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Everything posted by TrillOG-

  1. Ill have to try that, spamming spacebar and moving the ship in a circle pattern is getting ridiculous.
  2. They definently aren't too hard, and everything has been said already on how to beat them. Although the blaster fire is definently avoidable but you have to barrel roll all around the screen in the right pattern to avoid it...I basically spam my spacebar half the mission and barely take any damage and switch between my shields and blaster upgrades everytime depending on whether I am shooting or not. Just keep trying, look up guides, simple solution.
  3. Personally I think something that would greatly increase the number of competative guilds out there is server transfers. The way it is now so many good players are so spread out, and the number of players who have left is staggering. My server, the Covenant, seems to have a very little amount of guilds even attempting Dreadtooth, and then the entity. Not to even mention how hard it is to find a 16 man guild that is progressing through EC NiM, and plans to do TFB. It's near impossible, and the ones that are, have a set group already. I can only imagine how it is on servers that have low population. It would be hard for me to continue subbing if I had no good players to raid with, and I feel like transfers would bring back a number of people.
  4. Assassin, Merc, Mara, Guardian. It's not so much frustration as it is boredom from doing the same thing over and over. I'm just not so much interested in leveling as I am doing ops and such. Plus it doesn't help that I've leveled all my characters within a few months. It just feels like forever while going through the 30's. I have a sentinel, vanguard, and sniper at 50. Galbatorrix - exactly how I feel.
  5. I'll have to try pvping again, I was told not to but I feel like it'd be more efficient than spending 10 minutes idle time running from speeder point to speeder point. Plus as you said there are benefits to doing so. Thanks.
  6. Basically, I have a few 50's and would like to have more. But, my problem is once I hit the 28-30ish range I lose the motivation to keep going due to the length of time it seems to take me to get through them. I'm wondering if anyone has any advice or tips on how to speed through this point, or the best/fastest way to level through. I'm already spacebarring/legacy/cartel boosting, and have heard mixed responses on whether to pvp or quest, do flashpoints, etc. I know I'm gonna get responses saying "Don't speed level" but I do not care for the storyline as I have seen the ones I want to, and am more interested in endgame than anything else in the first place. Any help would be appreciated. I have about 5 alts near or at 30, and would really like to get them there. Thanks.
  7. Wow, I have never seen so many people who either can't read or are in denial. If they were to give you preferred and f2p players all the benefits of subscribers then tell me, what would be the point of subbing? The same questions are being asked over, and over again. Plus it drives me nuts that people just don't get it that 2.0 and the expansion are the same thing, stop saying "Well what else do we get? Thats it? Wow." There is actually quite of bit of content coming, and you all should just be happy that it is, what if there were no expansion? Well my assumption is people would be whining about lack of new content. Since there is it's well why isn't this or that and this in there? People will never be satisfied, ever. Please, instead of flooding every post that has a dev response in it with the same questions that have been answered many times, look up your question before spamming it. Over 80% of the questions I'm seeing have been answered already, mutliple times. I'm just happy to have all this new content coming, and more to come. Learn to appreciate what you have. instead of always trying to get more and more.
  8. You do realize that if you already have the gear then you don't lose it...right? Plus there's this thing called ripping mods...
  9. Its 10 dollars, and with what is coming I am very happy with that $10 I spent. You people act like they are asking you to spend half your paycheck. If you all are concerned about it, then wait. Nobody is forcing you to buy it. But don't come whining when the price goes up and you didn't buy it. Oh, and not to even mention most people spend more on cartel coins every couple months.
  10. I mean thats cool and all. But what do these 2 manning ops, 4/5 manning 16 man boss fights, say about the state of the game? I don't want to play a game that poses little if any challenge. Honestly I was a bit disappointed with the new raid, sure, we were in the gear that drops from it, but it was relatively easy, and that would be due to the whining "nerfers". This is honestly really disheartening and changes my perspective on it. When I saw the 2 manning of EV I promised myself if I ever wipe again I will leave the group, and have stuck to that. Sure, it may be a little drastic, but if 2 people can do an entire raid alone, there is no excuse for 8 people wiping, unless of course nobody knows the fight. But come on. You should NEVER be able to 2-4 even 6 man any raid. Its embarrasing.
  11. I've seen multiple blue "30" mods. Just about all of the drops out of the new HM fp's drop an orange with blue mods. I don't think half of this information is correct.
  12. I'm tryin to buy 2 Cyan-blue Hawkeyes at a reasonable price. If you only have 1 thats fine too I'll get the other eventually. Best bet would be to contact me on Trillog or Undergroundking Republic side, or Bosshoggoutlaw or thaking Imp side.
  13. Considering the subs are probably the ones spending the most this would never work, and I hope it never happens. If the f2ps arent forking out 15 bucks a month to sub they sure arent spending 20 to 40 bucks on cartel coins a month or week or more than that. Just means less subs on the main servers. I vote no.
  14. If what you are asking for was implemented then the soa fight would be a joke. Also it would take out yet another aspect of the game that makes you have to be aware of what you are doing. If this game was made so that the class you play is as realistic as possible then jedis should rarely take blaster damage, you could disarm enemies, throw them around, jump to the highest platform, a bh would be able to fly, etc. Let alone you would die instantly from like every boss fight. The terror from beyond should technically just smash everything in sight and thats the end. Its an aspect of the game, deal with it.
  15. To each his own. I for one enjoy the storylines however I grow tired of them rather quickly, questing just doesnt do it for me. I cant wait til new ops and fps come out, along with new wz's. Have you ran all of the ops? In all difficulties? The operations alone keep me coming back because of the challenge they present, and how everybody has to do their part or everyone fails. Also i love gear grinding, it gives a reason to repeat operations, something to look forward to, and also leaves more, and more room for improvement. I can see why youd feel that way but leveling new alts gets old after a while. But i could see why you feel the way you do. Find a good group of people to play with.
  16. They did in order to balance classes. A guardian tank with 2 lightsabers would be be OP. Although a shadow should be able to... because i think a double bladed does the same.
  17. How do they know its worth 10 dollars? Lmao a couple of cartel packs are 10 dollars. You people act like they are asking you to dump your wallet. I could find 10 bucks layin around in my room. Nobody is forcing you to buy it. If your skeptical then wait. Problem solved. People will complain about ANYTHING.
  18. That probably should be a maybe. I tried submitting a ticket and got no response. Ive adjusted to it now but at times it would be nice to be able to transfer to a west coast server than an east seeing how im in seattle. I went covenant because i figured itd be more populated, however the harbinger seems to have the most active players.
  19. What I dont get is why people act like they are being forced to pre order it. You can wait, and with waiting will come more information. I pre ordered because Im gonna want to be able to do as much as i possibly can with this game, and hope that if enough people purchase it, then we will see a larger expansion, and future major updates. Sure, everyone wants more information. But it was JUST announced, if we didnt get the announcement the same people would likely be complaining about no new content. Patience is a great thing in life to have, and with the blog today there were several new details that made me look forward to this even more. As far as cathar go, i hope they continue to delay it, the day i see a bunch of cats running around on fleet is the day i unsub.
  20. Lmao. We sents have no stuns that allow us to attack, little armor, and only medium armor, and you all say overpowered? Then what does that make a sniper, operative, or god for bid should I face 2 sorcs and be stunlocked for 20 seconds. The answer is nothing, its the game, and I used to get pissed too cause I thought sents were worthless in pvp. You learn, you adjust, you get better. I suggest you do the same.
  21. So sick of people complaining about how hard things are in this game. That's what makes it worth playing. Why don't they just hand you guys full dread once you hit 50 while they're at it. Might as well. If you think somethings too hard...your doing it wrong or its supposed to be. I wouldn't play this game if I could just solo and breeze through everything. Damn sure wouldn't pay monthly for it. If your having trouble, get better gear, get better group members, get better at your class. Simple solutions. I wiped 6 hours on kephess ec hm last night and today combined. Do I want them to nerf it? No. Its how it should be. You get what you earn. Skip it if you have to.
  22. So sick of people complaining about how hard things are in this game. That's what makes it worth playing. Why don't they just hand you guys full dread once you hit 50 while they're at it. Might as well. If you think somethings too hard...your doing it wrong or its supposed to be. I wouldn't play this game if I could just solo and breeze through everything. Damn sure wouldn't pay monthly for it. If your having trouble, get better gear, get better group members, get better at your class. Simple solutions. I wiped 3 to 4 hours on kephess ec hm last night and today combined. Do I want them to nerf it? No. Its how it should be. You get what you earn. Skip it if you have to. Other people have beat it. Ask them how they did it.
  23. I have to admit its better than nothing but I mean really think about it. We have 4 operations, that are enjoyable, and I have fun on every single one of em just about every time. However, I have only been playing this game for about 2 months now. That being said I know I'm gonna get sick of em eventually as have many others who have unsubbed.(This statement is the same for flashpoints.) What I think should be included in this expansion is 2 new operations, 3 new flashpoints, 2-3 world bosses on Makeb(iffy but they could easily make it work), continuing story, or what they say is going to be included, gear that is not going to make dread irrelevant but will provide a fresh change to the game, and the things listed above. This would satisfy not only those who are only interested in the story, but also the endgame players as well. I don't know why this is so hard to realize. How hard can it be to make a few extra flashpoints with a story that is worth a damn, and buffed up enemies, and call em an operation. Then do the same and make 3 new flashpoints. It only would make sense, but from the way this game has been the greater amount its been released, it seems that staff are lazy, and uninterested in the game. Plus another thing is I keep seeing people mention how they don't care theres not more endgame besides story, well guess what, we are the people who continue to sub but after we run through each class, then what? We unsub.
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