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Everything posted by DewyMossEmpire

  1. The droids in this game need to be more droid like. They shouldn't be walking with a roll to their shoulders, or leaning their hands on their hips when they talk, or wipe the "sweat" from their heads when they're mining in a cave. Part of the charm & immersion that we see with the droids of the KOTOR games, & other classic Star Wars games, (the movies included) is that despite their personality subroutines which give them so much "spark", their droid-like movements are still artificial & mechanic. This gives the world a Sci-Fi feeling & supports the technological separation between organic meatbag & a bucket of bolts. I am sure I am not the only one who feels this way. I'd love to see such a change to this game.
  2. Even if they are meant to be "kids", their shallow characteristics are highly inappropriate for what a jedi or a sith is meant to be. They are annoying, immature, weak characters that appeal only to the players that would dress them & their own chars in the most suggestive of attire.
  3. So wait, you go from 32m to 140m just for the title? Are you even allowed to bump your post like this? I don't think anyone is interested in this.
  4. I agree. It doesn't make for a convincing strong character & it comes off as trying to appeal to the more unpleasant thinking fans.
  5. Well I suppose I could have explained it chronologically, but to me it doesn't matter. She doesn't have even a modicum of the prerequisites that one should have to become a Jedi. The writers thought it would make for an interesting character dynamic to have a bratty, sultry, violent, & annoying little girl as a Padawan, but it ultimately fell utterly short & was rendered to be simply annoying. The same can be said for Ashara but with different characteristics.
  6. For what reasons? Because she is an immature little brat with no clear moral compass or conviction & just happens to have the anatomically impossible body of perfection? She's a shallow character. But like you said, to each their own I suppose.
  7. I concur with your opinion & I also alot you one addition Excitement Level point. You enjoy that.
  8. Yeah, I just cringe at the thought. I have a good feeling that it will remain original.
  9. Ughhh! What a fuc*ing awful twist that would be. It is the most boring, overused, oversold, stale, clichéd, useless story in all of Star Wars at this point, or at the very least this game. If Valkorian is Vitiate I will lose faith in Bioware, that would NOT be good story telling. I remain hopeful however...Fallen Empire comes off as fresh & original.
  10. One of the absolute worst story options they could have possibly made, which is especially disappointing under the consideration that the Warrior story is arguably the best.
  11. I wanted her dead after hearing her speech fifty-two hundred times when visiting Taris. When I learned she became Supreme Chancellor I was already planning her assassination.
  12. I have a rather good hunch that a large part of the community would oppose this sentiment. She's childish, annoying, petty, immature, & her standard red hair with that little puff looks absolutely terrible. I'd love to blast her out of the airlock or "sacrifice" her in KoftFE.
  13. Basically all of the characters ever from SoR, especially Jakarro & his stupid & unnecessary, entirely forced slapstick commedy protocol droid nonsense. Including Satele, definitely Quinn, Ashara would be nice, I didn't like the 12 year old romance thing. Also Vitiate. Or at least a mention of how he became irrelevant. I hope his sad overblown & unneeded elongated story never comes back.
  14. Well I hope you enjoy it, Fallen Empire looks promising. Perhaps enjoy the class stories again, with x12 Exp you can get over 24hrs of nothing but your class missions. It is a lot of fun.
  15. Eh? You didn't like Marr? Or Valkorion? Or the Sky Troopers? Or Valkorion's Guards with their Saberstaves? Or the new sci-fi looking ships? Or the beautiful new environments? Or the epic new cutscenes with dynamic camera movements & facetracking mo-cap? Or ANYthing else? Why do you play the game if it bores you so? :\ it is a lot of fun, I hope you enjoy it more!
  16. It is sort of IG footage because it is clearly using its engine. I think it was a mix of actual IG cutscenes & other special scenes they put together, like from the SoR "trailer."
  17. Under the Latest News feed on the SWTOR main page, or SWTOR's YouTube channel.
  18. It is nice to see Lana using a Red colored Lightsaber as well & not one of those ridiculous & silly CM crystals....those things don't belong in any of the cutscenes really, & I see them used a lot. They really take me out of what is happening. So I am very glad to see they're not going for that.
  19. I am glad Lana finally got a makeover. Her paper thin, static, tissue paper hair wasn't the greatest & her face doesn't look like she had a disagreement with a brick wall.
  20. Most definitely. I love how the cutscenes in this game have evolved. From the main class stories with flat angles & not too much going on, to moving camera shots & beautiful facial expressions implemented into the scenes as characters fight or take injuries, etc. It is refreshing to see, & it looks like KotFE will be full of all that greatness. I'd like to see the current & older cutscenes improved however. The cutscenes (before SoR) are all rather stale. There are no facial emotes when there is some amount of emotion or sensation inflicted upon the characters (Ex., characters being electrocuted, tortured, having a revelation, experiencing any heavy emotion). It's just boring to look at. On top of that, I've noticed that almost every single cutscene involving a lightsaber, the famous sound effects for the mentioned weapon does not play. As arguably the most trademarked & recognizable object in all of Star Wars, you would think that the sound effects for these weapons could actually play when they are used. Weather they are activated or deactivated, swung or moved about, there are just never any sounds. That on top of what is meant to be an intense scene that is accompanied by chars who express nothing in their face, the cutscenes come out dry & broken. It would make a huge difference to see these things remedied. So with all that said, seeing how amazing these new scenes look I am looking forward to experiencing it very much!
  21. I thought it looked wonderful. It is nice to see the devs putting in so much effort to make great, action-packed, & emotionally invested cutscenes using the IG engine! I am very excited for all of this.
  22. Wow, I am still getting Emails for this thread. Time to mute it, this will never happen. Make a different character if you want a different gender.
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