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Everything posted by DarthRaistlin

  1. how come we are the only spec/class that does not have a holy cow I'm in trouble button? could a dev reply please? or can we go back to skill trees?
  2. They need something. stronger shield or kolto overload for the dps trees only, or make kolto shell available to all merc specs that can only be on 1 target at a time and allow bodyguards to accuire stronger version that can be cast on multiple targets.
  3. every other class can buy at least a few seconds of breathing room. I know they don't want to give us anything more because healers would get it, but they could put it in only the dps trees ffs. or like I have been saying, give all mercs a 7 charge kolto shell that heals for 800-1k that they can only cast on themselves and allow bodyguards to spread it around to the team
  4. I will sit out as long as I can hopeing to see at least mercs get some love but will at least run 10 matches per toon the la st week of the season. I am for sure boycotting the first few weeks for fear of bads queing.
  5. just go tank or healer spec ( sorry maras). I was getting slightly pissy playing my lvl 40 PT until I made him a tank. now he can hold a node against a few lvl 55+ at a time. my op I plan on switching him to heals at lvl 30
  6. mercs need something, and hopefully before ranked starts. by killing hybrids you killed mercs in ranked. I think I ran 21-3-21 spec and could survive being focused a bit, and still do at least 40k dmg. now there are times I'm lucky to do 20k dmg. its so fkn broken they should honestly remove the class from the game if they are going to ignore it this bad.
  7. they have 6 charges and it would be a start. and with the shell you could use other abilities (heals, dps moves, jet boost, concussion missle, etc) and re-apply it when it wears off.
  8. PvP is supposed to be balanced around ranked and not regs though
  9. so maras are towards the bottom of the barrel for 45 days and there allready getting a retooling? what about mercs who have been on the bottom for at least 2.5 years? last time mercs were good was when bodyguards were walking tanks and assualt only required tracer missle spam. Mercs need loving in pvp before maras. maras had there smash monkey days forever and it was not that long ago. at least give all mercs a single kolto shell they can cast on themselves, that should not make them op for pve. let bodyguards get more charges and be able to cast it on multiple targets. tldr: mercs are due some loving in pvp before maras.
  10. Can ya'll install a warden program so that if 2-3 wardens classify a player as a spammer they get silenced for 2-24 hours? or better yet silenced till a BW employee reviews there case and un-silences them or bans them? I'm sure you would not have a shortage of people willing to take on this role.
  11. They need to be fixed before maras/sents IMHO. they have been broke since like 1.0. boo hoo maras have been broke for a month. just don't seem right to me. Heck, I would be happy if they gave all mercs a 5-7 charge kolto shell that healed for 1k per hit and was on say a 1 or 2 min CD. oh and why is our heal on a CD and sorcs and ops is not?
  12. give all mercs a one charge weak kolto shell that heals for say 500-800 dmg. but when your in an arena, make it say 5 charges and only useable on yourself or even 1 target. I think this little band-aid would fix merc dps for ranked. the only other thing I would wish for is have kolto overload trigger at 45% health in arenas only. sent from my phone so sorry it its short and to the point
  13. How do I cancel my account besides calling up and disputing my sub fee from when 3.0 came out? Cause if this thread is dead, I am disputing the charge.
  14. you don't understand math do ya, just balance your checkbook and take loss' I gather.
  15. **** it, i'm just going to sue you over bad math, that should win it for me, you are charging a sub fee so your gambling in 26 states
  16. Casue they had a healer and I got 3 bads? What the **** are you thinking? We need to see your equation, and now, cause you don't have one and I'm going to sue you over it. bad math = your broke I need your equation, or else I'm sure I can get my DEA dad to get me a lawyer. stop *********** around bioware
  17. Can you fix your broke *** ELO and maybe do cross server? I just won 4 dps vs 3 dps with a healer, then I got the healer on my team and it was the longest 20 mins of my life. Please, for the love of god, fix ranked, im going to have to un-sub the way it is. pure ****
  18. thank god its the pre-season, but this does happen more times than not. so can you fix your game? would you like to know more? are you dumb as a rock?
  19. sucks having a lvl 55 pup, 23 on fleet, but you go to the imp side and there is always at least 100. Fix this
  20. Way to many matches go to the gas with both sides sitting at there spawn. Almost everyone is a chicken, and wont start combat. I feel we need to give a 1-5% damage boost to the team that is being aggressive, or if you don't leave a certain area before combat starts, you get a damage debuff. It could be if a fight starts behind the glass in orbital, one side is getting a buff or debuff. if the fight starts on your ledge, or on your side of a hutt in tat square, your getting a debuff. make the majority of the map neutral, so that the fight actually starts before 20 seconds left in the round. but make certain areas give a buff or debuff. Thoughts?
  21. Please Please Please make them wins only count, and you need 4 or even 6 a day. We do not want Ranked filled with the PvE'ers in there PvE gear just taking up space to get the relics they want. It's bad enough there in regs getting killed from behind by sorcs doing there keyboard turning wondering where the dmg is coming from. Please make it so you have to win to get credit.
  22. POT5 used to be insta pop, pretty much on both sides. Even if you got say huttball and did not want to play, you could leave and get a insta pop for something else. not any more. Ranked seems about the same as it was during the season too. I am kinda getting bored.
  23. DarthRaistlin

    Dear Bioware

    You gave rancors to 90% of the cheaters who que synced or swapped wins. I see people who i crush with them. Good job promoting cheating, and also lying to us that you had systems in place to detect these cheaters.
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