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Everything posted by johnatters

  1. Don't care about all the other fluff, I just want to play some 4s. We'll set it up for later this week. And for the record, you're not playing some uber-elite 4s team, none of us are in full brut gear, we've never even played with our tank before, even in regs. I'd argue that there are no real co-ordinated 4s teams right now, because there is no ranked to practice it. go go care bear 4s team (that's us), let's have some ggs
  2. Well crap, I know what Infamous are going to be running every week from now on. Anyone want to buy a Warstalker title too?
  3. Hiero is the only Imp alt of yours I know, kinda curious who else you have that we don't know about... Grab Az/Vanir or myself in game if you want to chat.
  4. How's faction balance in ranked on Bastion? Read: Do I transfer Imps or Pubs?
  5. Yes, and many of us never post. No Rating all means nothing because there is no cross server. So the "best" players on the leaderboard are just the ones being the most successful on their server, they never actually get to play each other. Whole thing is a joke, people take it all too seriously. Either you like 4s and want to play, or you don't.
  6. You mean to tell me that the guild that loses all the time, can't be beat? Read: Win trading. You practice by playing other teams. Get in the damn queue, you're going to lose at first, get the hell over it. If Regulators actually queued for ranked, most of the sh*t talk would stop, even if they lost. And if they actually queued, the literally 2 teams that will even queue ranked competitively would all share advice and tactics. The only people making this an "us vs. them" are Regulators themselves. So get in the queue for 4s and have some fun, because that's all it is. There is no epeen to be had here, game is dead competitively, especially on this server. There is literally ZERO reason not to queue, especially now it's out the bag that they actually want to run a team. Galactuzz, PM me, let's set it up. We can sit in the same TS and even shoot strats between games. No smack talking. Whatever it takes to get you in the queue. Before we all unsub. /plea
  7. They also queue for group ranked. And I was under the impression that REGULATORS were transfers from Jung Ma?
  8. I saw this post before you edited, and all you wrote was that you didn't expect people to react the way they did. Why the delete?
  9. With that display, they should probably keep him out of NiM things too.. :roll eyes: Also, really impressed with how well this is going for Aisthesis. I mean, I guess they were approached by a few people before, which is what prompted the idea, and they probably figured it would tick a few people off, but damn.
  10. +1 I literally just spat my coffee all over my keyboard, so thanks for that.
  11. I'll buy a title just to really bother all the haters. Which one is it that everyone wants?
  12. I do remember things getting pretty epic in /enemies at one point. As the population of decent players has diminished, I guess he started wearing on players who couldn't actually beat him in a dual. So instead of some low quality footage, we got chat channel drama, which I guess is way more personal? Frankly, people care way too much about epeen, anyone who takes themselves too seriously in this game needs a reality check. 10 minutes in "dead" WoW shows you a few things. I assure you you're not alone mate. The minority though, perhaps.
  13. So much gud in this post. I have so many jokes that would see me banned for so, so long.
  14. Bump & <Infamous>'s main NiM team "Theoretically Possible" went 4/5 NiM DF on our first night in the instance as a team. We're still looking for some back up members for the NiM team, particularly talented Snipers, Marauders, and a Merc Healer. Class knowledge is still priority number one, we can fill out most of the holes in your gear in a single night. Raid times have pretty much settled into an 8:30PM EST pull, Thurs/Fri/Sat. Since we're working on Brontes, we've been pulling for about 3 hours. Stress level is staying pretty low, thanks to #Zejimraidbeats.
  15. Lack of aggro is directly related to how quiet you've been, Saeari. If you pop back up, it's only a matter of time until you're trolled back into older habits, if nothing else. I even healed Styrak for you one time, because Bas told me you were turning a new leaf. If I were you, I'd just keep my head down and enjoy the quiet. So many people have left the server or the game entirely, you're almost on a clean slate.
  16. johnatters

    Left Right

    Been playing on The Ebon Hawk for a long time, as an active PvPer. I've still yet to ever see anyone actually RP in a WZ. West/East in Voidstar always.
  17. Soooo, what's the thoughts on why Musco didn't post this? Can you imagine his reaction when they told him he'd have to tell us?
  18. When was the last time a pvp guild formed up, and just started hitting the war zones? No forum bs, no loudmouths, no super queue's, no exploits or whatever, just some people who got together to pvp? TEH also has a habit of doing all of the above. Makes it hard to embrace a new guild when they're running their mouths from their super queue, and losing. I hear exactly what you're saying, I really do, but I also don't remember the last time a pvp Guild formed up that did themselves any favors in the beginning. Anyway, just also want to point out that though I've only come across them a couple times on my lowbies I'm leveling, I haven't actually had a negative experience with Anima in game. Literally the only negative experience has been from this fool on the forum, the rest in game seem to play well, and I haven't seen any poor sportsmanship. Perhaps shouldn't persecute the entire guild for the one goon's actions.
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