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    The Rocket City... Huntsville, AL.
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  1. Hello. I have a few different styles that I would love to add a cape to. Can we add stand-alone capes? Perhaps some that flow? This has been implemented in many other MMOs, so I think it would be a good fit for SWTOR. Kind regards.
  2. Hello All. I know this has been requested before, but I would really like to be able to set a quick button to Show/Hide our head slot. Thank you for your time, please respond if you agree.
  3. I agree! Seems a simple enough request. /onevoteyes
  4. DCUO does this a bit with their drop boxes. When you open a box, you get a few options to choose from. I could see that if you open a box, and get a rep reward, it giving you an option for which one.
  5. Just because it's been proposed before, doesn't mean it's still not a good idea. /onevoteyes!
  6. Sounds like a simple and reasonable request. /onevoteyes
  7. Just got into character select! Here's hoping it's fixed.... ^
  8. I'm another subscriber in queue. Waiting in queue. ...hope this isn't a trap... ^
  9. Thanks Nomaad, that gave me a chuckle! *
  10. That's a real decent thing for you to do Crossward. I award you 50 "Cool Points"
  11. Neat, never looked at this stuff before. That Republic uniform is pretty nifty.
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