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Everything posted by Txornisx

  1. I had the same, relogging fixed the issue.
  2. Out of my 30+ Imperial characters only 3 are accommodated in the guild, others are guildless due to lack of space and I have no intentions to keep them in other guilds. #uniteourcharacters
  3. I'd say that the problem is wider than just 64 max characters - I'm almost twice lower on the characters than the allowed maximum at the moment (less than 40), but I have an overflow of 1 (one!) character and I cannot go beyond that, Server Character Slots are not working for me. Used the ones I had in my Inventory pre-merge, just gone and nothing happened, claimed and used the ones I kept as Unclaimed Items, used, "Server Character Slot" items returned to Unclaimed Items (common last week's bug as I understand), nothing happened. I don't want to waste CCs to buy the new one from the CM, currently waiting for the second CS answer (the first one was nice and polite but told me only how many Character slots I have at the moment - I know that, I'm eager to know what happened to the Character slots I used, these never did it to the Character Selection Screen...).
  4. It's not available anymore, it was the reward for the participation and certain achievement completing during the last summer event (DvL event).
  5. The reset timer is moved 6 or so hours forward now.
  6. Well, the trick with this particular mount is that it's not actually a CM item but Reputation Vendor item only (made it's way to Grand Chance Cube though), so yeah it is a bit of an in-game Vanity item and money/credits spent on it were undoubtedly a larger amount than the CC price it is sold for at the moment. I'd had no problems if it would be priced as certain lightsabers but 2.5k cc.. That's insane low price for that mount in my opinion. I really don't get EA marketing line. On the other hand, I have a hope now the Reputation Vendor weapons will made it to CM then, such as Fortitude blaster pistol and Valiance rifle. But I won't be surprised if Senya's LS will cost 7500cc, doesn't matter that it's gtn price is twice lower than 2500cc mount's on TRE it was going for 250 mil, haven't checked on Malgus yet.
  7. I have not exactly the Outlander token not working situation but the similar one. It looks for me like the character slot unlocks are not working for me. I have 38 unlocked character slots (24 basic + 14 unlocked on top) and I'm stucked with 39/39 on Darth Malgus after the merge. Using character slots unlocks nothing, first I thought I'm far beyond the activated character limit so used like 5 char slot unlocks I had in my cargo, nothing, then I started to count and, well, something isn't working right. Unlocks gone, nothing unlocked.
  8. Out of all my unlocked and available decos (the original ones, pre-merge) maybe 1/7 part is placed in SHs. I'll be VERY surprised if all what's above the placed ones will be suddenly taken away.
  9. Were you eligible for daily reward? You must for it to count towards the achievement. So no unchecking, and no three fp in a row on one and the same character.
  10. Exactly this. Out of my ~20-25 more or less active Imperial characters I am keeping only two in the guild of my choice. I can't morally afford myself to bring in other characters seeing that the guild is almost always 10-20 spots away from the cap. And I guess I have less alts than other dedicated players. P.S. Other my characters are guildless, I don't like to change and swap guilds, I'm perfectly happy with my primary one.
  11. Just imagine there's no conquest in the game At the moment I see that all the counterarguments are about the conquest and the conquest alone. But the member cap problem is so much bigger than that, really.
  12. Err, not all the big/biggest guilds are interested in the conquest. More than that, conquest itself isn't so large part of the game it should impact the guild member cap question. Basically for now the conquest is the main counterargument against cap removal, it shouldn't even be like that! But well, from my own experience - I was a member of a quite small guild when conquests just arrived. It was a good planning we did and we never lost a single conquest we were aiming to win. 10-15 persons participating in the conquest on a regular basis, maybe 20 more reaching weekly score for achievement. Of course we didn't go for crazy targets like Yavin/Rishi - BUT if it wasn't once per year then but once per month after invented - like Death Mark for example, it would be possible to win in out turn as well. Conquesting was hard task for us back then for sure but it was really fun and it was totally doable.
  13. Why so? The biggest guilds known to me, both Imp and Rep side are not recruiting at all, there's no need in that. Why something should change so drastically after the merge?
  14. Darth Serevin - Voss planetary story. Was totally in love, Battle for Ilum still breaks my heart. Darth Vowrawn as well, I have a soft spot for Sith Purebloods for sure add Overseer Chaskar to the list - one of the Knight's teachers in the ways of the Sith aboard the Emperor's Fortress. Bengel Morr - nautolan from the JK story, if spared. Tarro Blood, same. Grand Moff Rycus Kilran would be cool as temporary companion, sadly we are far away from the timeline where it's possible already. Same goes for Crysta Markon as BH companion :-/ and Jaxo :-/ damn, i need to think about more positive options and come back later :-|
  15. As I mentioned before, for some big guilds it could be only a temporary solution, especially after the merge. Yeah, there are still a lot of people who play the game!
  16. Will have to disagree on that - for example my current guild has at about ~500 accounts, (some people may own a couple, but basically that changes nothing; and inactive accounts are being removed regularly so it's not a maxed amount), so even if a cap will go from characters to accounts/legacies (but will stay a thousand smth as it is now) in some cases it will be only a tiny breath of air, that's not enough in a long-term perspective.
  17. Wow, it's really really weird you didn't mention "a lot of bots" as well!! Achievements are worthy when these are earned, otherwise the value is.. nothing.
  18. Even 8 to 10 hours is too much, 2-3, max 4 would be appropriate in this case. 18 hours is enormous amount of game state time.
  19. Dark and Light tunings were available in Dark vs Light Cartel Packs, that's why these counts as Cartel Market items.
  20. It is ops boss drop as well as it is cartel pack item. They are identical.
  21. That would be too easy gearing. Dvl bosses are tricky, but not hard, can be killed easily in 4-5 minutes, and presuming it's possible to kill up to 9-10 bosses (7 average) during one win state.. The loot they are dropping now is completely appropriate.
  22. Yeah, same here. Multiple runs per day and a whole group is always guaranteed - so people are doing them actually, and quite active by the way. Nice amount of cxp packs and for those who needs it - tokens and pretty achievement decos. So yeah, it's just you in this case.
  23. Bestia's adds have nothing to do with that, these do not grant cxp so you can look for another persons to say: "Thanks"
  24. /signed if event achievements are dropping to zero these must be archived at least.
  25. A lot of other events are done as well. Achievements pretty much stayed. That's just low, Bioware.
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