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Everything posted by Warhams

  1. For regular pvp, sentinels are still 'ok' , though at the bottom of the pecking order, commandos have similar problems though as ranged, they can stay back more and not get jumped/shot/zapped at by everyone. For normal PVE (note not talking about operations or flashpoints) both classes are more than ok, though that's if you play Specs that have a lot of AOE abilities such as rightmost Sent tree (Sweep Spec,can't remember the name) or as DPS commando its easier. The Left and middle trees for sentinels are more solo target so you can't burn through mobs as fast solo. Its still doable but since you said you play in between work, you might have less time and its easier to use AOE specs.
  2. Another big point which has not really been mentioned in this thread is the Cross Mechanic on people with older machines that barely go above 10-15 FPS due to various effects on that fight or with ping higher than 300. I play on the Progenitor and we have people from as far as India playing in my guild and the problem is, the cross is still very Inconsistent. I'm sure you have all seen the screenshots posted many times by other people on the Cross mechanic where on most peoples screens, everyone is in the Correct position but on a person on a slow computer or bad ping, hes in the Wrong position (but on his computer hes in the place where hes supposed to be). So what happens? you get both a GREEN and a RED cross, aka you take damage, even though you all did the mechanic perfectly. Other than cheesing with powertechs, there is no way to avoid this situation, other than saying those with slow computers/low FPS or those with higher than 200 ping should not be allowed to do the ops as they punish the rest of the raid. I don't understand how Bioware can code the cross mechanic so that it appears differently on different peoples computers and causing wipes. I get a lot of frustrated people, both guildies and Pugs who cause the Cross to fail through no fault of their own. I even had a few screenshot themselves as correctly in the cross lane but Everyone in the raid still take damage months ago after Bioware said they 'fixed' the cross mechanic to be more 'consistant'. Been the same since.
  3. 2 seconds the moment the mine appears IIRC but if your blatting away at a bomber while its laying mines, you can kill the mines harmlessly as when deploying they are centered on the bomber, which you should be aiming at.
  4. Just like to add, the damage is sometimes random, just two days ago I had a DPS assassin who was in the fake tank position take a 40k hit. Killed him in one shot. Same raid on another attempt, I had DPS on one of the hands take a 40k hit. Also killed him outright, theres no rhyme or reason to this damn fight. Just to Add, we used the PT cheese tactic on another attempt, know whats funny? 2 DPS took 15k-20 hits each while everyone else took do damage (other than maintank PT). Everyone was stacked under the boss when sonic rebounder was activated. Happened thrice. Do it properly, cross bugs and you all take damage, do it the 'unfair' way, bioware is still out to get you
  5. EU servers not being touched, they all been merged 2 years ago. US servers, theres rumours of a merger but its all speculation.
  6. Depends on what you mean by mature and social? Social as in tons of people around regardless of time or just people being nice to each other? Mature as in average age of 30+ or people who tend to be able to behave themselves? More importantly what kind of activities are you looking for? PVE, PVP, RP, GSF? There are many guilds who advertise themselves as social guilds so you need to narrow down what are you looking for.
  7. Well your not giving me much to go on, so for large size and some pvp premades, i'll just say Crimson Moon or the Shroud on Impside, you should be able to find either on fleet almost everyday.
  8. At your stage, i'll be honest and say the guild is yours. You stumped up the creds to get the guild stronghold and if GMship went to you and not to that other officer you said saw logging in, then well, consider yourself the Bioware designated inheritor of your guild
  9. Well, to even recommend you one without any sort of info is impossible. You got any RP experience at all? Casual or Serious RP? (aka guild up your character over time months/years even for some or just waltzing up and attending events as and when you like) Laid back or Serious attitude? (Laid back is like it says but you don't tend get any serious RP, Serious ones are less forgiving, aka you can't join a guild as say Darth so and so and start bossing people around, you usually start at peeling potatoes) How time time can you commit to RPing? (Some events take hours) Imperial or Republic? Jedi/Sith, Military, or 3rd party (smuggler/BH) Prefer more open RP or Guild RP (inside guild only) Long established, mid age or newly formed guild? (Newly formed ones especially those without experienced RPers I don't tend to recommend) Large (20+) or Medium (around 10) size? ( There are some 'small' ones less than 10 but they are either a bunch of friend playing among themselves or are very selective) How good is your English or what language do you speak? (There are some guilds that actually RP in their own native language) TS/Mumble/Ventrilo? (TS usually used to help coordinate stuff) Yeah, a lot of questions I know but compared to some RP guilds application forms, these are very short and simple Bad RP guilds are the ones that don't last long so I cannot really think of any off the top of my head. Some guilds hate each other and will not RP or do any events for various reasons (RP drama usually or infamy outside of RP) Have a think about your answers, then go here http://www.swtor-rp.com/progenitor They should be able to help you more, I just run a PVE GSF guild. Or you could try looking at this forum here but RP guilds don't tend to advertise as often here. That took forever to type........
  10. But you failed to Log into the character that has the GM status. Its that simple really. You said you log in everyday but not even once on your GM character to check up on your guild? Even if its dead its not that hard even to log in once per week/month to at the very least check PMs. Also if you couldn't log in due to your computer crashing, then it goes to the next active officer. If you don't trust them in charge of your dead guild, don't make them officers. If its like you said, no one even uses that old guild anymore, Why are you do even care about losing your GM status anyway. The system is there so that for any reason if a GM is not online for 30 days the next active sub takes over. There are guilds where the GM have disappeared for a long time, with no communication and this allows the highest ranking sub to take over. This allows them to take over and run as they see fit aka preserve the guild and name if there are other active members who still use it for various reasons.
  11. Just a warning though, RP brings its own set of Drama, especially if you hmm 'overtune' your RP character. However like the previous poster said, less 'sore losers' compared to TOFN perhaps but you still get them on and off.
  12. 1. Smaller than TOFN, friendlier in a way as most people tend to know each other but if your infamous for some reason, the server tends to find out also. 2. Not really, unless you count emote PVP as PVP . Theres plenty of RP guilds who PVP on the side but none that actually do both equally. 3. Good and bad, you get regular pops most days but a smaller population of players means you tend to face the same people who queue for ranked more often than not. The average pvp prowess of players apparently isn't good as TOFN. You will get some flaming etc on general chat on fleet on and off but as I've not been to TOFN, I can't say whether its the same or a lot less compared to your server.
  13. Could we have a larger ignore list limit please Bioware? Its always been annoying but recently theres been a resurgence of gold sellers on fleet and starter planets. Using both General chat and /say. I even get mails from random gold sellers advertising straight to my inbox. I'm on the Progenitor server but from what I heard, other EU servers are also suffering. They don't seem to be banned fast enough or the game moderators (if there are any at all) on EU servers don't care.
  14. Best bet? Nar Shadda Cantina, though the RP there might not be 'casual' . Most RP tends to take place in guilds nowadays, open RP kind of died from various reasons, one of them being the old influx of pure F2P who tend to disrupt people.
  15. Warhams


    Well, the community on the Progen is small-ish, in the sense that most old players know each other through guild affiliation, RP or just interfaction pvp. Most people prefer to runs FPs and Ops among their own guilds and friends as they far decrease the chance of something bad happening, plus if something bad does happen its not a case of blame the PUG, heh. You could try Mandalorian Hunters for imperial side. http://mandalorianhunters.enjin.com/page/266288/recruitment Hope to hear from you soon if your interested.
  16. You could always try Mandalorian Hunters, link below http://mandalorianhunters.enjin.com/page/266288/recruitment Although if your also playing on TOFN, why not do PVE there instead of spreading yourself over 2 servers? Less headache that way.
  17. Thanks for that thread Jubilee, sigh, all the VAs for DA: Inquisition and you couldn't afford VAs for all companions in SWTOR expansion? Come on Bioware........
  18. Thanks Darth wicked for all the info. Sigh and thus almost all my favourite NPCs who I quest with are Mostly MUTE. Here I thought my Jaesa and Temple were quiet and not saying anything was a Bug, guess not.......
  19. Ugh that's not good, I remember from some time ago that some bugs only affected LS Jaesa and not the DS one and vice-versa when Makeb came out. Guess both Jaesa's are bugged, heh
  20. I did a playthrough a few days ago, completing the Revan storyline on my Marauder with a Lightside Jaesa. Throughout the entire question and moving through areas, the companion did not say or give any comment at all. I didn't think anything about it as some areas, your companions don't say anything at all. Yesterday I did a playthrough with my Sorceror with Ashara active and everyone we went I got comments regarding the area or the environment. While some players may just ignore them, I find it adds to the area and feel of the game that your companion would say something while you explore these areas. Could you please check if its a bug or is Lightside Jaesa supposed to stay mute and not say anything at all while exploring Rishi/Yavin. Thanks
  21. No harm trying us, take a gander here, and if your interested, please feel free to apply http://mandalorianhunters.enjin.com/page/266288/recruitment
  22. GSF and Casual Ops? You could try us http://mandalorianhunters.enjin.com/page/266288/recruitment
  23. No idea tbh, what is your characters name? Also given the popularity of the Mandalorian name, a lot of guilds were using it past few years.
  24. You could always try my guild Mandalorian Hunters. We've taken many people whose not done ops before on their first raids ever and usually come out with no wipes. However, one major requirement is teamspeak. Take a look if your interested. http://mandalorianhunters.enjin.com/page/266288/recruitment
  25. Just 2 bombers without actually firing their weapons? Hmm that's interesting. So educate me please, how do 2 bombers without using their HLCs, just MINES, totally shut down a Satellite, especially from Strikes? Please elaborate as I've not seen ever 2 bombers who just drop mines not die to an attack by strikes and scouts. Conversely, it might be like your statement regarding yourself in this case, "If you can't figure out how to kill a bomber, that's on you, not the game".
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