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Everything posted by Omecrion

  1. I have to agree with you a lot. I just jumped back into ranked myself and so far its been alright except for 1 instance where I was pitted against a team of 3 balance sages(matchmaking sucks), but with regs its worse than ranked right now. On EH, ive been doing the numbers and the average wait time that ive noticed is roughly between 15-20mins for a wz que, and typically its only the Odessen wz. So not only is it taking a frustratingly long que time, your going to be getting the same wz every fraking time. And Bioware said they would only force Odessen for 2 days. BS all the way. Quite honostly, Im addicted to pvp in this game, but if it doesnt get fixed soon, then PvP will have 1 less contender
  2. well if you want to do a reunion, your better off contacting me on my guardian Kaliag due to no alt key code characters. And what do you mean by 2nd best? As far as I remember, those of us in MEU were a bit more active while yall in A-coy seemed to be lagging behind
  3. I've got to say, I have been having a blast on EH. Way more fun than being on Jung Ma. I've done enough wzs to the point that I am burned out. Never happened on Jung Ma. I will say I was a little surprised at the end of week 1, no guild invites. When I first joined Jung Ma, I had about 15 different requests in 1 day. Not trying to complain though. Also, Mij, don't expect a happy welcome from me personally
  4. Hi, I submitted an application almost a week ago and I was just wondering how long does it normally take to read through an application? Also on my application, I put in the wrong alt key code on my toon's name where its Kàlast(alt 133) instead of it being Kálast(alt 0225). So if there was any trouble finding my character that should fix it
  5. My vanguard's name was Arkahm. I was a member through Hert's command. I left about a year to a year and a half after I joined up due to some of the leadership issues that was happening. I did have to change my vanguard's name when I transferred. So it's no longer Arkahm, it's Arkàhm
  6. I have to ask, would y'all be interested in a 3 year veteran of swtor who has just transfered from Jung Ma to Ebon Hawk? I have limited experience in Rp, mainly as a Mandalorian and a Republic soldier from my time being in MEU and Clan Thetes and then later Clan Fenris. However I am willing to expand my Rp horizons
  7. Later today ill be bringing over two toons from my current server, a vanguard and a jugg. Their names will be Arkahm(vanguard) and Kàlast(jugg). If you cant find them via the names, just look for the two new guys who look cooler overall. Looking forward to meeting new people on Ebon Hawk and forming new friendships. I am also prepared for every kind of batman joke that will be said about my vanguard's name
  8. Im planning on starting to move all of my toons from my current server Jung Ma to EH and I was wondering if any guilds, both pub and imp side, who would be looking to add a 3 year swtor veteran to their ranks? I have some limited experience in RP but I am looking to expand my experience in that field. Most of my RP experience comes from RPing as a Republic trooper due to my time in(my personal viewpoint) the best trooper guild on Jung Ma, Marine Expeditionary Unit and RPing as a Mandalorian from my time being In Clan Thetes and later Clan Fenris. Currently on my main imp toons I RP as, what I call, a Black Honor Guardsman, essentially being the secret best of the best of the best of the best. I am going to move one pub and one imp toon over and was just checking to see who would be interested. Hope to have a great time on Ebon Hawk as well as meeting new people and forming new friendships
  9. I know there are hundreds of different forum threads on this subject, I just figured it was time to add my two-cents to it. Throughout my 3 years of playing swtor, i have been, addicted lets say, to pvp. I do it almost every day as a solo que player. In my time of pvping, i have run into my fair share of premades. More than a few of which has had me enraged to the point of just blind destruction. Now, its time for this issue is resolved. In my time, I have only done 1 single "premade" and by that I mean just myself and two friends grouped together for one wz. Now I get that it must be fun doing mega premades, I really do get it. But all your doing is just creating hatred and frustration for a lot of veteran players like myself who prefer solo ques and also some inexperienced players who go into wzs just looking for a good time, but they then get obliterated by a premade group. It has to end. Many people on this subject say the best solution is to just outright ban premades. I cant blame them, I do think premades should be banned, but the banning should be based on the premade composition. If its a standard ops group of 2 tanks, 4 dps, and 2 healers, then that im fine with, but if your going up against a mega premade consisting of for example: 4 sages, 2 dps, 2 healer, a scoundrel healer, 2 vanguards, one tank spec, and a shadow, that is where the banning must be. A team like that destroys almost any pug group. And all it does is again create hatred and frustration among the enemy. Now what is about to be said is a personal viewpoint so please dont take it personally If your one of those people who do almost nothing but premades in PvP, then what are you really proving. You are not proving your own strength, your own skill. You are not willing to fight face to face with your enemy. You become cowards who rely too much on others to help you get the job done. You are not even close to those of us who solo que and we go head to head with about half of the enemy team without any assistance and defeat them. Until you actually go through that situation and you come out standing, do not, and I mean DO NOT think for one second you are better than someone who solo ques. Because your not, your afraid. You may not realize it, but you fear odds like those. You think "I will just wait for my teammates to help me". Until you do, dont even attempt PvP. End of personal viewpoint Now another issue that arises when you deal with premades, is the taunting and essentially bullying that pug groups receive from premades. Typically at the end of a match, one or more members of the premade start to insult the pug group and essentially turning them away from PvP due to the harsh treatment they receive from their opponents. Now many of you will say "they are just being butt hurt little babies". And that is along the lines of that bullying attitude. That is another thing that must end. Potential Solution Now, as I stated above, there are many who would say an outright ban to premades is the best solution. In a sense, that is a bit of a double edged sword. If you outright ban premades in PvP, you risk turning off a good chunk of the pvp community. Now there was a forum post that spoke of a separate que for pvp, dedicated to premade groups. Personally, I think that would be the best solution because it would allow pugs to go against pugs, and premades to go against premades. Now depending on the server, premades will undoubtedly run into longer que times. That can be alleviated via either cross server ques, or a mega server. Now will Bioware actually do that, my guess is no. But it is something to think about. And if you are a strictly premade pvp player, go on out and actually do pugs honestly, its better(in my opinion) than going into a premade because you never know what will happen in the match, and to me thats the best part, the unexpected twists of one hell of a pvp match
  10. I am currently planning on transferring to Jedi Covenant from the Jung Ma server, and I was wondering if any large, active guilds were looking for an experienced player. Ive got a total of 10 toons, 5 pub, 5 imp. I'm exceptionally skilled in both pvp and pve combat and I do have experience at playing all three roles. Also if your guild does any sort of rp, I am somewhat proficient in performing rp(never could really get into it all that well). Hope to see alot of brand new people on Jedi Covenant and make some new friends
  11. As I said, just the founding members need to be of the base classes. After that, it doesn't matter except if you want to become a Black Honor Guardsman or an independent
  12. I'm currently looking into starting a new guild on the imperial faction. The name of the guild will be the "Black Honor Guard"(will explain name in a little bit). I am hoping to make it an all around balanced guild with primary focuses being on RP and Pvp with an interest in Pve. There will be a standard uniform for all level 45+ members that is craftable by Synthweavers who have the schematics from pre 4.0 crafting. The basic back story for the guild is that there is a secret group within the Honor Guard which was formed from 4 unique Honor Guard trainees who were somehow able to resist the Emperor's will. During the training, 2 of the 4 were found to indeed be force sensitive and the other two were not. Their existence was erased and they were sent to different regions of the empire where they eventually became 4 of the Empire's greatest heroes(warrior, inquisitor, agent, BH). They choose not to reveal themselves unless it became absolutely necessary. Very few, if any in the Empire knew of their existence until they agreed to reveal themselves after the Ziost incident. The primary 4 founding members must be of each base class, I have warrior covered. So, if you are willing to at least give this a try, message me via in-game mail on my marauder Kalast. I will say I am preferably looking for people who have had prior experience in running at least sections of a guild. Also, there will be two ways of joining, either by becoming a Black Honor Guard or by being an independent individual willing to serve the Black Honor Guard. FOR THE EMPIRE
  13. What is Occam's razor? Never heard of it before
  14. As I said, if they made starship strongholds that had bonuses that were worth it, it would be a lot more worth getting than just one of the current strongholds. I would trade my 3 strongholds for just 1 starship stronghold if it was say a Harrower. I would say if they were to do this, we would need some different bridge options. I'm sorry but do we really need a concert hall for a bridge. I personally would prefer a bridge like the Hammerhead class cruiser, though maybe about 4 times as large.
  15. I'm surprised that most of yall have focused on the possibilities of combat and not on the part about these ships being a new type of strongholds, because lets face it, other than being player housing and being able to put stuff you have collected in the game, the current strongholds really serve no purpose. Their only real purpose is to modify conquest points. If Bioware were to take advantage of having players buy and customize their very own capital ship stronghold and make them actually matter and give bonuses that are relevant and also helpful such as say you buy a destroyer and get it to 25%, you get a slight damage buff and that progress until you reach 100%, if you buy a dreadnought and do the same thing, you get a buff to damage reduction. As well as getting a support frigate. Now I know its been stated that if I enjoy capital ship combat, just go over to Star Trek, the thing is I have played STO for close to 4 years now and the space combat is tedious at best. There really is nothing new that goes on in space combat other than the tactics of the different factions which you get down after the first few fights with those factions. With possible capital ship combat in SWTOR, that could possibly make it 100% better than any Star Trek ship battle, and this is coming from a trekie at heart. So at the very least I would like to see just making possible capital ship strongholds that don't require players to be in a guild.
  16. I did not mean to steal any idea from any existing games nor did I know that this idea has been suggested before. All I wanted to do was put what I thought, at the time, was an original idea.
  17. I've been playing GSF from the day it released to now, and after a while, its now gotten repetitive. I got to thinking, "what could be added to make this new, fresh, exciting?" and so I started looking at what could be added. I came to the conclusion that now after a two years, why not add in capital ship battles. Now, in order for this to work Bioware will need to add in new kinds of warships. With that I also started looking at where they could pull other warships from the fill the roles of corvettes, frigates, destroyers, cruisers, and dreadnoughts. What I found was that I was looking at the mod Old Republic at War for Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption. The mod developer added in the warships from Kotor and Tor as well as a few other kinds of ships that could fill the above stated roles. When I started talking about this on my server, one player came up with an ingenious idea and that was to make a conjoined space and ground warzone as in battlefront 2. I told him "that is brilliant man" and what I did was start thinking about how this would work. I came up with a general idea that in space, you've got a team of say 8 warships on each side, however, the attacking team has an npc ship that they have to escort into an orbital bombardment position and be able to give fire support to the teams on the ground. With ground, you have two 16-man ops groups on both sides. The defending team defends a shield emitter and its generators that protect them from the orbital bombardment. What the attacking team has to do is either take out both generators, or take the shield itself and now the npc ship in space can bring the pain about every 2 minutes and then it has to recharge, at which point it will be extremely vulnerable to enemy attacks. Now you can also have the straight up team death match with this possibility, and even you could bring in regular GSF where there are say 16 to 24 Starfighters and 8 to 12 capital ships. I was also getting into the idea that, these warships, could be like strongholds. When you first get a new ship, you have access to three areas, the bridge, engineering, and the weapons bay. As you get proficient with your ship, you gain the ability to unlock additional areas, and each area gives different bonuses like additional power to weapons or stronger armor, or even more speed. Along with this could be the addition of additional weaponry such as extra turbolasers, concussion missile launchers, proton torpedo launchers, and even mass driver cannons. Heck I wouldn't mind having Diamond Boron missiles as well. You could also make pve content for this where you and three or seven other players in their warships have to capture a space station or a planet as part of a side storyline. Going along, I made a personal discovery that, this could really play into what we currently know of the newest expansion Knights of the Fallen Empire where remnants of both the republic and empire form a resistance against this new foe and they find that building Terminus Destroyers, Thranta class Corvettes, Valor Battleships, and Harrower Dreadnoughts just isn't doable and so they bring back into service Hammerhead cruisers, Foray gunships, Centurion Battlecruisers, Interdictor Cruisers, Dramash cruisers, and even mandalorian ships such as the Kandosii dreadnought, Kyramud battlecruisers, even the Jehavey'Ir warships. Not to mention the venator like cruiser employed by the mandalorians during the Mandalorian War. Please share your thoughts on this idea and I encourage any sort of critiquing or anything else that might make this better.
  18. Guys, I thank all of you for your comments and just looking at this post. Makes me feel good that there are people out there interested in good ideas. Now for those who said I can basically replicate sev's armor, you just cant take a set of armor and put a dye module in and it be the same as Sev's Katarn-class armor
  19. As the title says, i personally would like to see some modern star wars armor such as the clone and storm trooper armors, the rebel forest armor, the mandalorian armor that both Jango and Boba wear, and for all RC fans out there, the clone commando armor AND weapon. It would just be nice if the devs could use a standing model, make a FEW(3 max) changes to them that wont upset us. I know im saying modern but what about mandalorian neo crusader armor, Bioware seems to have covered all mando armor ezcept the 2 i mentioned in this thread( i know some people would consider Cassus Fett's armor neo crusader, but i mean like the basic neo crusader armors)
  20. I think the Devs should change the name system to where u can have any name(as long as its not any named person throught the star wars universe exp: Revan,Vader,Sidious,etc.) just once. That way people can name at least 1 of their toons whatever they want and not having to worry if its taken.
  21. Ive played swtor for 2 months now and ive been thinking "i really wish my jedi guardian wasnt restricted to a single LS" and other things around that line and i had an idea that i personally think would be a good idea. Throught my own experience playing i see how much more customizable bioware and EA could make this game and so i thought why not make BH and smugglers 2 faction classes(imp smuggler; rep BH) and also do a little revamp of the legacy system where say you completed your faction story as a commando and now if you role say a BH, you can now use assualt cannons with him. Same could go with force users: role a shadow and unlock double blade for jedi knights and also why not give shield and power generators as well as focues thier own armor slot that way guardians could use 2 LS but still be a tank same with powertechs. Im saying this could be a new expansion because a rep BH would need a different story than an imp BH and same with an imp smuggler
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