringing new ones in. They shouldn't treat players as if they are so replaceable. This game is like a leaky bucket of water sitting outside; The bucket represents the game and the water is it's players. Instead of patching up the bucket to keep the water inside, they ignore the cracks and do what they can to make it rain. They might be able to keep it mostly filled but they are still losing so much through the cracks. If they patched up the bucket and made it rain, it would then be overflowing, but that's good:) The fact that GS is pretty much independent from the current game is a problem. It was said that the purpose was to give people something where they don't have to experience the base of the game and just get them to buy stuff off the cartel market. Great for BW, not much for us. We much much more to do at level 55. I'm only on my 3rd 55 character but all there is to do are the same quests repeatedly to upgrade my gear and then what? It's very mind numbing work that offers very little variety, so much that I'm losing interest in even gearing up my newest 55 toon and that bothers me.
  4. Everything they are doing to the game has no support behind it. All the talk about arenas and I'd swear they are dead. Their only concern is bring in new players to get caught up in the cash shop.
  5. Sorry, Glower. Most of these people just don't get it. What's next? People quitting.
  6. check your email to try and stay up to day, since I got the info in an email. Extended xp weekend is november 27th - december 2nd and that's how the scum schedule the double xp weekends, holiday weekends because they know people have better stuff to do than play this game.
  7. So, your telling me the 5 of you couldn't interrupt or stun the not to be mean but this is where Learn To Play comes in.
  8. This is what bothers me about dps. I hardly get to see the fight because I'm staring at the cooldowns on my quick bar, my buffs and debuff, and the enemies buffs and debuffs.
  9. Got my alt server alt to level 5. I didn't think I'd log before the sever came back up.. What Level did you get to??
  10. What caused the last crash? and There have been reports the awesomeness is spreading rapidly and infecting other severs. I'm very concerned these servers will not be able to fill the void created when Shadowland natives leave, and implode.
  11. second time for me. but were just so awesome i might forgive for not being able to handle it.
  12. I agree. Whats really annoying is when you're not in a hurry so you let the cutscene play, then after its finished the match has already started.. this needs its own option, because i dont want to turn off all of the cutscenes. Just the pvp ones. also, for pve. there are some cutscenes you can watch while others skip and can initiate combat. id like to be able to skip them too. Touching on FPs, Id to have the option to actually watch the cutscenes if someone in the group doesnt skip them. I dont want to watch it, but it better than spacing through and seeing nothing because someone decided they wanted to watch it.
  13. Will anything be different? Would it be worth it to raise my space rep still? For now im going to go with the semisafe assumption that the last wave of fixes was it, and they are just going to ignore it like they've been doing.
  14. Tthanks for the info, but that doesn't have much to do with what I'm proposing.
  15. I feel this is one of the best way to reward dedicated subscribers. *Rewards people for playing the game, a lot . Not simply having been a subscriber when the game first came out, which is unobtainable for most and will just anger people *At legacy 50, chances are they spent more than enough on character perks or they never did, never will. So it would be a kind gesture on SWTORs part *I'd love to see all character perks opened up, but I would be glad to settle for having all the experience boost modifiers unlocked. This has been on my mind but after seeing the post where some guy wants to just pay for his 55, I had to throw this out there.
  16. I'm going nuts with the queue and red reaper. Queue takes quite a while as a healer and when a tank joins, they are terrible! Anyways I noticed that it's not only confusing for the tanks to properly gear up but the mods and enhancements provided through planetary comms is terrible for a tank especially around lvl 40
  17. Really sucks when you have people like the OP that create an account just to hog up all the names they can.
  18. This tradition of patch notes less than 24 hrs before a patch is fricking stupid. It's not like they would decide to change something over the weekend... Or do they cut it that close with their patches and that's why they're always breaking something else? I'd like to know what is happening Tuesday so I can get prepared over the weekend.
  19. Just what I was looking for. I've been healing for the longest time, but I've been wanting to expand my capabilities. Fresh guides are the best. Thanks.
  20. My last character hit 55 before voss. I did my story missions Heroics if they were nearby and I could either solo or a group was already formed. Always did my daily flashpoint once a day sometimes more I did the PVP dailies and weekly but not all the time since I'm not that great at PvP and the matchmaking is sometimes a joke Something I'd like to see done is having all those character perks apply to all toons on your legacy as a reward for reaching legacy 50.
  21. Really? You have plenty of boosts available. 25 more than f2p 10 from guild 25 from xp boost consumable 35 ish from your legacy perks (not really legacy perk) How is that not enough?
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