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Posts posted by cyrusramsey

  1. the boss hasn't dropped the car in years


    I don't know whether or not there's anything bugging, and I won't argue against more favorable conditions, but I had the car drop for me on January 10th of this year, on Satele Shan, so this "hasn't dropped in years" thing is absolutely false.

  2. I frequently have the class buff refresh bug (for years now) when leveling, but never see it on capped characters. I'd also much sooner believe that the people not seeing this are only trying it on capped characters, or level too fast to spot the bug, than that they're just not getting the bug under the same circumstances.
  3. especially lately, i think at some point they outsourced it, which is probably why it's gone down hill :(


    In my experience it's been incredibly erratic for many years, with helpful responses, irrelevant copypasta responses seemingly prompted by a single keyword and outright nonsensical responses to tickets based largely on luck. My worst example of repeatedly needing to send tickets that all resulted in the most ridiculous and/or irrelevant responses was from 2014, it's really not something new.

  4. As a rule I very much dislike talking to people I don't know, and yet I've been known to play over 50 (MM) FPs per week. I know what I'm doing and when I get into something I've never done before (been a while since something that wasn't brand new was new to me, but in general I hold to this) I will note that I've not done it before, and I'll reluctantly explain mechanics if it looks to be needed, so I'm not exactly the prototype person being complained about here, but yeah, I don't like saying hi to someone I don't know, I'm not interested in conversation--I won't complain if others talk, I'm just there to be silently competent and /salute at the end.


    I'd like to believe that I've saved the day often enough to be considered an asset to the queue, but if I can get through content with strangers without talking to them, I will. :p


    Eh.. except sometimes I do? I'm not sure if people on the forums know my name, I don't often seem to get responses, and I'll go through months of silence in between a few weeks of posting, but I'm always here, always reading. Sometimes I feel like saying stuff, but usually I don't. My communication in groups is not much different.


    Exception is with questions. If someone asks a questions to which I know the answer, as a long time player (and considering most responses on fleet will be alt+f4 or some such) I feel like it's my responsibility to give the correct answer. If the person in question then thanks me, I will go back to ignoring them as the stranger they are. <.<

  5. I'm not against increasing the limit, but if I think back on the history of all my guilds in this game, I can think of two examples of people that this feature was created for, people that hold grudges and go out of their way to cause trouble for those that they believe have slighted them.


    Considering this to be a feature of escalation, one to be used when a simple kick has proven ineffective, or even in scenarios such as the person in question having gravely violated trust in a guild, it seems so unlikely to me that this limit would be reached this quickly.


    I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I can't help but wonder if this isn't a case of reaching for the most powerful tool in many situations that a much less drastic action (you know, kicking someone) would've been more than sufficient. I'm sympathetic to the idea of not wanting to see someone join the guild with a different (legacy) name if they can't behave themselves with the first one (I've been frequently baffled at how people have argued against legacy-ignoring with the argument that they might want to troll on one character, but behave well on others :confused:), but if there's no indication that these people actually will try this, then a ban is.. or should be premature.


    As I said, I don't want to jump to conclusions, I don't know that that is what is actually going on, and I'm not against the limit being stretched some, but when is it going to be enough, really? If you filled 185 slots now, how long will it take you to fill 1000? Will you be asking for a higher limit when you hit that?

  6. With the amount of jawa scrap you can get from deconstructing dropped gear now, I find that crafting lower tier cosmetic items has become less of a chore (I was never a for-profit crafter, I'd craft for myself and friends and some guildies, and might sell off crits to break even), but that's the most positive thing I can think to say about this mess.


    Any hope I might've had of a reasonable adjustment to grade 11 crafting died when I read the 6.0.2 patch notes. Some people called it a step in the right direction, but to me the minor tweaks they came up with proved that BW does not consider 6.X crafting to be inherently broken, and so there's no reason to believe that they will make the sweeping changes required to make it a reasonable part of the game again.

  7. Hm...


    Assuming that the 185-limit is pre-United Forces (server merger), then I'd have to say that raising the limits both of guild members and of people that could be banned from guilds is something that really should have been done as part of the merger.


    The option to guild-ban people was introduced about a year after the latest server merges.

  8. Last time I ran into the issue of split instances in a flashpoint, and the one person that was alone was unable to find a way to join us, we actually managed to solve it by having the rest of us leave and load back in. Since I've not seen it happen since that time, it's too small a sample size to be sure of anything, but I thought I'd throw it out there as a possible workaround.


    I've never experienced the instancing issue to coincide with the other issues UlaVii mentions (though I have seen those issues on their own), so I am uncertain as to whether they're related, variations of the same bug or entirely different things.


    But yeah, full planet instances aren't really anything that can be fixed, because it's not broken, just annoying.

  9. In general I very much dislike randomness. I've argued that I'd much prefer having a 100% chance to a tenth of a shiny--requiring having to do 'the thing' ten times--than having a one in ten chance of getting the whole shiny at once--might get it on first or second try, might not get it after fifty tries, introduce enough players and someone always gets to be the unlucky one. I'd gladly give up the possibility of being the lucky one if it meant eliminating the possibility of being the unlucky one. Give me something to work towards, not something to gamble for.


    I am not a fan of the increased randomness.




    I guess this is one of those 'your mileage may vary' things, but while there are things I dislike a lot (aside from randomness in general, there's the abomination that is grade 11 crafting and the horrible implementation of amplifiers--which seemed like a good idea in general, giving people the option to customize their approach some, but that would require people actually being able to pick what they want, or work towards it) 6.X has so far been my most pleasant experience with a new cycle, and while I was not around for launch, I've been around to see every expansion drop.


    I've always been aggressively altoholic without a clearly defined main, had 10 characters over level 30 before hitting 50 on a single one, had over a hundred characters at lvl70 before 6.0 and 83 characters on lvl75 right now. Playing a wide variety of characters has kept this game fresh for me. I've also always enjoyed playing the harder content in the game (and don't need people arguing about whether anything I mention is hard or not), which frequently left me in the terribly frustrating situation of playing anything on any character one day, and then being unable to play the way I want for half a year or more.


    I'll play operations with my guild, but they don't spend nearly as much time in the game as I do, so I end up playing easily 50 pug MM FPs per week--when I can freely switch between characters, and the problem here is that while I am comfortable going into those with crappy gear or underleveled with guildies, when I pug I want to be able to carry not only my own weight, but also compensate for whatever manner of randoms I end up with. Getting 80+ characters into gear that would allow me to carry bad/inexperienced players would generally take me longer than I had to enjoy it before the next expansion hit.


    After 6.0 hit I spent a month and a half leveling my most important characters (yes.. I have 80 most important characters..) and farming generic 306-rated sets. Those generic sets were immediately enough for me to do anything I wanted on any character. Since then I've been farming bonus sets and extra tacticals and I've been optimizing my gear, but I've been able to do that chore while playing the content I've wanted to play, for the first time ever.


    I don't want to argue against any specific problems anyone has with the system, because it has problems and many of them have made me facepalm, and I realize that me being an extreme altoholic who plays an obscene amount of MM FPs perhaps makes me the perfect person to enjoy a system that has all gear legacy bound and pushes people into those MM FPs, but I finally get to focus on doing things I want instead of having to churn through endless hoops, I've not been this happy with the game since 2.X, despite all its faults, so I did want to add my opposing view to the gearing system being 'awful'.


    The system has some major issues, several things I'd like to see changed or would've done very differently if I'd been in charge, but I wouldn't trade it for any system that came before. I hope OP and others will find their way to enjoy it too.

  10. It’s funny to me how much of the market seems to be for vanity stuff now. Back in the day (the year or two after launch), you crafted items for better stats than people could get from dropped gear. People still craft mods, but I just don’t get the market for dyes.


    While I've done my fair share of crafting for stats, I'm largely on the other end of the spectrum. On my first character I hated not being able to keep my look consistent while leveling, wearing mismatched drops because I needed to. Stats are a means to an end, but I'd take crappy stats under at least three carefully assembled outfits (fighting clothes, casual outfit, special occasions) per character over BiS gear every time.


    Keep those clothes and dyes coming! :p

  11. Access to expansions does not go away when sub ends, you'll still be able to play it without sub. Level caps have always been tied directly to access to expansions, so you'll be fine there too.



    Edit to clarify: Access is what matters, not whether you reached that content yet, if an entirely new account subscribes for a month now, disappears for a year and then started playing as preferred from level 1, they'd have access to all expansions that have been released right now.

  12. It all depends on the situation. Supply and demand is not always a clear-cut thing. There are times that I will list things for more than the current listings, even without buying out the listing that are there, because I know mine will get sold anyway. Fairly high supply, but even higher demand. Items that are low supply and low demand are things that the more opportunistic among us could get very lucky with, but it takes just one person to screw up that opportunity.


    On the other hand, sometimes I have bays filled with things that I decide I want to get rid of, and when it's a matter of 'clearing bays' rather than 'making credits', I will go with the approach that clears the bays fastest, rather than makes the most.

  13. At the risk of annoying some people - and with full knowledge that I'm not a particularly great player - I'd still say that this is an "L2P" (Learn to Play) issue. 🤔


    And seriously**, I'm not trying to stir things up or troll, I've just never found enemy stuns, interrupts, etc, to be that big of an issue. Some of you may just need to review your skill set and check for skills that avoid interrupts, or remove stuns and movement impairment, etc. (Hunker Down is a great example for Gunslingers.)


    ** No really, seriously not a troll.


    Yeah, no.


    There will always be better players, sure, but I know exactly when and how to make use of every player ability in this game and I have the situational awareness and experience to anticipate these mechanics, but there is plenty of content in this game (and not only the newer content, this was always the case) where even if you fully utilize all your abilities, you're still going to get stunned, knocked around and/or interrupted, and on some classes it's decidedly worse than on others.


    I hated it when I just started playing, I hate it now. When I'm standing there waiting for a stun to end, or getting pulled, then knocked back, then pulled again, that's not playing, that's waiting on being able to continue playing. I get that some people don't mind it as much, I get that some people don't play the same types of content (as much), and that's fair, but being frustrated by these mechanics has nothing to do with knowing how to play.


    To offset: While I do not at all care for combat in ESO, one thing I very much appreciate there is how breaking free is linked to a resource pool instead of a cooldown (the same as pretty much every ability there, but that is beside the point) which means that if I get stunned, I break free and then get stunned again.. I can just break free again, assuming I managed my resources properly. While still not a fan of these mechanics, it eases most of the frustration when able to always play your way through them instead of knowing before the fight starts that you're going to have to eat at least half of it.


    Why were knock backs & stuns etc added to so many mobs? Imagine how fast you'd go through the content without them. That content used to be harder so it would take more time, but now it's dumbed down so they have to do something to make it last more than a few seconds.


    This is not a new thing that they've suddenly started doing, this was always there, even when content was generally harder.

  14. Wow... it's insulting of them to say this game has average graphics and FFXIV has beautiful graphics.

    Tells me this is just a list for the heck of it and no one played the games. FFXIV is still SD. It has good design but the graphics are extremely pixalated. Compare a recent gear set from swtor to a recent one from shadowbringers and it's night from day.

    Not that FF looks bad, but SWTOR doesnt get the credit it deserves.


    I don't have personal experience with all of those, but enough to say that it looks a lot more like a description of what the author(s) find(s) pretty than an objective description of graphical quality, but frankly, graphics were never swtor's selling point, and people can watch the screenshots and videos there to judge for themselves.

  15. Eh, I've contacted CS a number of times over the years, and I've always explained my issues in a precise and dispassionate manner, and.. the helpful responses have been far outnumbered by the kind that seemed like a copypasta-response based on certain keywords in my ticket.


    Account issues they will take seriously, but anything else you need to stick to very short and simple sentences and preferably add links to screenshots and forum threads to have maybe a 50/50 chance of getting a useful response.

  16. The new ability for shadows also doesn't make a sound (the assassin equivalent does), and while the sound of sage's force quake stopping after first tick was acknowledged as a bug, that never got fixed either.


    Honestly, there's a lot of small bugs in the game that I believe would not be there if they actually played their own game like some of them claim they do, but regardless of the cause, I don't think there's any reason to believe this is going to change anymore.


    Every now and then there's a nice little surprise in the patch notes of some ancient bug that they finally got, so perhaps some day..

  17. I play a bunch more group content than solo content (though I play both fairly much) but have always been very much against solo content suddenly turning into group content. I'll enjoy playing Dread Fortress and Dread Palace, but not once ever have I been able to get them to neatly follow the Oricon story. I'd love to get the Macrobinocular missions done on all my characters, but.. yeah, that's not going to happen in the current format.


    Solo content: :)

    Group content: :)

    Solo content that suddenly becomes group content towards the end: :mad:

  18. All the fussing about the term 'gray jedi' seems entirely beside the point anyway. There are plenty of not-entirely-light or not-entirely-dark examples, and as mentioned, staying neutral is an acknowledged route within this game for inquisitor, so it seems like a valid question to me to ask why that got entirely abandoned for trying to make people pick a side.


    In the end the practical implications seem rather trivial to me, but that's another story.. :p

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