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Everything posted by Kymerous

  1. Queue with a healer friend...problem solved
  2. you can already qt to your stronghold by hitting the "u" key, and clicking travel on your stronghold of choice
  3. Correct me if I am wrong, but isnt FB a DoT in 1 tree, and a direct attack in another? I do not spend much time as a shadow or assassin dps, and I only use Force Potency on my healers...but I do believe FB is a direct attack in 1 tree, and that is why it works there, and not on the DoT
  4. Already found my run, so could care less what people on the forums think, cleared 8m last night, clearing 16m tomorrow night
  5. oh no...someone in a virtual world finds me rude....bummer.
  6. My guild has the achievs and dont wanna run it...hence my asking here...silly me thinking people might actually enjoy doing EC for the pure fun of it, I will go back to trying to PuG it
  7. Didnt realize being in full 180s, with set bonus, and min/maxed...was being carried....ty for making me understand that....maybe when I get in full 186s it'll be different.
  8. Wow...no guilds or raid teams able to clear NiM EC eh...
  9. spent about 1 mil on the kingpin tokens, rest on smugglers when i ran out
  10. I have now dropped just over 5 mil on the slots, and won a grand total of 5 golden tickets (maybe I will go see Willy Wonka instead)... the RNG gods HATE me
  11. I find the current vote kick system to be just fine...however if we are tossing around ideas to improve it why not make it like this, The person who initiates the vote kick doesn't get a vote (he would just be the one to bring the kick to the attention of the group) the person being kicked gets no vote (of course) and the other 2 people involved would be the only 2 to vote. Again, I feel the current system is fine, but if I were to tweak it, thats how I would do it.
  12. I once won loot...I think it was a Wednesday
  13. If a DPS pulls off me when I am tanking, it excites me...cause it makes me focus more on the run and do all I can to hold that threat. Now if a DPS TAUNTS off me...I will /stuck it and watch him die.
  14. Im weird....I actually help unless I am currently busy...ya go figure, someone in the community who actually enjoys helping others...the horror
  15. How can I disprove its going to work...simple...there is an over abundance of DPS on ALL servers...and a lack of tanks/healers who have any desire to pug. So by doing a cross server queue, all you are doing is adding to the abundance of DPS, while still maintaining the lack of tanks/healers willing to pug... tada disproved with this amazing thing called logic
  16. So basically, instead of lets say a 30 minute queue time for DPS, you would rather have a lets say 2 hour queue time for DPS.....
  17. No, It was the one of the full sets of rep gear from the oricon vendor, the yellow and black set, cannot remember the name of the gear for the life of me.
  18. For every 1 GOOD players we have on JC, I believe we have 10 that cannot tie their shoes without help....but that's my opinion lol
  19. Just ran a run with a PT tank on JC server...just under 40k hp. Tank never once lost aggro and rarely dropped below 75% hp, yet at the end, apologized for the "sloppy tanking" which I just found weird as this was one of the better tanks I have seen in recent memory lol
  20. Reliable....no....BUT it does give a rough idea of the gear someone is using
  21. I have done flashpoints and such so many times i will always hit spacebar...now if someone spams spacebar during a cutscene then i will stop, and sit back, and watch them
  22. Mr. Healer man as everyone else has stated, it is not you, it is the stupid dps/tank at fault. Stop healing them...if they kick you, oh well, let them wait for a replacement...eventually youll get a group that is good. I do a ton of tanking and healing in this game, and I have found that I no longer care about stupid ppl, as a tank if you are a retard i will kick you, if the kick does not go through, i will just leave. They can either follow a proper kill order, or wait on a new tank/healer. I wish I could say itll get better, but you run into a lot more of these tunnel visioners in hms lol
  23. I have recently been kicked from a 55 HMFP, as a tank...yes thats right kicked as a tank....for refusing to guard the healer...My tank has 42k HP, and I was running with 2 dps around the 30k hp mark and a healer around 32k hp, and they kicked me for not guarding the healer.
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