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Everything posted by Alohen

  1. Sensational I completely understand your Rage, theres many times I got annoyed with certain quests, and getting Rhaped by certain mobs on the beta, then I read up tactics and peoples opinions and specs and when Early Release came I still had some problems but most were behind me. I was so frustrated that the Class I longed to play was Underpowered in all senses till a higher level. Now Im level 40, I Rhape in PvP, and Im great Solo, Win/Win.
  2. I went with Artifice Archaelogy and Treasure Hunting That will help max creds when a launch comes, A lot of newbies starting will be crying for lightsaber colors with decent stats. On Early access I was selling +4 Endurance level 15 crystals for 800 creds a piece, must have sold about 40, and sold about 60 of the +7 Endurance level 23 ones for 1.2k a piece, was Insane.
  3. Wait till you get Doc from Balmorra, I solo'd a level 38 Champion when I was 38, Just using Soresu stance, with Doc spam healing. Was Incredible.
  4. I believe you may just be on to something there.. Had a Fully Heal Traited Commando Heal us through Mandolorian Raiders perfectly with maybe 1 death in total. So yeah Guess thats true. And I was Vigilance Spec but in Soresu then... So yeah Its possible to Tank when Traited DPS but its not helpful
  5. I just hit level 40. Got the PvP Armor, and It looks Brilliant, looks like Proper Republic Heavy Trooper Armor, Interweaved with a Jedi Hood and Cloak. Best Armor i've seen and used yet. So just hang on a bit longer
  6. If you do level 30+ Flashpoints and If you just use Soresu whilst full spec in Vigilance, your gonna be hard to play with. Defence is good for keeping your incoming damage a lot lower than normal, and Making your Soresu stance Efficient for keeping aggro with quick attacks that dont cost a lot of focus and give you some self buffs to Stop you dieing. So If you are going to Tank any hard Flashpoints, I'd say full Defence Spec would be needed.
  7. My Jedi Guardian is now Level 40, and 16-25 Was a Pain in the *** I agree, very underpowered, but once you get Stasis, and Force Push and If you spec fairly balanced, Its a very nice class. I'm very hard to take down in PvP, can solo 2 players at once ( given they arent as high level or as good ) but Its very nice class post 25. So I agree slightly with what you say.
  8. I solo'd him with Kira at 26, yeah I just sent kira on him till Kira was on about 25% health, then Taunted him stacked sunder armor and used Stasis, Force push etc. Was quite easy.. but that was many levels ago...
  9. Well.. what I do, and Im sure people will have different techniques and such, but for Leveling, lets say, taking on an Elite with 2 normal adds. Send Kira to attack Elite, I Leap on First Add, *Free Bladestorm Pops Up* Use that on The Other Add, Kill both Adds in the next few seconds. When Kira is getting to about 1/3 Health, Taunt the Elite off her and then Start using Sundering Strike whenever its off Cooldown, and Just Build Up Focus with Strike when Sundering Strike is on Cooldown, and When other things are go for a Master Strike, that works for me... PvP I havent really got a rotation, I just kind of mash keys and that works 50% of the time
  10. Very nice guide, Tends to bring sense to a lot of things that You dont really think about in some cases, I'd like to see though, What you think or recommend of a Leveling up Spec and Tactics when Soloing Elites or Multiples Mobs including Strong ones. Nice none the less.
  11. I'm leveling up my Guardian now, currently 17, but im Splitting Defence primarily with Vigilance for leveling, some of the things are nice to have from both trees to make you quite sturdy and efficient
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