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Posts posted by Lord_Unterhemd

  1. Ya that can happen but if you Global again it is your problem not the change bad player's will be bad. There is a counter to every thing and since you all can't figure out how to counter cc global. I sit back and eat popcorn...


    I'd like to see your Team Ranked SR to be honest, or even better: I'd like to see you stream your gameplay so that we can see what an awesome "I can counter everything" - Player you are.



  2. they *felt*™ assassins/shadows were too mobile. that was the reason given for the Grand Theft Phase Walk, pretty much verbatim. Which is still more informative (*snort*) than what happened for the very recent removal of stun DR mind you, we didn't even get a "we felt" BS about that.


    Too mobile? Why do Operatives still have a shadowstep and two immunity rolls then? Why do Snipers have a Roll (and a reset cooldown for that roll) while the class is designed to be stationary? Why can literally every Range DPS (except for snipers (thank god)) cast skills while moving? Why do Sorcs get Force Speed, Phasewalk and an "Oh **** Squirrels!"- Paladinbubble? Why do Fury Maras get a ******** of immunities, jumps and rootbreak predations? Why do Juggernauts get a ******** of jumps and dashes?


    Literally EVERY Class right now is more mobile than Assassins x) Great Job Bioware!


    I mean, what do you people expect of a Dev-Team that can only play Sorcs/Sages on their Devstreams?


    Here a video to show you people why bioware can't properly balance this game:



    Enjoy yourselves and have a good laugh!


    P.S.: Not my video.

  3. The major issue I think we currently have is an issue that shouldn't exist in the first place : Feedback and how little it is used. Some other game company who rules some "small" MMO (;)) recently said one thing, which is very, very important in terms of good, interesting and fun gameplay balance, the short version look a bit like this :


    The thing is, if our metrics and data show us something, but player feedback says the opposite, then we're trusting the playerbase with their feedback. We won't pull something because "we're game developpers, we know what we're doing". -Blizzard


    And this seem to be a major issue that BW dev team seem to find difficult to understand. Over the last year, the complaints have been huge concerning the balance of this game, both in PvP and in PvE. Each time, players brought in solutions that were decent, solutions that made sense for both a PvE and a PvP point of view. But each time, the balance team rejected those ideas, each time it's always the "trust us, we're developpers, we know how to read our data".


    Tbh, I don't know if this "data" exist, or if it doesn't. What I see is that most of the changes they've made this year aren't "player-friendly". They aren't made for a better game, they are made to correspond to their metrics and data (which, we all know, can be interpreted in various ways. Everyone can see what he wants to see in said metrics).


    Until this attitude from the dev team changes, by having real discussion (with actual response you know, not those empty threads they created a while back) with players, by listening to the player feedback first, and by working seriously without any lazyness going on, then we'll be stuck with the game (or in fact the "data") they want us to play, even if it is not an enjoyable experience. :rolleyes:


    I couldn't agree more to what you just said mate. The core problem of balancing in this game has always been a Dev-Team that couldn't give a single **** about player opinions. In the past 6 years, there were SO MANY posts in which players tried to reason and actually HELP the Dev-Team to improve this game, but they just didn't care, because their philosophy is the complete opposite of that what you just quoted.


    Now the funny thing is, that swtor is just a WoW copycat in several areas and "features". I personally don't understand, why they constantly try to copy the most successful MMO there is, but fail to look at their Developers philosophy.


    Now to say something about the idea of separated balancing for PvE and PvP:


    Blizzard had a very simple solution for this in WoW. They simply changed how some abilities worked in PvE/Questing and in PvP and WROTE A NOTE INSIDE THE TOOLTIPS of said abilities.


    For example: "Ability X does Y amount of healing and provides a procc that increases Z's critical chance by 30%. In PvP, this procc only provides 20%."


    Another Example: They changed the way how critical hits worked. In PvE your critical strikes increased the damage dealt by the ability by 100%, so you did double the damage. In PvP the critical strikes only deal 50% more damage.


    And to be honest, if a player is not able to read the tooltips of his spells and abilities, then he can't be considered "average", he can't even be considered "below average". Players who fail at reading their abilities are bad and always will be, unless they gain some intelligence at some point.


    So the issue with balancing PvE/PvP through seperate skill mechanics (in the way of buffing/nerfing specific proccs etc. for the different Gametypes) is not a problem of making the game more complex than it is now. It is actually reducing its complexity through being more transparent with the gamemodes and what effects certain skills will have in PvP.


    But that is just my opinion, I might be wrong, I might be right, feel free to discuss about it.


    tl;dr: I approve of this thread and what sparks is trying to achieve!


    /thumbs up.

  4. Don't know what problems you all have :confused:


    I'm perfectly fine with how Sins are performing at the moment, considering the **** bioware gave us since 3.0.


    Sure it would be better to have a Burst buff and a gap closer on seperate abilities, but it's just working fine as it is right now. If you want to use it as a gap closer and still profit from the burst, just open up with Phantom Stride and you'll have that extra Discharge.


    Sure it won't profit of a recklessness stack, but in my opinion and with my gear the critchance of it is already quite high. And if you're not using the 3 Reck stack utility you won't profit from the extra discharge anyways because Ball Lightning is worth way more than a second discharge right after the first one. And it's like that since the Surge nerf for Discharge.


    I have neither a problem with closing gaps, nor do I have a problem bursting people down quickly. Maybe you should stop looking at the class and it's nonexistent problems and start looking at your abilities as a player ;)

  5. I would agree, if not for the fact that infiltration was the only spec to not receive a gap closer in 4.0. It is an advantage, no doubt, but they need it to not completely be cannon fodder for anything with more than 4m range.


    Dunno what kind of shadow you seem to be playing but my sins and shadows all got a new gap closer called phantom stride :p

  6. ...


    For me, more disturbing is the quality of life that has been seriously diminished since 3.0. With all the range decreases of skills, radius decreases of AOE skills, decreased mobility and so forth, the skill necessary to play sins on a decent level has so much increased that today it really isn't a spec that is favourable to beginners and i would like to see a lot of it reversed.


    Actually, literally every class has become easier to play as of 3.0 and 4.0 thanks to flashy procc effects on your quickbar and the almost complete removal of RNG proccs. You don't need to pay attention to anything in your buff bar's and will still do better than most did before 3.0, so obviously you haven't played before 3.0, or you just can't remember how it was.


    The cliff between really really good deception sins from 2.x to beginners, or even average sins was WAY bigger than it is at the moment. 3.0 and it's class and skill system changes were just utter **** in my opinion and if it would be possible I'd instantly roll back to how the game was before those last 2 Addons.


    But back to topic: In my Opinion the only "Damage Buff" Sin's would need is an alternate Duplicity Procc on Low Slash with a seperate ICD and maybe either a Maul damage increase of said procc back to 30% instead of 20%, OR a slight Surge Buff because at the moment, Arsenal Mercs are the only class that hasn't been touched by any kind of surge nerf iirc, which is why they are still dealing insane crits.


    But other than that: Deception is - as other said before - more about managing your CC's than it is about facebursting and when I hear people complaining about the fact that they need to use 3 skills to burst and that other classes do only need 2 skills than you should probably start rerolling that other class :p


    Sins Burst is fine in combination with it's CC capabilities.

  7. My go-to class is - and probably will always be - my assassin, favorably in deception or darkness, sometimes even hatred altho I find this specc clunky as **** and not as fun to play as it used to be back in 3.0 (yes it was OP as fck back then but I really liked its playstyle with 30m deathfield and spread on deathfield. They should've reduced the dot damage on spreaded targets or smth but not the range on DF and its ability to spread the dots :p)


    But what I basically wanted to say is, that I also rotate from time to time, but those "secondary mains" sometimes change,


    At the moment I mostly play Assassin > Marauder > Mercenary. Maybe next month it's Assassn > PT > Sniper again or somth like that.


    Assassin is always my favorite class to play and therefore my main.

  8. ...

    Ich frage mich ja eigentlich die ganze Zeit wieso man nicht bestimmte Skills für PVP und PVE unterschiedlich anpaßt, gibts in anderen Spielen auch. Scheint hier aber zu viel Mühe zu machen. Anders wird man das Problem nicht lösen, denn etwas das im PVE kaum Auswirkungen hat kann dir das ganze PVP zerlegen und anders rum. Beides in Einklang bringen wird kaum möglich sein da die Spielweisen einfach zu unterschiedlich sind.


    Das hatten die doch 2.(7) glaube ich beim Smasher gemacht. Im PvE und an NPCs zählt der Wogenbonus für alle Ziele, an Spielern, also im PvP zählt der Wogenbonus nur noch für das anvisierte Ziel, der rest wird nur mit dem normalen Kritschaden getroffen.


    Aber ich vermute dass der eine Dev der das hingekriegt hat, danach an der Anstrengung gestorben ist und sie nun keinen mehr haben. Dazu dann noch €A's Investitionsverweigerungen...


    Bioware sollte das Spiel komplett resetten und von vorn anfangen, oder bei 2.0 wieder einsteigen und alles was seit 3.0 passiert ist einäschern, denn dieses Update hat Schrittweise damit begonnen das Spiel zu zerstören.

  9. Es ist doch jedesmal das gleiche. Die Dev's übersehen wie üblich vollkommen den springenden Punkt, weshalb Klassen OP/UP, bzw zu stark oder zu schwach sind und schaffen es nach 5 Jahren immernoch nicht, PvP und PvE getrennt zu balancen.


    Den DoT-Assa haben sie mit 3.0 endlich mal spaßig gestaltet, dass man echt eine tolle Hybrid-Mid-Range-Klasse hatte, dabei jedoch die DoT-Stärke derartig heftig überzogen dass sie schlichtweg OP wurde. Anstatt dort dann eine andere Spread-Mechanik einzufügen, die den Schaden reguliert (z.B: dass nur die Dot's auf deinem Maintarget 100% Schaden machen und auf allen gestreuten Zielen nur noch 50-75% - ähnlich der Smash Änderung vor 3.0) nehmen sie Ihm zuerst die 30m Range vom Todesfeld weg und kurz darauf sogar den Dotspread, damit man mit Lacerate - was verfehlen kann - spreaden muss und der ganze Specc einfach nur noch clunky und scheiße wird, während Madness nahezu unverändert blieb.


    Und jetzt nerfen sie schon wieder etwas völlig falsches weil sie keine Ahnung von ihrem eigenen Spiel haben und nehmen einer weiteren Klasse ihren Spielstil weg (PTs. ebenfalls eine Mid-Range-Hybrid-Klasse). Noch dazu packen sie den kram nichtmal auf den PTS damit die Community es testen und ein Feedback geben kann bevor es live geht, nein sie hauen es direkt auf die Live Server im nächsten Patch und lassen das dann wieder für Monate so, denn "sie haben dann ja was fürs Balancing getan" .


    Und ich musste echt lachen als ich vorhin gelesen habe dass der Sorc ja nur an 2. oder 3. Stelle stehen würde. :'D


    Das mag für's PvE durchaus berechtigt sein und da sage ich an dieser stelle dass ich da auch keine tiefgehenden Erfahrungen habe, aber ich hatte PvE immer so in erinnerung dass man - bei einem vernünftigen Tank - außerhalb besonderer Bossmechaniken, eher seltenst, bis gar nicht als Heiler getroffen, unterbrochen oder gestunned wird.


    Da ist es dann kein Wunder dass Mercs ganz vorne mit dabei sind, doch ist es umso lustiger dass das ganze dann auf's PvP übertragen wird, wo du als Merc Heiler einfach hinterher hinkst.


    Ich kenne diverse gute Mercheiler und jeder einzelne hinkt hinter einem durchschnittlich gespieltem - und erst recht sehr gut gespieltem - Sorc Heiler hinterher und das meist um 1-2k hps.


    Also bitte Zuiisitzu: Halt die Klappe wenn du keine Ahnung hast wovon du redest. :)


    Ich kann dir auch mal anbieten im Team Ranked gegen dich und deinen meisterlich gespielten Merc oder Sabo Healer anzutreten und wir schauen wie lange du gegen unseren Sorc Heiler bestehst und vorallem, ob du danach immernoch der Meinung bist, dass andere Leute ihren Merc oder Sabo nicht richtig spielen können. :rolleyes:

  10. I got a new one last year and I pretty much can play every game that came out since last year at high to ultra high settings with 60+ fps.


    Only in swtor I get drops from 100+ on the fleet, to 15 in warzones. And sometimes on the fleet, depending on how many people are standing next to me, I already drop to 70 or lower. And it's just frustrating because I always get the feeling that with each new patch, the performance is going to get worse.

  11. One of the bigger questions that I'd ask him would be if they think that the games performance - as it is at the moment - is good, or how they justify that people with high-end computers have heavier impacts on performance (ie. unstable FPS) than people with older computers have.


    Because everytime I am in a warzone and everybody starts to hit skills, my FPS are dropping from 90 to 12-18. And I know that this isn't only a problem that only I have, because many other people have the same issues.


    So it would be nice if you could ask him about this.

  12. To be honest, I don't like any of the changes. Most of the Sorc/Sage players say that this is a buff to PvP/ranked and a nerf to PvE and most of the Powertech players are complaining about how these changes are taking away the unique playstyles of certain classes.


    THAT is what bothers me since 3.0. They are just taking away everything that made a class fun to play. Here some examples:


    before 3.0 you had the king of burst: Deception Assassins. Your highest hitting ability was maul, followed by discharge and shock. When you look at the numbers, that these abilities deal, nothing serious has changed (okay it has thanks to the surge nerf in 4.3 (?) ) but the difference back then was, that you could manually trigger the procc for Maul, as you can still trigger the procc for discharge, now even twice with phantom stride.


    I'd rather take back the 2.x deception than keeping the 3.0-4.x deception.


    And as for hatred. I've never played that specc before 3.0 to be honest, because I never cared much for dot speccs when I started to play burst speccs. When 3.0 went live, I tried the new hatred specc and I really liked the playstyle of it because you were - as PTs still are - some kind of midrange Dot-Burst Specc. The only thing that was broken with this specc, was the insane amount of dps you could deal just by spreading your dots.


    The whole dotspread mechanics introduced with 3.0 were just utterly sh't.


    The first thing I'd do, would be to remove dotspread, or significantly decrease the amount of targets, which can be spreaded to. For example back in 2.x smash could - I think - only hit about 5 targets. When they nerfed smash for pvp, they enabled the surge buff only to the current target, while every secondary target would only be hit by a normal critical smash and not a buffed one.


    Why don't do that for hatred too? Give Deathfield a 5m radius, give deathfield 30m range, let the dots (if you don't remove the spread mechanic) only spread to 5 targets at all times ( so that you only ever can have 5 targets dotted at all and not the whole enemy raid group) and reduce the damage that these dots deal on any player that is not your current target by X%.


    So you would still have this cool midrange playstyle, but your dotspread wouldn't be as strong as it is, or were back then. Because right now, Hatred just feels absolutely clunky.


    The same goes for madness sorcs of course, regarding the dotspread mechanic.



    As for PTs: Let them keep 30m ranged abilities for their hybrid playstyle, but reduce armor penetration, or reduce overall damage by some percentage.


    As for Deception Sins: Buff the surge on Maul again. We don't need Surge on discharge or ball lightning, we need surge on our signature move: Maul. A skill that can be deflected if you don't gear into acurracy, or don't pay attention on defensive cooldowns. That would be a natural balance on those hits.

    And give us back the duplicity proc on Low Slash! :p


    PS: Exchange Psychokinetic Blast for Infiltration shadows back to Project! Project looked so much cooler. :(


    As for Sorc heals: Stop buffing them pls :/


    Edit: I forgot to mention the operative playstyle with Hiddenstrike to Backstab Burst. Sure, don't buff operative dps as it is quite fine atm (at least in pvp point of view) maybe give back some surge to them for more burst, but if you do that, Please just reduce their healing capabilities bigtime. Especially in duels, operative are just kings at the moment, especially thanks to that 2s 100% immunity roll, which allows them to kite and heal to full. :p

  13. An open letter to our players | 04.19.2016, 07:19 PM

    Hi there!


    My name is Ben Irving, Producer for Star Wars: The Old Republic. I don’t often make posts in the forums, in fact, this may be my first ever post. Despite that, our whole team, myself included try to digest all of the internet for SWTOR information – The forums, Reddit, Facebook, YouTube, etc. Recently there have been questions and concerns around the quality of our releases and the ongoing support for SWTOR and I wanted to stop by to address those concerns.


    First off, I want to apologize for some of the issues you have experienced in the last couple of months. The monthly chapter release schedule is new and it has come with some unexpected bugs. It has caused problems for some of you and I want to say I am sorry. At our core, the SWTOR team are all gamers, just like you. We empathize with the excitement of wanting to play a great game only to be blocked by a problem. We spend all of our energy striving to make SWTOR the best game possible and when bugs and other issues get in the way of your player experience, we take it to heart. We are committed to doing better and I think Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark shows we are serious about listening to your concerns and making meaningful changes to address them - a high quality chapter, released on time that we hope has met the expectations of our players.


    Onto the future. Is SWTOR going to receive ongoing support? The answer is absolutely yes.


    It's worth starting with the things we have already announced, we talk about them on the monthly Producer Live Stream but I think they are still worth mentioning. We had the launch of Knights of the Fallen Empire – 9 incredible story driven chapters, 14 companion recruitment missions, Star Fortress, 5 new player levels, 30 flashpoints upgraded to be challenging again, 50 operation bosses upgraded to be challenging again, too many heroic quests to count, a revamp of the 1-60 levelling experience and a huge number of quality of life improvements. More recently we have kicked off our monthly chapter cadence and our third installment – Chapter XII: Visions in the Dark – was just released. That cadence will take us through most of the year ending with Chapter XVI, our story finale for Knights of the Fallen Empire. In addition to all the monthly chapters we have built great supporting content – Recruitment missions to explore the galaxy with some of your favorite companions, the Odessen Proving Grounds Warzone, the Rishi Cove Arena, the Eternal Championship and new levels for crafting. That’s actually more content following a major expansion than we have ever released and the team is really excited for all of you to play it.


    The harder part to address, because you have to take my word for it, are all the features and content we are working on that we haven’t yet announced. If you follow Charles Boyd or Paul Marino on social media you may have seen some hints of this. The team recently visited our MoCap studio to create new animations. Charles Boyd spent a week at our VO studio recording more lines of dialogue for future story content. The two most exciting things to share are that our writers are deep into the plot summaries for the next season's worth of chapters and we have started the early design phase for new, non-chapter, content. You all know the drill here, I can’t talk about any of the specifics (yet) but what I can say is that we have some REALLY cool stuff to talk about later this year and the whole SWTOR team can’t wait to announce it. Soon. TM.


    Knights of the Fallen Empire is the most successful expansion we have ever produced. It received critical acclaim from press and fan sites but most importantly, it has been successful because all of you have supported us through the expansion launch and the release of the monthly Chapters. In the eyes of all of our partners, SWTOR is a huge success. BioWare supports this game. EA supports this game. Lucasfilm supports this game. Disney supports this game. In fact, for a game that has been live for almost 5 years, we are receiving an incredible amount of support from all of our partners. It’s both amazing and humbling.


    If there is anything I would like people reading this to take away it’s this: SWTOR is absolutely being supported into the future. We have a lot of content coming over the next few months and even more exciting things to talk about later this year. All of us here at BioWare appreciate your ongoing support and we are committed to providing the best experience possible.


    It’s because of you, our players, that this game continues to thrive. Thank you for playing Star Wars: The Old Republic.


    Ben Irving


    Did anyone else reread this and laughed? I think it is quite funny that they think that this little letter would calm and comfort the community.


    Okay, maybe it did for a day or two... untill the next hacker trolled yolo ranked and the next Mercenary instantly died through walking out of the spawnarea on that new rishi map.


    Good job Bioware, your communicating skills are very good and your concern for your playerbase - the people who are (sadly) paying your bills for you. :)

  14. /signed


    eventho crossservers may never come. They blame it on the game's engine but I think that it is bullsh*t because there are only 2 things you need to make X-servers possible.


    An "empty" server with all the arena maps, or warzone maps and an piece of code that copies everyone who is in the pvp queue on their servers, to this "crossrealm" so that you never play a warzone on your own server, but instead on always on this extra special "PTS-like" Crossrealm. After every warzone, the loading screen is immedeatly transfering you back to your normal server so that you can queue again.


    So either they simply have no devs to code this stuff, or they just don't care to do it, because they hope that everyone will transfer all day long, which brings sh*tloads of money into €A's purse.


    So the best thing to do is probably just unsubbing and looking for another game.

  15. I just unsubbed a few minutes ago, because the only reason I resubbed 2 weeks ago, was to play solo ranked and try to get the 2k mark as a deception sin.


    Problem now is, that they nerfed deception almost to the ground with their surge nerf (which was really unnecessary.. I mean, PTs did like 44k crits before nerf and deception Sins got lucky when their Maul hit with 20k. But Bioware logic...)


    So I got like 1900+ rating, had to respecc to hatred later (a specc I really hate, it just feels clunky as ****) and due to recent hacks and Qsyncing and ****ed up matchmaking, I dropped for around 120 points in one day.


    The Class-imbalance is just beyond ridiculous. It's so bad, that in yolo ranked, the team with a decent sage almost automatically wins.


    Im with you. Besides cancelling crossserver hours before patch, this is the biggest insolence they`ve ever done.

    That beeing said im lucky enough i have a team for granked so i have something to do, still.


    But its beyond hilarious how this is not fixed before weekend :jawa_evil:


    The simple reason for that is, that they get money through server transfers. When they are free, they don't earn money, that's why they instantly took care of it. I just laughed because the devs apologized for the free transfers, as if it was something bad for us as customers when we get free stuff and can't pay for it.


    "Oh noes! I want to transfer but it's free!!11 NO! I don't want to do it, when it's free!"


    wake up bioware and fix your ****, or you won't have anything to fix sooner or later.

  16. Und last but not least müssten sich endlich nicht mehr die Spieler/Kunden mit der Frage beschäftigen, wo sie nun welche Chars hintransen bzw. sich einen neuen Char erstellen.


    Genau das ist der Punkt weshalb es niemals kommen wird, denn jeder Chartransfer kostet 90 Kartellmünzen, weshalb sehr viele Leute sehr oft transferieren und ein neuer instant 60er kostet 2000 Kartellmarken und ich kann mir vorstellen dass die Dinger gekauft werden wie warme Brötchen.

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