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Everything posted by TrillOG-

  1. TrillOG <Ascension> Sentinel - Combat 6/36/4 - 3766.83 DPS (4:25) http://www.torparse.com/a/606677 http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/b9ae4ec0-8bad-4db0-8925-cfc730ac85c8 Need to get 3800... would if I got some good crits ffs
  2. Back then you didn't have electro net either. Imagine being a melee dps in an arena against a mando dps + mando healer. Good luck getting remotely close to them, and if you do....concussion charge. With the changes coming to gunnery that would be ridiculously OP.
  3. Jonmaddog is the real JMD. Anyone else is an impstr and t-rol. So if that was the name it was him.
  4. I would way rather they make a new op as opposed to a flashpoint. You do a flashpoint once and then rush through it the rest of the times. Ops have a reason to run them more than one time, and provide way more of a challenge and rewards than flashpoints do. Plus if nobody does flashpoints now why would a new one be any different? The Czerka ones aren't that old. A new fp is coming with the new storyline as it is. So there will be one or two soon.
  5. Unless you're paying a good amount for it then its hard to gain the motivation. You have to put together a group of people who are willing to carry/run someone through the op and sacrifice not only their rolls but lockouts as well. Granted relics are a lot less of a pain than mainhand runs due to them dropping from the 2nd boss, but its still a factor. Plus you're asking for 2 which means it'd have to be 2 separate runs.
  6. Except we've seen a LOT more pvp than pve content lately. Not to mention how class balancing is based off of pvp. Oh and how GSF has become the main focus of this game.
  7. Well considering it would make sense to be the drop from NiM council... It had better not be a CM item we see level 10s riding around on.
  8. Thanks, I'm happy with it even though it won't be put up as far as I saw.
  9. Yeah I suppose you have a point, and I agree that its a lot easier to replicate dotsmash in a raid over rollbang. So I dunno just my thoughts on the subject. Not really. Actually not at all. Just think its way too easy to do ridiculous numbers in. If we're going to have to parse in dotsmash to get on the boards then so be it, again, just my thoughts.
  10. If you're going to count the noobsmash spec I say give it its own section. The spec takes absolutely no skill, no planning, no knowledge of it what-so-ever to do ridiculous numbers in. Plus I highly doubt we'll see anyone running it in NiM because of the amount of survivability you sacrifice. It took me 2 parses without looking at any logs to do about 3800 in it, however I refuse to post them on this board because of how lame of a spec it is. If you put it with the rest all we are going to see is it taking over the boards.
  11. TrillOG - Sentinel - Combat - 6/36/4 - 4'26.349s - 3751.08 DPS Log: http://www.torparse.com/a/581266 AMR: http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/b9ae4ec0-8bad-4db0-8925-cfc730ac85c8
  12. TrillOG Ascension Combat Sentinel 1 Mil 3751.08 DPS - http://www.torparse.com/a/581266 AMR - http://swtor.askmrrobot.com/character/b9ae4ec0-8bad-4db0-8925-cfc730ac85c8
  13. But then the comm bought offhands would be better than drops in NiM. So would the armorings minus set bonus. Too much work would be involved to make this succeed. There would have to be a LOT of vanity items in NiM to make them worth doing more than once.
  14. I didn't get this information from torhead, and it said Darth Vitus. Edit: If you're right then that's disappointing.
  15. At least that clears this Unseen thing up. I hate to say it but you might be right, and there may not be any new "secret" bosses due to the small amount of players who have downed Hateful. But there was something that came up a little while back, and like I said I can't post it but what I can say is... Darth Vitus.
  16. This is what you said, So, say the next tiers of gear are 81 and 83, the layout would be: New mythical HM Op - drop set bonus gear with lettered 83s NiM - drop set bonus unlettered 81s Comms - buy non-set bonus, lettered 81s Did 81s become better than 83s at some point? Not to mention you say to allow comms to buy NiM tier gear. lol. Anyways, carry on.
  17. They wouldn't put a NiM tier boss in a SM op. At least give us a screenshot. Plus I can't see them making us spawn a boss in a boss fight. They couldn't even get the fight to work properly when it was released, that sounds like bug hell. There were files mined a while back on what the boss might be, but I can't post them here.
  18. There is no reason that the people who aren't doing the highest content deserve to have BiS gear. They don't need it.
  19. This has about as much credibility as the picture posted a while back on the "S&V Secret Boss" with Grimtooth and a hypergate.
  20. The big issue with new content is that Starfighter has sucked up just about every aspect of it. We no longer get things for ground game, and instead get bombers, gunships, and game modes for starfighter. The problem with that is GSF bores the crap out of me, and I've heard the same from many others, some haven't even tried it. I enjoyed it for a week then went back to ground game, I get more enjoyment running the same ops I've ran over and over on alts than flying around in circles trying to aim my mouse cursor on some little reticle. Unless they have a hidden agenda all I'm seeing is for the next few major updates to be MORE GSF, and I mean honestly I'm not surprised, they can charge people all sorts of Cartel Coins for stuff with it. Even the new FP we're getting is tied to launching GSF, sure we got things like the Rakghoul event, but what else has come other than that? 6-8 months to release a op that is already made and just needs some tweaks here and there with different loot is absurd. Not to mention the casual raiders who don't even run NiM. They get to wait 8-12 months for new Ops.
  21. Then maybe. its a good parse, and also good to see other combat parses.
  22. Idk, I'm just seeing things consistently hitting harder than pretty much all of mine with ~100 less MS and ~80 less surge, and lower quality relics. It's not on the world rankings and there was a parse around that time that caused issues. That's all I'm gonna say about it. Only one person knows whether it really is legit or not, and if it is then good job, if not well then....
  23. How much are you offering? If you're on pub side whisper me ingame, or PM me on here. TrillOG in game.
  24. I'm having trouble figuring out how you are hitting so much harder than me with less gear. You have less surge by an entire enhancement, less MS/PS, and you also have Obroan relics while I have Dread Forged. Also another question I have is how long ago this parse was, because I don't remember Obroan relics double proccing. If I'm doing something wrong then cool, I'd like to know what.
  25. Is the AMR updated for your mara?
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