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Everything posted by menofhorror

  1. Oh don't worry, we see OP in like half a year when he misses his star wars fix he can't get anywhere else. Like I said, I get frustration and harsh criticism but posts like these are just people stroking their own ego. "Oh look how sad I am, I will now delete all my characters to show Bioware Austin how sad and angry I am."
  2. Oh I will quote you because I don't care if your little feelings get hurt. And no I am not angry, I simply stated what OP did, nothing more. OP deleted his/her characters because of an article based on anonymous sources. Just ridiculous.
  3. Why the hell would you post a "new MMO suggestion" in a forum of the current star wars MMO. What the hell is wrong with you people.
  4. The fact that you really believe that Bioware should comment on an article when I explained to you why they won't and can't shows your utter naivety and lack of understanding. "Oh but I know how things are in the PR department" you will say, but no you don't. It also doesn't matter if you worked in this area before because it's not the same everywhere.
  5. I think you have a seriously simple minded view on PR department. Do me a favour and drop that elitist attitude and think for a moment.
  6. Then how about it's time to get real and stop having expectations that the game will ever receive the support it gained at launch? Listen, I am all for harsh criticism and I understand the frustration but my god it's like some read an article about video game development or thought about it. Games succeed, games fail, it's a natural cycle. You won't like to hear this but the reality is that this is "just" a game. There are tons of great games out there. Perhaps it's time to get out of the abusive relationship with swtor and invest more time in games you like. People wanting them to comment on this article are blinded by anger, they aren't thinking rationally anymore and it's dangerously unhealthy.
  7. Oh so because it's massively OP it's ok or what? LMAO The point is that it's an article based on anonymous sources. And you know why anonymous? Because they are not allowed to talk about it genius so obviously no swtor dev will comment on this. Is this really that hard for you fanatics to grasp?
  8. Wow Tsillah. You deleted your characters (you probably haven't) just to show your anger over an article based on anonymous sources and because of your frustration with your game. You made a post in order to boost your ego and find satisfaction in seeing other replies hating on the game. Ridiculous.
  9. Oh my god. An article based on anonymous sources means that they are not allowed to give answers to that. Are you all stupid? Seriously, perhaps it's time to break up your abusive relationship with swtor and spend time on games you like. This is getting ridiculous.
  10. So you are actually rooting for the game's closure because obviously there will be a new mutiplayer online Star Wars game? Obviously....s/
  11. People are rightfully angry at the lack of content but the overall direction is good and much better than in 4.0 times. Balanced content (as minimal as it is) and lots quality of life changes. Would be a shame to close the game now and a mistake in my eyes.
  12. Social Media is cancer, that's what the article is saying.
  13. YOu can have the best writer in the world and there is still a chance the story he tells won't find a great enough reception. On the other hand, create a secure revenue system you can guarantee the profit and secure the company's wellbeing.
  14. The direction has been good in 2017. It's the lack of the content that's not good but balanced content is a good direction in my eyes along with the many quality of life updates.
  15. The last bit was especiallly hitting to me. People need to stop seeing EA as the evil devil who is only out for people's suffering. I agree with harsh criticism but saying stupid stuff like "Oh the devs all don't care" needs to stop. And people need to stop being in this abusive relationship with Bioware. A company changes with years. There are many other good games out there to go to.
  16. No, I am saying that this can be a last moment case where it was too late to prevent the release of the patch without seriously messing things up. These things happen and communicating between teams who have different tasks within the company is also not very easy. People forget the communication aspect. Well I would see it as an abusive relationship, seeing as many still expect Bioware to come with 2.0 level of content when that's not going to happen. I think it's a great game and it still receives updates but it's time to accept that the amount of content we will get will only reduce or at least stay the game.
  17. you realize that I never defended the fail right? Yes, it was a fail agreed but some of you need to stay realistic or take a long break from the game because for a lot here it really comes across like an abusive relationship.
  18. Or they simply discovered right when it went live or right when it was being released and there was no time to stop the team from loading it to the game. You seriously think this is a simple as "Oh they saw but did not care to tell and their goal was to piss off players." Is that seriously what you think? And again, I am not defending, can you stop making these claims?
  19. The stories drove the game yes but spending so much on story was a big mistake in my opinion. Maybe 3-4 class stories and each character gets 2 companions. Having 40 companions with 8 fully distinct class stories with many choices, it was impossible to continue on that high note, especially in their archaic design in the gameplay in worlds. I mean look at some worlds like Corellia or Hoth. You spend 80 percent of the vanilla content driving, not even fighting but just driving and it was worse at launch with the lack of all the quality of life improvements. My point is that they could have had 16 class stories but with no functual gameplay or no engaging content outside of class stories the game would have always failed (in that sense that it did not retain sub numbers) like it did after launch. They are also many crappy star wars games that show that no, the brand alone doesn't always carry the game. If the gameplay the concept sucks than even the brand won't do any good. Yes the original team was passionate and it was a huge project but I think EA should have kept a closer look. Like Bioware once said in an interview: They got a lot of free room from EA, a huge budget and not many restrictions besides a release window. That was a mistake. Publishers should be there to keep ambitions in check, make sure realistic goals are met. EA gave Bioware team too much free reign. All these files of continued class stories is great in theory but there was no chance it would have seen the light in any way. In my eyes the game should have started with a SOR model. Having one story and lots of class flavour or specific class NPCs and don't have class stories at all but it would allow to properly invest onto the game itself and not on cutscenes. Now I agree with you on what you said about the cartell market and especially about Battlefront and their greed. But swtor has received a MASSIVE budget and they decided to spend all of it on cutscenes. The game rightfully failed and they are smart to not properly give it the same treatment again. I think with Keith it's good that he focused on balanced content and more quality of life to make the existing content better. What good will another expansion do if it's another KOTFE and you have more fun watching it on youtube than playing. " It's not even like it's rocket science. Make a Star Wars MMO, have six classes : Jedi, Sith, Agent, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, Trooper. Develop a large pool of companions complete with their own stories, and allow any of these classes to recruit any of those companions. Introduce those companions a different ways throughout the different class stories. And whatever stories you tell, make sure they have a beginning, a middle, and an end. I do like that statement of yours and think this would be a great concept for a game. "
  20. Bugs happen at release that didn't appear in testing. You really think all bugs that come up are expected? I am not white knighting, I said I agree with the frustration but your statement of "if they had known why wouldn't they tell us" is just embarassing because you really think all bugs and issues come up in QA testing and nothing unexpected can happen at release of the patch.
  21. Yes I agree with the frustration. But his post was still pretty drama queen like and that's just embarassing to read.
  22. Zion as much as I love the class stories, the vanilla content was extremely flawed and looking back the game as it launched had no way of succeeding. Also please stop calling names as if one writer is at fault for all the things you dislike. And your assumption that they don't care if also just wrong.
  23. You are being a drama queen now. What do you mean with "why were we not told of it before". They can't predict every issue and issues happen without expectation even with testing. Yea it's frustrating but stop making such kindergarden posts, it's embarassing.
  24. As much as I liked the vanilly content it was seriously flawed, killing mobs 80 percent of your time just isn't fun. It's better to keep the solo content easy.
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