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Everything posted by branft

  1. shae visla's armor is shown in the outfitting section of the bounty hunter class page.
  2. The hydra armor set is the closest looking armor set but you can't even get the primary color to dye to grey. Therefore not getting any gear in game to look similar to shae visla's armor. I personally don't mind it being a adaptive set either.
  3. I would like to see Shae Visla's armor set(http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100220063034/starwars/images/0/04/Bounty_Hunter_TOR.jpg) be added to the game. We seen in the trailers before the game came out, it's also on the bounty hunter class page on the swtor website (http://www.swtor.com/holonet/classes/bounty-hunter). this armor set is also seen on npcs in the bounty hunter class story. it's also a avatar option but is not in the game. If fellow players agree with me please comment so we can try to get the attention of bioware to get this armor set available to us swtor players.
  4. hopefully the gear that ur going to have to grind for wont look just like the rest of endgame just in a different color like makeb gear is .
  5. I just want that color, and it gets me mad how swtor shows the armor on class page for the bounty hunter and you can't even get it.
  6. Im on the shadowlands server but they've dropped in price too. I think it's because there is more people with hydra gear and there are more ppl trying to sell it.
  7. the only difference between that armor and all the others is that it doesnt have a ton of white coloring to it. but im still waiting for grey mandalorian armor. Maybe ill get lucky and the cartel market will have it soon.
  8. ya there is now unifing colors to chest but there is still no grey colored armor like the types i've stated.
  9. Does the game have mandalorian armor like Shae Visla wears or like the armor in the outfitting section for bounty hunters class page? I personally like armor with grey such as Visla's armor and armor in the outfitting section found on their class page. I do know that their's sets that have similar looks but are white with a outline color. Another example of the grey armor that i'd like to wear would be my avatar. Thanks for reading.
  10. i just had to log out and log back in and get across before the door loaded up lol. this thread can get closed now
  11. So im on that quest, aboard the aurora I died when about to fight the republic warden and went to a medcenter. I tried going back there but can't since all the security doors are locked. I tried using emergency fleet pass but that didn't work. what should i do?
  12. I have a darkness assassin and i only do pve. I like it alot and there decent i think. I tank heroics mainly 4 mans but can do flashpoints with them.
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