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Everything posted by PacifismActivist

  1. you're a winner and I am no one with my high school and college diplomas
  2. dude what is breakfast??? they are talking smack to the CREATOR OF GOOD TALK this is just... wow. Everyone's on your side P2, use currency display, it's super effective on poor people like that guy from the brunch club over there
  3. you're the best sage on bastion why would I mean you any harm
  4. on my home server all those items are 2-10 times cheaper than on bastion, there's either more rare items or more players there or something. too bad pacifism gears out in the cheapest gear available
  5. BUT WHICH QUAN POST IS THE REAL ONE MYSTERIESSSS OFFF STARRR WARSSSSSSSSSS (draw out every word when reading it in your loudest voice)
  6. **** ***** **** **** *** **** *** **** *** you *** *** and the ***** ******
  7. YOU KNOW THEY HAVE A WEBSITE FOR WINNERS LIKE YOU TOO?? but seriously, duel me, we can both stream and get drunk itl be awesome, two of the best players on the bastion battling to the death
  8. 1. unsubscribe 2. collect database of all the games glitches and problems 3. interview angry players 4. make a documentary denouncing bioware 5. sue them for emotional distress and illegal wasting of time 6. profit, resubscribe, maybe reinstall the game and pray there are no mroe bugs, repeat from step 1 if you still have problems.
  9. duel me, loser has to stream for 24h straight and get hammered
  10. helou myi neme isht patchifism i are loknig 5 a good pvp guild
  11. lol noob quan is as good as me you'll have the same fate as his hands as you did mine
  12. does any of them people commenting knows if there is any guilds of pvp on this server??
  13. i did PVP and crew skills cuz that's literally all I've done in this game since I've hit 55
  14. NOBODY SELECT "NEW CLASS" think about the current game balancing. think about bioware. think about what will happen if there's a new class....
  15. I'm so sorry dude I promised to send you stuff, but I just quit my job and have been doing other stuff and not streaming much. I'll get you those pub clips
  16. Gudarzz and broxx tried and failed to win my love.
  17. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  18. whisper me or elizabeth for a tryout reg or duel
  19. sick, I imagine there are high standards to join seeing as Baylee almost out healed me while I was on my sorc. When and where can I tryout? Do I get to duel the famous Murkin?? I'll take off my gloves and belt so it's fair
  20. I should make a toon called 2Pac or BigL because no one seems to honor any good rappers also, I must have d/ced upon clicking the pop, because the PTS was very buggy
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