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10 Good

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    Adelaide South Australia
  1. I would really like to see the Gree event back. Every time It has been active, I've been to busy levelling an alt and decided not to do it, now I really want some of the armour sets
  2. I do agree. comparisons can be useful, and they have helped the game develop massively! However, personally, and I think some will agree, I don't want SWTOR to be just another MMO with the same features as the rest, but something different and exciting. I do agree with you about some of the community though, but you get people like that in all MMO's best thing to do is just ignore and move on enjoying the game
  3. Hahaha that last comment! WE ARE LIONS! Love your work haha
  4. I agree, I made plans around the down times and they're late to take the servers down, meaning they wont be up when I expected them too
  5. How awkward they just posted, also probably not a good idea too annoy them, really doesn't help anything, Its also very early in the morning and they are working trying to fix servers, have some respect
  6. Yeah it really sucks that its only 3 servers, how unlucky that we happen to be within those servers? Ahh well it happens I guess
  7. All NA West servers are still in maintenance with no ETA. Thank you for your continued patience. - posted from SWTOR Twitter
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