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Posts posted by DuchessKristania

  1. My all time favorite player voice is the female agent's. It's part of why Imperial agent is my favorite class. I also like the female Jedi knight's voice. She delivers some of the lines with a bit of sassy humor. The male Jedi knight also has a nice voice. I'm not super fond of the male agent. He sounds kind of nasal-y to me.


    NPC-wise, I love Vector's voice but I can never remember the VA's name. I also love hearing Troy Baker's voice. I also think Doc has a nice voice.


    I haven't played a trooper or bounty hunter yet, but I do like the VA's for the female trooper, Aric Jorgan and Torian.

  2. I'm still not loving the look of this roadmap but I've had a little time to swallow my disappointment. I'd like to offer an idea and some less emotional feedback.


    I understand that you're trying to add a little something for everyone and that is absolutely as it should be. However, I don't you're doing it in a way that is particularly enjoyable for anyone, regardless of their preferred play style. Right now, we're theoretically getting little snippets of content for each group of players. We wait and wait, and then we get 20 minutes to an hour of new content. It leaves us feeling frustrated and unsatisfied. This leads to people getting angry and walking away. Speaking for myself, I would much rather see a rotation of content. For example, (in random order) one update focuses on group content, the next update is story driven, then the update after that has something for the pvpers, etc etc.


    I'm a story player but I'd be perfectly happy to wait for more story IF when it came it was more than a two minute cutscene. That's not fun, it's not engaging and it feels like less than nothing. From posts I've seen in the forums I'd say that the ops players feel the same way about the one boss at a time method.


    The one thing that needs to happen EVERY update is that one or two vanilla companions be returned. At this point I think you should even post a schedule as to when those returns are planned. People are losing faith and they need concrete reassurances.


    Also, there is one thing that would get the team almost universal praise. TOGGLE HOOD OPTION.

  3. Due to personal stuff I wasn't subbed during the two years that Kotfe and Jotete came out. When I resubbed I buzzed right through all of it. Didn't love it, hated losing my companions, thought there were some gaping plot holes, but I didn't hate it either. Now, I can see why group content players lost patience and I agree they should have been getting content as well. Still, for someone like myself it feels like nothing new has has come down the pike for story.solo, at least nothing with any real substance.


    I like that they're trying to add more than one type of gameplay and I think they should continue to do so. That being said, I think they need to change their execution. Personally, I would prefer a content rotation rather than a snippet for everyone in every update. For example, one patch adds a completed op, the next a chunk of story driven content, after that an update focused on pvp, and so forth (listed in random order, not suggesting one type of play is more important than the other.). I don't think anyone is enjoying the slow drip, rationing of content. I'm a story/solo player but I'd gladly wait for content if I knew that when it came it would be more than two minutes of poorly constructed story that was followed by a buggy flashpoint. Yes, the wait would be longer but at least I'd know the content was coming and would be substantial enough to make the wait worth it.

  4. I'm not taking any chances on a one shot. I already created a toon on a server that will be merging with my current server. I'm going to level her to the stronghold quest and then grab NS and grind to purchase Coruscant. I doubt I'll do anything else with the toon after I have my strongholds, lol. Must have strongholds!


    This is my silver lining since Vector isn't coming back and there won't be story outside of a new FP.

  5. I am so disappointed about this. I try to be positive and constructive about the actions of the dev team but I'm feeling pretty appalled by the fact that they took a male LI away in the last updatee to story and now they're returning a female LI. I feel a bit like my gameplay and companions matter less because I'm not a male player.


    Okay, that's maybe a little melodramatic, but I'm really bugged by this. (Forgive the shameless pun, it made me feel a little better.) Looks like my poor little agent will remain in the repeated heroics and flashpoints limbo. I refuse to run her through anything past Ziost until Vector returns. The crummy thing is that she's my main and by far the toon I prefer running content with.


    UGH! Temple. I'm so gonna be mean to her just because I can't take my frustration out on anyone else, lol. No more presents for her!

  6. To answer both of your questions, it is clearly stated that SHs will not be messed with. will come decorated exactly the same. and if you have two of the same SHs (from different servers) you'll keep both.


    As for Guild Names, no one will lose their guild name. If there are two of the same it will add "Jedi Order" - Harbinger (so will add which server it came from)


    Thank you for pointing that out. That actually makes me feel a little better about things, I appreciate it. I'm not terribly worried about character names as I tend to give them each a two part name. That should lower the odds of running into dupiicate names.

  7. I am excited to see the Chiss being used in some story stuff, they're my fav race. I'm happy about credit being added to the Legacy bank. I like the extra slot in command crates and the possibility of getting a chance cube that way. I'm glad the traitor storyline is going to be wrapped up. I'm trying to point out the things I do like because I'm pretty disappointed but want to be fair and rational.



    I am not usually one to jump on here and complain. In fact, I've even sent Keith a thank you message. However, I'm extremely unhappy right now. What I'm seeing here is that a single companion is returning. So, the guys are going to get an LI back, but after taking one from the ladies (and gay men) you're not bringing one back for us. The agent now has BOTH female LI's back, but where is Vector? Not happy about this at all and I think the decision to bring a single LI back is very disappointing.


    Story content, oh look, a flashpoint. Yay, 2 minutes of cutscenes followed by a flashpoint. All I have to say is that Theron better end up not truly betraying us. Also, please, please, please make sure this one is not the buggy mess that Crisis on Umbara is.


    Server merge. Okay, I get the logistics behind doing this. I didn't want it, but I get it. I guess I can expect to have to repurchase stronghold rooms and rename toons/guilds.

  8. Waiting with bated breath! I hope to see three little words, "Vector is returning." That would appease me despite the Theron debacle. I've never romanced him, but he's my pal.


    Also, I'd love to see the hook situation addressed. The newer strongholds are very limiting. Better yet, say goodbye to the hook system entirely and let the decorators off their leashes. Think of the diversity we'd see in stronghold decorating if players could place decorations wherever they wanted to. Okay, okay, I know that's a pipe dream but I'm gonna dream it!

  9. That was actually an awesome story. You don't know a good story when you have it. Most younger people seem to be this way. People also complained the chapters were too short, i spent up to 3 hours on my first run on this great chapter, and was totally worth it.


    I'm a published author, I'd better know a good story when I have it, lol. Also, no matter how much it pains me to say this, I'm not particularly young.


    What I hated was the absolute tediousness of the actual game play part. Running all over the countryside to click little objects was boring.. Those mobs were obnoxious, particularly the move where they jump on your head. They're literally sticking their groins in your character's face, lol.

  10. So I've run my sentinel through all of KotFE and KotET and I like the look of the lightsaber I made in story, with all the etching on the hilt. I'd like to have that hilt for both of my sabers. My question is would I get a second one if I replayed that chapter? Has anyone tried doing this before? I feel like the answer is no, but I may as well ask.


    I hate that chapter and I don't want to run it again if it's not going to result in anything but frustration.

  11. To be honest, I have no issue with other love interests being brought in before all of the old ones are back, UNLESS they postpone bringing originals back in order to create new ones. I don't think it would be too much to ask to have them bring back an old companion while introducing a new one. Well, it isn't too much to ask, though it probably isn't something they would realistically do. They've demonstrated a habit of only addressing one request at a time and doing that poorly.


    However, I do feel like they keep handing us pieces of broken candy in attempts to pacify players rather than tackling the bigger issues being talked about.

  12. I also prefer the story content and group stuff I can do with a few friends. I'm not particularly into PvP. I did some, wasn't great but wasn't terrible either. I just enjoy playing around and doing what I want to do. I think there are a lot of people like that. The thing is with so many different types of playeres guilds are the best place to find people who want to do the harder group content.
  13. Well, the one I followed in TRE was Assassin, and stealthed from node to node in a speed I doubt any player does. It got attacked by massassi and it did fight back, with zero competense but it doesn't have to do any better because Ashara healed. My intention was to kill it, but it stealthed so fast I seriously couldn't follow it with my own Assassin. So, mostly they are Shadows and Assassins, they are in pvp-instance, and somewhere were they can do slicing. In TRE, the far corner of Yavin temple area is a sure place to see at least one. If you manage to see it. They just act in a way that any player wouldn't.


    Oh they're in PVE too in that case. I've seen the stealthy little monsters on Yavin and in the swamp on Zakuul. I've managed to get pretty fast with my gathering, lol. But, yeah, I've seen them.

  14. Well, personally I have a visual disability. I can see well enough to play PVE but the chat window is not a great communication option for me. I have the font pretty big and can read it, but it's still difficult. Because of that I limit my group stuff to friends who I can chat with on skype and who know my limitations.


    Also, the sad fact is there are a lot of people who can be super rude if you haven't made a life out of understanding every mechanic of the game. I'd say most people are very nice and try to be patient, but it only takes one jerk to ruin the experience for an entire group. So I just prefer to run with people I know.

  15. Hey all,


    Recently, we have had more maintenances than normal. This was compounded by our update issues last Thursday which led to over 10 hours of maintenance. Thursday’s issue along with the extra downtime have impacted all of our playtime, and they especially are bothersome when you consider how much XP and CXP you lost from the Double XP/CXP event was running along with the over the top CXP for Daily Areas. So, to make sure your characters can take advantage from both, here’s what we going to do:



    • Since the Double XP/CXP event ended on Tuesday, we’ve decided to bring it back earlier than planned. That is, we had scheduled to make it available in December around the holidays, but it’ll return with the launch of Game Update 5.5. That will give you another full week to benefit from the event.
    • The Daily Area bug is also going to stick around for a few weeks. As Eric mentioned in another post, our plan was to fix it next week in another patch, but we’ve decided to hold off any changes until Game Update 5.5. I’m personally leveraging this as a means of playing my other toons and raising their Command Rank to 300. Honestly, it’s been a lot of fun seeing so many other players taking advantage, too.
      • It is very clear everyone is really enjoying higher rewards on the older Daily Missions. As a result, we are exploring some options such as increasing CXP values above their base rewards, making rotating daily objectives worth high bonuses, and more. We will let you know where we land on these discussions, but one thing is for certain, higher CXP values are very motivational.


    Again, I want to thank you all for your patience the past couple of weeks.




    Sounds great! I look forward to hearing more about 5.5 as well! I'm crossing all my fingers in hopes that my favorite companion will be returning. Okay, I have to uncross them to play, but you get the idea, lol.

  16. Well thank you! I appreciate knowing that. And a fellow writer *high fives*. :D


    You're right, relationships are hard work, that's so true. I appreciate the men of swtor because they don't expect me to do all these pesky things like cooking and laundry and bill paying, you know, the 'adulting' stuff :D They just wait for me, all handsome and attentive dressed to the nines and ready for adventure. And when I make them do stuff...I get, 'sounds like a plan' or 'awaiting your next order' :D


    My favorite is when Vector says that he lives to serve. Yes, you do my sweet bugboy, yes you do, lol.

  17. Well said. I agree, it's human nature for the most part to fantasize. As you say it's not about how much you're getting either, I get plenty even as an old married broad with the same dude for 30 years, but with the game, I get to indulge in all these lovely men and flirt and enjoy romance. Honestly, it's more about the romance than the sex.


    Like you say, people have their fantasies...I think about Jorah Mormont and Tom Hiddleston and Quinn and Theron. Nothing wrong with that at all. :)


    I always enjoy your posts, Luna! I completely agree with you and the person you were quoting. Admittedly, I don't get much these days, but I've chosen to focus on my writing career and I have zero regrets. The game offers me the little romance and escapism that time for in real life. Relationships are hard work and require effort that I put toward my books.. Additionally, with Vector I don't have to worry aout him feeling neglected or what he wants to do after a long day of work. He's just waiting for me in one of my strongholds, ready to take down some bad guys.

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