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Everything posted by Vitiatix

  1. You're probably one of those typical people who watch Dancing with the Stars and have no true vision of real talent.
  2. I have to make really dumbed down analogies and examples for people to understand on here. It's pretty much a shame.
  3. 2004 vs 2012. New technology and methods vs old technology and methods. ???
  4. Take in to contrast one of the more recent, best MMO launches: Rift. Did they make excuses constantly just because it was new? Clearly not. WoW was the revolution of MMO's, and it was released in 2004. We're in 2012. I think you need to start facing the facts. I should just be content with missing parts for my new computer I'm building because it's new. I should also be happy my new car purchase is missing air conditioning and windshield wipers, it's new afterall. I should be in full support of Pizza Hut for giving me sauce on crust without any other toppings, it's a new meal deal, so it's okay. In case you all forgot, this game had been pushed back twice. Get up to speed with reality.
  5. Actually, you're wrong. The thread is about the items obtained from boxes, not directly related to PvP combat. Thanks for your amazing input, though.
  6. Nice swearing/anger. I simply asked if you had dealt with the customer service as I have, or probably the OP had. Since you said no, after you said to "report it to get fixed" I rest my case.
  7. You're real smart. Are you referring to this? General PvP lockboxes now cost 70 commendations, contain more consumables, and always contain an item. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=108551 The green PvP lockboxes are not champion bags, and also champion bags never contained 'consumables' This is why I said I don't want your opinion if you don't PvP. Taken from another poster for clarification: Champion bags are not lockboxes. Lockboxes are those low-level green boxes you get for completing the dailies sub-50. You can also buy them from a vendor but no one does because why would you spend commendations on those when there is champion gear to be had. /MEGA Facepalm
  8. Speaking of jokes, is your post one? Have you tried to deal with this customer service? Serious question. Awaiting serious answer.
  9. WoW was released, in 2004. WoW was developed years before 2004 with ancient tools. We are in 2012. Rift, or any other standard MMO, had things 100x better. Again, we are in 2012, for a game that was already pushed back numerous times. The features and ideas have been out there for years, keep making excuses though.
  10. Why would they increase it? It's already a grind enough/difficult to get anything from a retarded RNG system.
  11. Suggestion #1 over anything else right now: Communicate with the Players.
  12. Is the person responsible for this fired yet? RNG system for PvP? How did this even get in to Beta, let alone past it? No real way to get Mercenary commendations? Why even have them in the first place? It only complicates things even more. Thinking hard on the subject, I couldn't have designed a more flawed system if I tried. In theory - you can get no items from 100 bags, or the same item from 100 bags, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over. P.S if you don't PvP I don't care about your opinion.
  13. "People" such as you two need to understand the difference between enjoying yourselves, or mindlessly attacking others for pointing out the game's problems. If you're having fun, my opinion is you don't have much MMO experience, due to basic functions being broken - combat, targeting, raiding and PvP, etc. However, will I call you a fanboy for enjoying it? Grow a brain.
  14. I would group up with you just to get some PvP out of it. Don't expect it from most of these carebears though, you'll interrupt their romance cutscene.
  15. Quoted for the COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. Pretty much sums up the frustrations of this game.
  16. I concur, thanks for the awesome game. It's definitely bug free, all the bug reports submitted in Beta were sorted out. I love the PvE, it's definitely challenging and well thought out. I think the PvP is the best though - random loot system gives a "wild card" (That's a term we like to use on this forum right?) the combat is perfect, everything is fluid, it's just terrific! Best MMO! I always see other players around! ^_^_^_^_^_^
  17. A PvE game which is why flashpoints and operations are even more buggy and not challenging?
  18. There were plenty of casual online games to play until they thought they could try to be cool and invade the MMORPG scene. Do you think Ultima Online or Everquest was made for casual carebears? Video games are the same over and over no matter how you look at it. Take FPS games, MW3 or BF3. Do you cry because you get the same maps or have to use the same guns? As I said, MMO's were designed for hardcore players who wanted to spend lots of time on them. This is a fact, not disputed by early developers.
  19. MMO's were originally designed for the hardcore players. Casual players ruined MMORPG's forever. They feel like time invested shouldn't matter, even though the point is improving your character repeatedly, endgame, and so forth.
  20. Have been pretty disgusted at the lack of responses regarding PvP. None in the PvP forums period? Pitiful.
  21. Agreed. The answer to this thread is difficulty. MMO's are all about time invested, there should be something to be accomplished. Clearing all content within the first week of launch = shame.
  22. Was wondering earlier. The feedback of who wants to continue playing after January, and those who do not. Give your yes/no, with a summary of your reasoning.
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