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Posts posted by DeannaVoyager

  1. More grind is probably the reason, but I'm not sure it's a good idea. Some people will grind like crazy until they get sick of it and never return, which btw happened to me with Swoop Race. Some people will see the amount of grind and decide it's not worth it, and they won't be grinding at all. 

    The option would be to make them legacy bound and have more people doing the event for the rewards because they would be easier to obtain. Then again, that alone sounds silly. People should be joining events because they are fun, not because they get to grind rewards until they are numb.

  2. 5 hours ago, supertimtaf said:

    I think that they tried to have two characters fight, Sahar and Rikan, and having them talk during it to increase dramatic tension. The idea is nice, but handled somewhat poorly as indeed it feels like a bug. That should have probably been turned into a cutscene, or probably added a bit more to that fight than just "dance with AoEs while they chat". Just making them targetable with a buff "protected by the machine, can't be harmed" would have helped in communicating it properly.


    Again, a nice attempt at making a narrative fight, just felt short of working due to poor visual understanding. They'll get better at it next time I hope.

    Would have made more sense if the played character had been knocked out for a bit, not being able to move or something. Instead of having us feel useless and not knowing what to do.

  3. 10 hours ago, Darev said:

    I'm not against the idea.  My main concern would be does my expecation for an expansion match the dev's definition of an expansion.  I'm not so sure that it would.


    Their current track record is not convincing enough for me to trust I'd get what I'm paying for. So I guess the question for me would be more like how much money I'm willing to risk of losing? My limit would be somewhere around 30$ because we also have to pay for the subscription. 

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  4. 20 hours ago, Duck_Cider said:

    The topic is adding preview functionality to several items which can't currently be previewed. I don't see how being able to preview things like fitted armor set boxes would ruin lockboxes, or anything else for that matter.

    Oh wow, my bad. That was a 100% misread, thanks for pointing it out. I saw "lockboxes" in the title and jumped to conclusion that someone is suggesting to add fitted gear to lockboxes we get from some crew missions, which would mean to lose whatever stuff is in them right now. I've been bombarded with useless fitted gear lately so I'm a bit allergic to them at the moment. 

  5. 15 hours ago, Darev said:

    I view this as an unintentional side effect of kill sharing (which is a very good thing that the devs implemented and has helped FAR MORE than hurt).

    People are now used to not needing to be grouped to get the kill count, as few people as previously would even  offer to group with people needing the same obectives in the same spot at the same time...not they don't even think of it.

    On the rare chance that I'm working on only one account, therefore NOT in a group, I've only ONCE, in the last 6 months, been randomly sent a group invite from someone doing the same content as me.

    Most times I send out the invite, it's refused.

    So....while what you experienced is bad, I see no current way around it until people start making grouping the norm.

    Which...honestly...I don't see happening.   They'd rather try to "steal" your clicky from out in front of you.

    Oh yeah, this reminds me of something stupid. I was doing some "kill 100 things" with this or that companion on Korriban. There was a lowbie who was also killing stuff, so I figured I will invite them to group so we don't have to fight over the respawns. He declined. Okay... have fun waiting with your melee character without a mount or gap closer while I'll do my 100 kills on level 80 sorc first. Your choice.

    If some missions requires clicking things, I either try to skip that mission or do them in pvp instance.

    • Like 1
  6. 21 hours ago, Duck_Cider said:

    Throw in the new fitted armor set boxes.

    No. There is too many of them already. No need to ruin lockboxes for that vendor trash.

  7. I just vendor mine, at least I'll get some credits. If I'd put it in GTN and it doesn't sell, I'd lose credits instead of gaining some. 

    Besides I have no idea which armor or weapons people are intertested in. When the armor is boxed, you can't even preview it to. I could donate the nice ones to some guild banks, but I also don't want to fill anyone's guild bank with trash. So vendoring them all seems the easiest solution.

  8. 10 hours ago, Anhkriva said:

    Solo players would also wait longer for a match. How would a smaller player pool not make the wait longer?


    Not really because you would have more people playing: 

    - a lot of people who don't currently play because premades would start doing pvp again
    - newbies wouldn't flee after trying it once
    - some premades would disband their group to be able to play instead of sitting in a queue

    • Like 2
  9. I don't mind the price, not that I would ever buy them with anything but credits anyhow, but the only reason I'm not buying and using them at all is that you can only use a dye once. They are way too expensive for being disposable items. Adding a possibility to remove and transfer them to some other armor would make them worth buying. 

    • Like 3
  10. 12 hours ago, supertimtaf said:

    I think that at this point, slower pops will definitely happen at first due to the smaller number of players playing the gamemode for now. However, if slower pops also means better quality games most of the time, then it will incentivize people to try it again, fixing it naturally over time. The question is to know if the devs are willing to take that risk of slightly reducing engagement metrics for a bit until they go up again from the improved quality of games.

    Even in worst case scenario, the slower pop times would only happen to premades. They can then decide to keep their premade and accept the slower pops, or break the premade and get matches faster. 

  11. I happened to log a toon that had that gift thingy in their inventory. Since I was planning to do Czerka anyways, I decided to experiment a bit in the instanced area.

    Without companion I got several dark spores but only one blueprint. The companion I had before I entered was a CM companion, so I don't know why I got dark spores. Anyhow, because I didn't want dark spores, after resetting the instance I took out Fen Zeil to try it with a companion instead. 

    With Fen as companion I got 66 blueprints and several underworld syndicate plans. Would have gotten more I guess, but I activated the gift when I started the daily area, when I could have done at the entrance of the heroic area.

    Conclusion: With companion was definitely better than without, at least on Czerka heroic instance. I didn't check any other content because I'm too lazy, but I'm wondering now if the farming also needs to happen on some GS target, or instanced area if people are not getting anything in open world content.


    The gifts should be legacy bound. Even better if it didn't require the whole thing. It's now acting as a meter of farming same instance over and over again, instead of being a meter how much someone has played the game during the season. I don't understand why is farming some specific, boring small part of the game over and over again is considered better than playing all kind of content.

    • Thanks 1
  12. 4 hours ago, SteveTheCynic said:

    Maybe you should be more specific about *exactly* which heroic you are talking about.

    He says it in the beginning: Glitch. Would be easier to see it with a little punctuation. 

    I don't remember it myself, guess I never do it. I don't even remember the planet but I remember seeing the name on the heroics mission terminal.

  13. 8 hours ago, Christie_Swift said:



    So I guess so much for 7.4.1c


    Conquest remains as messed up before and 50K instead of 100K seems still a lot of work for a very causal player. To balance off please make this system better. I know we cant get back to revert to 50K but at least increase heroics to 7.5K or 10K double amount for other events. It's been done before but needs more tweaking. 

    Just reverting the personal goal back to 50k would make it less grindy and compensate the loss of reputation points. When the amount of points people are getting is tied to stronghold bonus, it treats people differently for the same amount of work, which is unfair. 

  14. 10 hours ago, Pirana said:

    That's probably the smarter route, I use Shae because her overhead arsenal is too good to pass up when she's DPS. Probably should have mentioned that in the other post, having her also trivializes the content, even at level 10 influence, but really, a healer does the same thing, just a safer method.

    On a lowbie characters Shae as dps is the only way to go for me too. Some classes are horrible at low levels, you don't have enough abilities, and the ones you have have long cooldowns or eat up all your energy because no resource management yet so that you can only use basic attack most of the time. Shae will fix that. Or any other companion on dps. When progressing to higher levels and planets and I get more power, I will change companion to heals so I don't have to stop all the time, like Toraak said.

  15. We don't need new currency for that. We can just use FP-1, the current FP currency. I like the idea of vendor selling stuff that got removed though.

    The problem with MM FPs is that it takes forever for a dps to get a pop. When it eventually pops, after an hour or so, it will be hammer station, and it's being farmed by people who don't even know the basic mechanics (such as which one of the three stooges you need to kill first). It's a not really even group finder, it's a hammer station finder. 

    I'd like to run more MM FPs, but as long as I don't get the weekly rewards when I unselect the stupid station, I'm not gonna bother. Not sure if adding rewards would make it better of worse if they don't fix the HS farming problem first. And how to fix that? Get rid of the option to select/deselect certain flashpoints. If someone wants to farm nothing but HS, they can just walk in to the instance instead of ruining the group finder for everyone else.

  16. 9 hours ago, JakRoanin said:

    I don't like the Ghost Binding crap. To me that's not SW's I know it is in some EU stuff (which this is) but I really hate it. I also never play DS because the real world is way too DS for me so I'm not entertained by being evil. So SI is just not for me. To each their own.

    You don't have to do choices DS even if you play on imp side. I rarely do, and for the same reasons you listed. 

  17. 14 hours ago, Toraak said:

    I haven't finished any of the 7.0 storyline on more then 1 character. I haven't even had it in me to check it out on republic side. And of course the 7.5 patch will mean you don't get any access to the new Venture system if your not going through ruhnuk on a character. I figure you'd need to complete the Lane Vizla chain at the very least.


    Unless Broadsword does a skip to Kessan's landing (which I doubt) I just don't see the big interest in continuing to get my characters much past the Onslaught story (Meaning the end of mek-sha and the Objective Meridian FP).

    I was gonna argue that there is no storyline in 7.0, then someone mentioned Ruh-Nuk. Yeah. I vaguely remember it now. I would remember it better if I could have done it with more than 2 characters (1 rep 1 imp), but all my alts stopped doing story at Echoes of Oblivion and will remain there until we can skip that piece of .... 

  18. 9 hours ago, PoshTS said:

    great STIMS! those will go nicely with the other 6 billion stims I have laying around..

    Probably not. I bet they won't stack (at first, until they'll patch it later).

    If/when they'll stack, they won't stack with the old ones.

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    • Haha 1
  19. 3 hours ago, Darcmoon said:

    It was started when they made the changes to tax trades and mail.  A number of players complained about the fact they couldn't gift items to their members when doing drawings/events/etc...  BW made the choice at that time to make it so items removed from the guild bank wouldn't be taxed but added in the 30 day wait to prevent people getting around the tax.


    If there has been any other restrictions for new members in guilds, those have been set by the GM, not devs. 

  20. 3 hours ago, Darcmoon said:

    That sounds more like a bug they need to fix.

    It is, but it's been there for years, it hasn't been fixed so I doubt it will ever get fixed. It hasn't been a big problem before when pets despawned automatically, but I bet there will be drama now when everyone has their pets out all the time and people don't know how to get rid of them. Then again, I haven't seen any Ravagers (sm) groups being formed either, because everyone is just spamming DF+DP.

  21. On 5/4/2024 at 7:05 PM, LD_Little_Dragon said:

    Problem is that you want to companions to be strong, but still weaker than another player.

    Grouping up should be better than running solo (or duo) with companion(s).

    Majority of the players are weaker than a level 1 companion, no matter what the numbers on the paper are. Nerfing companions to oblivion because people don't know how to play is really not good either. 

    • Thanks 1
  22. 5 hours ago, Poje said:

    I just want to jump off cliff and buildings like Anakin!

    If they can add Date mission with your Comp, they can do this, lol.

    Ah yes, that makes sense. I thought you got murdered by the elevators one too many times, and that's why you didn't like fall damage. But now I think you want a skill that does that on purpose when you want it, where you want it. Yeah, that would be pretty cool. But it should be an ability, not something to save us from not paying attention. Then they could leave fall damage as it is, because it really is super fun. 

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  23. On 5/3/2024 at 4:39 AM, FreeToSWTORThree said:

    I concur, pets in operations/ops group at least need to be auto-dismissed like companions.

    This would be better than just hiding them. You can't kill last boss in Ravagers if someone has a pet out. Instead of transitioning to Ruugar's room, it will just reset to Coratanni and Pearl. Good luck trying to explain that to a hostile pug group who knows everything "better" than you... 

    • Like 2
  24. 7 hours ago, Gamer_Auto said:

    Okay, what do you people even mean by "endgame content"? This is an MMO. There is no endgame until the servers are shut down. Do you mean high difficulty content like Nightmare Operations? If that's what you mean, then I'll agree with you, but I'd like to point out that the team is far smaller than it was when Ops were a normal thing, and the last one they released was received so poorly (thanks to bugs) that they're likely scared to put all their monthly resources into making another one. They'd likely have to dedicate all the time they dedicated to Interpreter's Retreat, Kessan's Landing, and the new Hutta area combined if they wanted to get a positive reaction from the Operations crowd.

    Any operations with multiple difficulty levels (SM/HM/MM) so that more people can enjoy them.

    They can also get a positive reaction from operations crowd by removing the requirement to subscribe. The content is old and it's already been paid for multiple times with our old subsciptions. 

    We don't know how their resources are being divided. You listed the new areas as something they have used resources on, which are not bad. I'll list GTN overhaul, UI changes, ability pruning, and pvp changes as something that caused more harm than good, but ate up resources they could have used for making new operations instead.

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