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Posts posted by Lord_Unterhemd

  1. Sears !



    geschweige denn dass es als Gelehrter/Hexer einfach verdammte Pflicht ist die Blitzbubbel mit zu skillen.


    Halt ich für'n Gerücht dass das Pflicht ist^^ Spiele meinen Sorc sowohl als Heiler, als auch als DD ohne die Blitzbubble und komme damit besser klar als mit der Bubble. Hab das so oft schon gehabt dass ich im 4s Hardstun lande und die Blitzbubble durch den Stun bereits triggert und ich 2 sekunden länger drin stehe als der DD, sodass ich schonmal 2s lang vollen dmg fresse.


    Komme mit meinem root kick da deutlich besser klar als mit der blitzbubble


    Zuletzt einen im BG gehabt der mit stolzen 382 Kompetenz aufgewartet hat. Ja sorry,

    sowas kann man nu auch nich wirklich heilen. Das ist freeloot..... aber ich schweife ab....


    kA wie 382 Kompetenz gehen sollen. Glaube wenn du BiS raid gear an hast, kommste "nur" auf 800+ als niedrigstes.




    Antworten in Orange :p

  2. That! I just love the flow of the spec somehow and don't care that it is not top notch. Still can compete in regs, good enough for me.


    That is true. I did around 3k+ dps in a arena a few days ago without even full or at all optimized gear and in 8vs8 around 4k. I guess that there will be more possible, but on my server, regs aren't always long enough and balanced enough to really farm numbers. They often die to fast, or you get rofl stomped by the other team. :p

  3. ....

    Some simple rule of thumbs are:

    -Never Thunderingblast a target without affliction

    -Never hardcast chain lightning

    -Never cast crushing darkness without first casting lightning flash for the cd reduction

    -Use recklessness after thunder blast and polarity shift before.


    It's a fun spec, and with just a little practice can bring some serious damage in pvp.


    Actually that is not true for every pvp situation. If you want to maximize your Burst and you have a few seconds where no one is trying to kill you, you can throw in Polarity Shift and Recklessness, set Affliction, Hardcast Chainlightning, Into Thundering Blast into Lithning Flash into Chain Lightning with Procc into Lightning burst fillers.


    You will wreck a singletarget to under 30%-20% with this rotation while bursting down the whole enemy team.


    Otherwise Lightning has one of the worst singletarget bursts in the game, which is why Force Storm is a part of the Rotation.

  4. Don't have any problems with Deception. I played it before 3.0, I played it throughout 3.0 and I still play it with 4.0 because it's just more fun than hatred and has a s hitload of utility for 8vs8 warzones.


    And seriously I don't have any problem at all bursting someone down. Sure you won't ever be able to reach 6k dps because it has no low-skiller-dot-spread but 3k and if the teams are equal 4k dps are defiinately possible.


    The major reason why people are whining and talking about how bad deception is, is because it has no lol crits like the absolutely over-buffed PT's and since 4.0 Snipers have, but if you know how to play, deception is and will be more than viable.


    But it's only my opinion with my experiences. And to be honest, I would still play deception if it would get nerfed into the ground, because it has more style :p

  5. In my Opinion the only reason to use 5% accuracy in pvp is for your low slash to hit more frequently.


    The problem with accuracy is, that it is designed to reach a specific value (110%) so that you don't miss any attacks against PvE Bosses who have a 10% defensive chance.


    But in PvP the Player's base defensive chance is 5% and 10% for inquisitors. In theory, stacking 110% accuracy would allow you to reach that value, where you would hit every single attack too, which would mean a slight dps increase, but since almost every Class has a defensive cooldown that increases the players defensive chance, accuracy has become almost useless for pvp.


    I personally prefer around 5% accuracy just so that my low slash doesnt miss that often on inquisitors but that's a personal preference.


    To sum it up: It is useful to stack 5% accuracy as deception sin, as long as you don't hit players who are using their defensive chance increasing abilities.

  6. Kann ich überbieten :p


    Civil War






    und noch ne lustige Arena



    Arenen sind momentan nur mit tausend heilern, neulich erst wieder gegen 4 Heiler reingekommen :p


    Bin mir auch sicher dass es schon Screens von Tanks gibt diet mehr DPS/Schutz gemacht haben


    4.0 ist einfach kaputt

  7. Ach sooo...interessant....bislang war es ja immer so, vor Fallen Empire, das wenn man z.b. Kristalle mit Kompetenz hatte aber kein komplettes PvP Set das die Kompetenz der Kristalle dann abgezogen wurde.


    Ich brauch jetzt also nur Kristalle mit 41 Kompetenz, richtig? Also ich muss mir dann PvP Waffen tragen damit das klappt? Oder kann ich deren Mods auch in andere Waffen einbauen?


    Nein du brauchst PvP Waffen. Wenn du in PvE Waffen Kompetenz Kristalle packst wird dir der entsprechene Kompetenzwert wieder abgezogen.

  8. Dazu kommt, dass es nen Unterschied zwischen effektivem Zergen und Scheinzergen gibt.


    Effektives Zergen bedeutet den Schaden präzise anbringen um Gegner tatsächlich zu töten und dem Team zu helfen, dabei kannst du es supporten indem du die Gegner vom Gesäß des Heilers wegzergst, oder dem Heiler mit Roots, Slows und Stuns noch hilfst.


    Scheinzergen ist es wenn man kontinuierlich das Ziel wechselt, niemals versucht einen zu töten (Weil was tot ist kann keinen Schaden mehr nehmen, ergo könnten ja Schadenspausen entstehen) oder anders gesagt, indem man nur "Fluff-Damage" anbringt, um am Ende möglichst hohe dps und dmg werte zu erreichen und seinen E-Peen einen Zentimeter größer werden zu lassen.


    Klar gibt es BGs in denen nix umfällt weil gefühlt nur ein DD im Gegner team ist und der Rest Heiler und Tanks, aber das ist dann auch ein Fehler Biowares und des Balancings. (*Hust* Sorc Heals mit Tanks *Hust*)


    Aber ja, im Grunde ist eher die DPS-Zahl wichtiger als der Overall-Schaden, denn wenn ein BG schnell vorbei ist kann es sein dass man nur 1 Million Schaden gemacht hat, aber die DPS dabei bei 3k oder höher lagen.


    Es ist dabei wie schon gesagt auch die Frage wie viele Tote es in den BGs gibt und wie stark die Heiler sind. Wenn der Schaden eines Teams, die Heilung des gegnerischen Teams derartig überwiegt, dass letzteres durchgehend im Spawn steht, dann kann man auch keine Zahlen mehr fahren.

  9. They are also very weak to roots, as this prevents them from rolling, so don’t be afraid to use knockback root even when they’re white barred, as while they won’t take the knock back from the ability, they will still be rooted, preventing them from rolling.


    Hey, I guess you need to update this part ^^

  10. Klar ist er angepisst, weil 2-3 Leute streamsniping betrieben haben und es dann nichtmal zugeben.

    Ich bitte darum dieses Thema nicht in diesem Thread anzusprechen da sonst sehr wahrscheinlich eine Diskussion entfacht wird auf die wir von der Orga absolut keine Lust in diesem Thread haben. Wenn darüber diskutiert werden will, oder beschuldigungen ausgesprochen werden, bitte ich darum es in einem anderen Thread zu tun und diesen nicht zu zu müllen.

    Sollte sowas am Freitag auch kommen werde ich meine Teilnahme wohl zurückziehen. Ich lege da keinen wert drauf, mich bei einem Event, das Spass machen soll, sowohl Teilnehmern als auch Zuschauern, in nem öffentlichen Stream beleidigen zu lassen.


    Ich bitte an dieser Stelle auch noch einmal darum keine voreiligen Entscheidungen zu treffen, denn es ist ja noch ein paar wenige Tage bis Freitag und wie Neysha bereits angekündigt hat, haben wir etwas in Arbeit. Also bitte ich erneut um etwas geduld. Danke.

  11. Nö, er hat schon recht. Concealment und AP PT sind mit Abstand die besten Duell Klassen aktuell. Deswegen sind ja auch Schleicher und nicht Schleicher getrennt.

    AP PT aber auch nur weil Assa/Schatten DPS Tanks und Hüter/Jugg DPS Tanks verboten sind. Hüter Tanks kriegen 1 Def und 1 Hardstun dazu und deren härtester Hit ist immernoch ne 13k Kelle und der Assa Tank hat ne hohe Schadensmitigation und nen Def mit dem du 2 mal den kompletten Thermaldetonator -> Cellburst, Burst widerstehen kannst, während du gleichzeitig mit Depredating Volts 20k dmg minimum in den PT drückst.


    Aber deswegen nicht mit machen? Geht doch um Spass und mal etwas Abwechslung vom ständigen Alltag. Und was sind denn bitte 100k?



    Bei dem Turnier geht es nicht um: "Wer hat den dicksten Internet-Schwanz?" oder "Welche Klasse ist die OP'ste" , sondern um Spaß am Spiel, Spaß am Turnier Feeling vor 200-400 Zuschauern (soviele waren beim letzten Turnier auf Snaves Stream) Spaß an seiner Klasse und dem miteinander messen. Klar sind einige Klassen stark bevorteilt und klar muss man für einige mehr können als für andere, dennoch gibts genug Leute die Fehler machen. Bei den letzten Turnieren sind Favoriten teilweise in der Knockout Runde 1 rausgeflogen weil sie Fehler gemacht haben, also alles ist möglich.


    Finds aber schade dass all die Leute, welche kontinuierlich damit prahlen wie toll sie denn sind und wie sie im 1vs1 Spieler XY umbashen würden ohne Probleme, nun den Piephans einziehen und als Ausreden allerlei Dinge nennen wie: "RP ist doof!", "Kein Tank sein dürfen ist doof!", "Spieler YZ der mitmacht ist doof!", "Balancing ist doof!" etc.


    Wenn ich mir ansehe dass englische Spieler, die nichtmal im entferntesten Sinne etwas mit RP zu tun haben, es sogar schaffen sich 4 Sätze RP zusammen zu denken, nur damit sie hier teilnehmen können und mir dann das Geweine besagter Spieler hier anhöre/-sehe, kann ich nur den Kopf schütteln.


    Also ich freu mich drauf, auch wenn ich in der ersten oder zweiten Runde schon rausfliegen werde :D


    Gute Einstellung, hoffentlich schaffen es noch ein paar mehr, sich diese anzueignen. :p

  12. Empire / Sith


    It had been a long and arduous voyage to Dromund Kass. And now - finally there - she was still kept waiting, hours on end without welcoming the guest, let alone offering refreshments. Sent by her Masters as emissary she hadn't been overly crazy about this task right from the start, and the bad feeling intensified with every hour passing right up to the moment when she was finally admitted to the Lord of the Sith.


    -“So let me summarize: You...“ his gaze trailed disparagingly down the body of the slim woman until he fixed her eyes again and stared her down „have earnestly been sent to make sure I'll send my best apprentices to slaughter some bounty hunter scum in this ridiculous tournament? Now, do not get me wrong: I am hardly opposed to random violence and wanton slaughter – but tell me: Why exactly should i consider your offer instead of breaking your scrawny little neck?“


    The Sith spoke with a mixture of amusement and impatience clearly getting to the Twi'lek. She stepped back half a step and stared at her hands still holding the datapad.


    -„My lord I'm just relating the message as told. There is to be a fight, a tournament organised by my most esteemed Masters, highly influential businessmen of the Hutt Cartel and extraordinarily generous hosts, as everyone knows. The prize is...“ He interrupted her with a harsh gesture.-“A dusty trinket without any power“

    She nodded hesitantly.

    -“A dusty old relic, over a thousand years old...“ she carefully lifted her eyes „a dusty relic highly coveted by the Jedi Order. They have already accepted the invitation.“






    A short moment of stillness, then the Sith approached the young woman, lifted her chin with cold, gloved fingers, thus forcing her head upwards. He stared directly into her eyes, a trace of dark longing suddenly in his gaze.


    -“You would not lie to me, little Twi, would you? The Order … will send participants?“

    -“Y-y-yes, M'lord! It is as I said, they are very interested in this artifact and intend to send a delegation.“


    He traced his thumbs over her cheek, his eyes trailing off here somewhere only to snap back to her, a hard expression on his face and pushed her hard against the throat making her stumble back choking.


    -“Leave your invitation here, Twi! Tell your Masters that we will be there – and should it turn out to be a lie, they will will wish to never have been born.“

  13. Republic / Jedi


    She focused on her breathing. Tranquility, all-encompassing tranquility. She was one with her surroundings, feeling every single whisper of the wind, every change and was herself part of the wind, the grasses, the single light drops of rain moisturizing her forehead and shoulders. She was one with the force. She could FEEL what the blindfold denied her to see.


    Activating her lightsaber she began to dance. Her movements were smooth and lithe like water, a defensive form she reinterpreted to the Harmony of the wind and the soft rain of Tython. She smiled: It felt good... right.




    Her Master's voice echoed in her head, calm and certain, making her stop dancing in surprise, deactivating the saber and removing the blindfold. The Togruta stood a few meters from her – and she hadn't even noticed him in her zeal to bring her movements to perfection. Ashamed she lowered her gaze.


    -“You have made enormous progress in your exercises. The harmony pleases me greatly, but do not forget: It remains a fighting form you are practising. Will you still be able to maintain the energy when under extreme pressure?“

    -“Yes, Master, I can“ she retorted, trying to keep the touch of exasperation out of her voice. She was no Padawan anymore and she resented being seen as such. But a smile flickered across his lips- of course he'd guessed her thoughts.

    -“ I have a task for you, Meera“ - he paused for moment watching her intently - “you may choose if you will accept it. It is unusual.“

    -“What does it entail?“

    -“A tournament. Organized by the Hutt Cartel.“

    She stared at him, erupted in a laugh, got serious again and blinked at him unbelievingly.

    -“You... are... not joking, Master?

    -“No, Meera. We were presented with an invitation for a tournament. Duels to be precise, prize honor and glory, every conceivable sort of fighters“ he made a dismissive gesture. “On neutral grounds.“

    The Jedi stared at her master.

    -“All this concerns us exactly how??“

    The Togruta sighed deeply.

    -“This is not only about prizes, but... the Hutts have unearthed something from the time of the Hyperspace Wars, a relic of our past. And they remain adamant in our negotiations. They desire participants for this tournament.“

    -“What relic do we talk about exactly. Why is it so important?“

    -“We have no details, Meera, only hints with which we are able to vaguely theorize about its content. If we decide to let this pass it will fall into other hands.“

    -“What would be so bad about that? We could still buy it from the winner. The common mercenary or thug wouldn't do anything with it except sell it for a profit.“


    Her master regarded her with a long, contemplating gaze.

    -“We are not the only ones invited. The Cartel has... sent a delegation to the Empire. Should we refrain from intervening the artifact falls to the Sith.“

  14. Finally we got the next backstory text translated into english. We got a little difficulties with the translator of the first text (that you can read in my first post) but now we found someone who was so kind to do us the favor of translating the next text so that you guys can enjoy the RP too. You are free to use the backstory texts as reference for your character RP texts. :)


    There still will be more text coming, so stay tuned and stay hyped!





    Tatooine / Neutral

    The Liquid in the broad, low glass was the color of amber. The glass itself was... well it certainly had been clean a long time ago, now it was full of fingerprints, dust and dried beverages, yet its content - he lifted it against the light and cocked his head for a better view – was perfect.

    It had to be perfect.

    It represented his last investment and unfortunately the last remnant of his recent assignment. Sighing, the man put the glass to his lips and boozed the whole content in one swallow, when a hand clapped so hard on his shoulder he nearly choked.


    -„Jo, hey Jay? Dude, you truly lurk around in the darkest corners, pal!“

    The Jerk slurping around the table grinning at him was practically hidden beneath heavy layers of dust and oil.

    Try as he might Jay couldn't remember his name.

    -„Ain't got nothin' foy ya, pal. Get lost!“


    Naturally though, he didn't. He pulled a chair to himself and started to make himself comfortable. Jay slammed the glass on the table. His mood was in a fast spiral downward.

    -„What exactly was unclear about 'get lost', *******?“

    -„Okay, okay, hold on. Don't wanna buy nothing. Got something for ya!“

    His expectant grin somehow fuelled the motivation to wipe it from his face, so he put down the glass, got up and formed his hands into fists.

    -„Okay, erm, okay, hold on, relax! Need creds dontcha? Eeeeveryone needs creds! Really, so do I, but hey, I got something you ain't know yet! You one o'those...“ He leans forward conspiratorially, almost nauseating Jay with his breath, „shooting aces now ain't ya? No? They say you always hit center.“

    -„I do, and right now I'll center your face, break your nose and have my peace again.“

    The threat in his voice made the other one draw back in a hurry. At least a little relief.

    -„WAITWAITWAIT! Creds! Big Money! Ahm talking millions, pal, MILLIONS!“

    -„You got one minute before you see a million stars!“


    The seedy little rat actually got more nervous!

    -„Aw-Aw-Awright, listen Up! There's a tournament, a fight! Real one with prize money 'n all that. The Hutts are inviting, and it's a duell and and and free pick of weaponry, that's just your kinda thing ain't it?“


    Jay leaned back in his chair. It WAS interesting, the question was: Where was the catch?

    -„Let's say I believe you... what's in it for you?“


    The rat was grinning so brightly one could see the brown-yellow stumps of his rotten teeth.

    -„'Course you'll have to pay a starting fee. But I know just the guy, got this job you see and well... you take care of it, it's a hundred grand. Yesyesyes, damn loada creds, but he provides it and you're the best ex-specforce around. you just go down there an' shoot'em all down and grab the millions, awright? Awright!”


    Jay gazed past the overzealous, grinning face and took a deep breath. He could already feel his fingers itching. It was a damn chance … and he needed chances.

    „Introduce me to your friend“ Jay got up and started for the door.

  15. "Reece Morgan" was printed in bold on the envelope of the datapad. He wasn’t happy to receive this package from the protocol droid.

    “Sir Giradda’s wish is it that the data will be processed and transformed into an announcement. He also wishes that you will hand deliver the invitations to representatives of the Republic and the Empire to properly motivate them.”

    “What do you mean hand delivered?”

    “The illustrious Giradda the Hutt is willing to place slaves at your disposal for this matter, Sir. You will have to instruct them.”

    Reece sighed and took a look at the datapad. “They won’t even show up. What a waste!”

    “The illustrious Giradda is expecting that you, master, will properly motivate them. If you fail to motivate one of the parties, Giradda will overthink your place in his organization, Sir.

    Reece was surprised to hear this news from his monotone protocol droid.

    “How in the hell should I get these two fractions together other than with heavy artillery?”

    “The illustrious Giradda the Hutt suggests playing both ends against the middle. He thinks that the rewards will be luxurious enough to draw them in.”

    “But he is aware that the empire could just swoop in with a couple of ships, wreck the place and take what they want?”

    My master is dead certain that none of the factions will want another party involved in this war.

    Reece sighs again. The Hutt wasn’t stupid.

    “Tell Giradda I take care of his problem.”

    “Thank you Sir, Giradda knew you would comply.”



    (Please notice that english is not my native language so please forgive me if I misspelled something.)


    Server: [RP-PvE] Vanjervalis Chain, (German RP Server)

    When: Friday, October 9th, 8:30pm (CEST)

    Where: Ilum, Coordinates: -2100, -1113 ( dueling area , map location )

    Stream: will be announced shortly

    Hosts Jazz


    All audience members should be there beforehand, so that the tournament can start without delay. You can also watch the tournament via Snaves stream, where it will be hosted in German and English.


    Tourney Mode: 1 on 1 (100k entry fee)

    There will be two groups for the duels: stealth vs. stealth and non-stealth vs. non-stealth.

    The first round will be randomized.

    The four finalists will fight each other (1st vs. 1st and 2nd vs. 2nd) in the end.



    Round 1 and 2 are knockout rounds

    Semifinals and finals will be best of 3 and the ultimate finals will be best of 5


    Read this for more information: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZgVPkpb4e_xXthgKBJfjCRGhvr1-q95ohi3H50jlWk0/edit?pli=1#gid=503213755


    We are looking for around 32 players and possible reserves. If there are more we can alter the brackets. If there are not enough players the tournament will be canceled and the players receive their credits back.



    A binding application contains the name of the character, class, spec, fraction and the RP-Story as well as the entry fee of 100k. Neysha (Rep) and Nim’ani (Imp) on Vanjarvelis Chain will take your money. You can also send a PM to Mafirva or Lord_Unterhemd on the forums, or simply reply to the thread.



    Examples for the sign-up:


    Slevrin / Assassin / Deception / Empire + 100k entry fee

    Neysha / Commando / Gunnery / Republic + 100k entry fee


    We want to encourage every participant to create an rp-story for this tournament. This story or little show will be shown before the first fight of each individual. This demonstration can include Toys or Emotes or anything like that. The story should possibly relate to the tournament.


    Please notice that selfwritten emotes (/e or /me) shouldn't be used because the opposite Player Fraction (Rep/Imp) won't be able to read them. Please type your emote between two stars ( * text * ) or arrows ( < text > ) in the /say channel, instead of using the chat-emote command so that everyone independant of their fraction can enjoy your RP emotes.


    Examples for emotes:


    Don't use: Slevrin: /me tries to intimidate his opponent with a grim look in his eyes.

    Instead use: Slevrin: /say <tries to intimidate his opponent with a grim look in his eyes>



    Expamle for a rp-story


    "The Dark Council has summoned me again to take part in this ridiculous time wasting tournament. A Lord shouldn't be entrusted with tasks that even inferior Slaves would be able to manage. And all this for a relic, a relic whose meaning is known only to the Dark Council. Why can't they come and get it themselves if it is of this utter importance." <murmured the Sith while he surveyed his surroundings with his sharp white eyes. His disordered white hair was caught up in a slight windy breeze and concealed parts of his pale Face. With a grimm look, the white Eyes flashed out of the shadows of his Face as he continued to speak> "I am Slevrin Oth'rarr and I am a Lord of the Sith, entrusted by the Dark Council as a Champion of the Empire to retrieve this Prize. Get out of my way, or die painfully by the consequences!" <with a fluid motion he grabbed the hilt of his Lightsaber and activated two bloodred blades at each of its ends. The Blades were growling in ferocity.>


    Application deadline is Tuesday, October 6th.


    First come first serve is the motto for the tournament. So get your applications in, fast, or you will be on the bench.






    • Only 1 character per application!
    • Only DPS Specs!
    • 2018 Expertise Gear is needed!


    We will randomly check players for their gear before the fighting starts.





    • Stims
    • Classbuffs
    • Respec utilities


    Not allowed:


    • Companions or other external help
    • Heroic Moment
    • Medpac or Stim-boosts or Grenades
    • Rocket Boots or Mounts
    • Flagship buffs or Tatooine Expertise buff
    • Respec



    Not showing up (10 min to show up)

    Leaving dueling area

    Disrupting duels via AOE Spam or walking around in the dueling area or other forms of disruption

    Racial slurs or other forms of discrimination will not be tolerated and reported


    Accidentally leaving the dueling area will restart the fight. (Kicking/Pushing)


    If there are too many disruptions, we will move the tournament to a stronghold.


    Change of rules or modifications will be made public in this thread.


    Prizes: (prize money is 34,65 million credits)


    1. 35% of the credits and the Wings of the Architect (sponsored by VCs finest raid guilds), and a mysterious artefact

    2. 35% of the credits and

    3. 15% of the credits and

    4. 15% of the credits and


    Sponsors: (this will be updated with further donations)

    Slevrin - 2 Mio

    Zeluna - 900k

    Kayleh - 2 Mio

    Arranec - 5,1 Mio

    Xarath - 5 Mio

    Kali - 250k

    Maru - Hypercrate: Wild Space Explorers Pack

    Setos - 2 Mio

    Deigradius - 5Mio

    Thorance - 400k

    Navalia - 2 Mio

    Adria - 2Mio


    There will other awards in the following categories:

    Best RP-Intro:

    Best Outfit: Black/Black Dye Module

    Best Duel:


    The audience can vote in these categories via polls on the stream. This will happen at the end of the stream, so be patient and make some notes.


    Other sponsors (Credits or Items) are very welcome and can contact us in game or here.

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